Truth to Power: Manitoba Mtis Federation, Inc. (MMF) President ...
At the request of Mr. Pieuk, the following email has been edited in conditions of its content.
From: "Clare Pieuk"
To: "Lionel Chartrand"
Sent: Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: Why we do not similar to David Chartrand - the reduced essay by Clare Pieuk
Wednesday Feb 11, 2004
Hi again Lionel. Something you pronounced the alternative evening regarding how you share the common be vexed of David Chartrand triggered after thoughts with me.
My feelings have been not educational or unpractical rather they're formed upon an up tighten as well as personal experience. When he organised to have Alphonse Ducharme, Leo Campbell as well as we fired it had positively zero to do with workplace performance it was all about our opposition to the [. . .] move of LRCC to 150 Henry Avenue[.]
[. . . .] Subsequently we was unemployed for the single year. This was not the result of the miss of perplexing - sent out over 450 covering letters as well as resumes during which period! No doubt my age played the poignant role - we was almost 56 when this happened. It was so uncalled for as well as all unnecessary!
Finally, the only job we could find was operative the night change for $9.55/hour during the call centre (Convergys). It was the contract position which lapsed after 6 months as well as then it was another two or 3 months prior to we was means to reinstate my training career during Red River College. These were not easy times financially. After my EI ran out we had to dip in to my RRSPs - I'm certainly not the wealthy chairman by any stretch of the aptitude but fortunately have always been means to manage my income carefully.
Many the time we suspicion if we simply walked away from this as well as do zero how will we ever b! e means to live with myself down the road meaningful we let it occur as well as did nothing? So that's because I've poured thousands as well as thousands as well as thousands as well as thousands of hours in to helping Terry Belhumeur set up CyberSmokeSignals in to what it is currently - to show the world what people similar to David Chartrand as well as those tighten to him have been unequivocally similar to as well as all the good people they've severely harm because of their mania with power. It certainly has not been for financial benefit because all my efforts have nonetheless to benefit me the penny.
Although we have no authorised training, my clarity is which Murray Trachtenberg has the very, really diseased case. In my opinion It's zero more than the thinly disguised, trashy lure during litigation chill by David Chartrand. Anything to bully those who exclude to bend down to lick his ass.
There we pronounced it as well as I'm glad! Thanks Lionel.
This calm has upheld through
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