MW2 Callsign Titles and Requirements for Unlocking | Xbox 360 Maniac
MW2 Callsign Titles as well as Requirements for Unlocking
In Modern Warfare 2, we have a capability to clear opposite callsigns, or titles. It is comprised of a background image with some content so we can personalize your life in multiplayer games.
As people put name your name in a lobby, as we kill them, or as they kill we - your title callsign is displayed.
Here is an deficient list of a titles so far, with how to clear many of them. I'll try to keep a listed updated as we find some-more info.
Callsign Title - How to unlock.
1st Lt. -Attaining arrange of 1st Lieutenant (Level 34)
1st Sgt. -Attaining arrange of 1st Sergeant (Level 13)
1bullet2kills -Complete a plea Collateral Damage
2Fast -Complete a plea Slight of Hand Pro I
4 a Record -(unknown)
6fears7 -Earn killstreak rewards requiring 7,8, as well as 9 kills.
<3 -Misery Loves Company challenge
Absentee Killer -Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Sentry Gun
Afterburner -Call in 50/100 airstrikes
Airborne -Call in 3 Pavelows getting a twenty-one ton giant challenge
All Pro -Complete a All Pro challenge
All Your Base -Complete plea Extreme Cruelty
Accident Prone -Fall 15 feet as well as survive.
Amplifier -Call In A UAV
Angel of Death -Call in 10 AC-130s
Armed as well as Dangerous -Complete plea Bling Pro VI
Art of Stealth -Get Ninja Pro VI
AUG HBAR -Unlock all of a AUG HBAR attachments
Backfire -Kill a chairman who planted a C4 or Claymore by sharpened it
Backsmasher -Complete Backsmasher challenge
Backstabber -Complete plea Backstabber
BAM! -Complete plea! Never F orget
Bandolier -Resupply 250 times whilst regulating Scavenger
Barrett .50 cal -Unlock all .50 cal attachments
Behind Enemy Lines -Get 10 kills but carrying any killstreaks equipped.
Big Bada Boom -Get 5 RPG Multi-Kills
Big Brother -(unknown)
Bite a Bullet -1000 kills with interlude power
Blindfire -Complete a Blindfire challenge
Bling Bling -Complete Bling Pro V Challenge
Blood Brothers -Complete Team Player II
Blood Money -Get payback with a headshot 5 times
Blunt Trauma -Get 2 kills regulating a demonstration shield
Boilermaker -Kill 5 enemies by bursting a car
Bomb's Away! -(unknown)
Bombshell -Kill a explosve carrier in Sabotage or S&D
Boom Boom -Multi C4 I
Boom! Headshot -LMG Expert II
Booted -Kill 100 teammates
Booyah! -(unknown)
Bounty Hunter -Steal 50 Enemy Crates
Bow Down -Crouch Shot II
Broken Arrow -50 Airstrikes
Bulletproof -DEFLECT a total of 10000 bullets with a demonstration shield
Bullseye -Complete Plastered I
C4 And After -Unlock a plea C4 Shot I
Carpet Bomber -Kill 5 enemies with single airstrike
Catch Shrapnel -Kill an rivalry with a claymore.
Charity Case -Take 3-5 crates from teammates airdrops.
Cheater -(unknown)
Chick Magnet -Call in 2 EMPs
Click Click Boom -Kill an rivalry with C4 whilst we have been in Last Stand.
Cloak as well as Dagger -Complete a Carnie we Challenge
Close Support -Complete Hardline VI Challenge
Cluster Bomb -(unknown)
Cobra Strike -Call in 10 Chopper Gunners.
Companion Crate -Complete Air Mail II Challenge
Completely Numb -With painkiller get 100% of normal repairs from an blast as well as live
Concussive Barrage -Hurt an rivalry & afterwards finish him off with a stun grenade.
Counterintelligence -Complete Scrambler Pro VI challenge
Crackin' Skulls -Complete Assault Rifle: Expert II challenge
DZ Clear -Call in Supplies 5 times .
Dead Man's Switch ! -Hurt ri valry & finish him off with your pistol upon Last Stand
Deadline -Complete Hardline Pro V Challenge
Death From Above -Get final kill of compare with AC-130
Decathlete -Run 104 miles with Marathon
Destroyer -Plant explosives as well as fall short a objective.
Devastator -Complete Tango Down Challenge
Dictator -Complete a Dictator Challenge
Direct Connect -(unknown)
Dishes have been Done -Get a payback kill with a claymore
Dish a Rock -Most assists in a game
Disruptor -Obtained by completing Scrambler Pro we challenge.
Double Agent -(unknown)
Double Down -Get twenty-five kills regulating a Bling perk
Drifter -Destroy a car
Dronekiller -Last kill in a compare with a Predator Drone
Droppin' Crates -Get a final kill in a compare by dropping a Care Package upon a enemy.
Dying Breath -100 final mount kills.
Early Detection -(unknown)
End of Line -Call in 5 Tactical Nukes.
Enemy of a State -Complete Enemy of a State Challenge
Enemy with benefits -Group cuddle challenge
EOD -(unknown)
Epic -(unknown)
Kill a total rivalry group inside of 10 seconds.-(unknown)
Excalibur -100 blade kills
Explosive Ordinance -(unknown)
Eyes Above-(unknown)
FAL -Unlock all FAL attachments
F.N.G. -Unlocked from start
FAMAS -Unlock all FAMAS attachments
Faceoff -5 headshots with an conflict rifle
Fast Track -Run/sprint?
Finishing Touch -Get a winning kill in a compare with a Precision Airstrike
Fired! -Complete a "You're Fired" challenge
Fire as well as Forget -Call in twenty-five Sentry Guns
Flatliner -Complete The Brink challenge
Flying Tank -Call in 10 Pave Lows
Flyswatter -Shoot down an rivalry helicopter
Frag Out -Complete Grenade Kill we challenge
Freerunner -Complete Marathon V challenge
Friends with Benefits -Kill an rivalry by sticking semtex to an ally
Full Arsenal -First One Man Army challenge
Full Force -Get 10 bom! b kills whilst regulating risk close.
Full Throttle -(unknown)
Gat Trigger -(unknown)
Gen. -Reach Rank of General
Get Real -Win a single diversion of Hardcore Team Deathmatch
Get to a Choppa! -Call in 3 Chopper Gunners
Ghillie in a Mist -Complete Challenge Ghillie in a Mist II
Ghostrider -Complete Air to Ground II
Givin' Static -Call in 5 Counter-UAVs
Global Thermonuclear War -Call in 2 Nukes
Godhand -Complete a plea AC130 Veteran I
Grassy Knoll -Complete Gillie in a Mist I
Hair Trigger -Complete Slight of hand V
Hands Free -X Number of kills with sentry gun.
Hardcore Only -Complete Hardcore Team Player II
Hard Target -Complete "Airborne" Challenge
Hard To Kill -Get 2 kills whilst in Final Stand
Headrush -(unknown)
Heartbreaker -(unknown)
Hello! My Name is...... -(unknown)
High Caliber -Use Stopping Power?
High Command -(unknown)
Hijacker -Steal 100 rivalry caring packages
Highlander -Finish an complete compare but dying
Hired Gun -(unknown)
Hi Def -Get a diversion winning kill cam with a chopper gunner.
Hot Shot -(unknown)
How The? -Kill an rivalry by regulating bullet invasion to blow up an bomb by a wall.
I.C.E. Man -(unknown)
ID Thief -Use Copycat in a match, as well as kill a player that we copied.
I'm Rich -Get 5 Payback kills regulating C4
Impaler -Complete a plea Commando Pro I
Intergalactic -Win twenty Sabotage matches.
Invisible -Complete Cold Blooded Pro we Challenge
Iron Lungs -Getting 200 hip glow kills whilst regulating Steady Aim Pro
It's Personal -Complete a 'It's Personal' Challenge
It's Sabotage -Win 5 Sabotage Matches
Jack-in-the-Box -Kill an rivalry inside of 5 seconds of spawning via Tactical Insertion 10 times
Joint Ops -Kill an rivalry dark by fume from a fume grenade
Juggernaut -Complete "Solid Steel: III" Challenge
Jump Jet -Get 5 Harrier airstrikes.
K Factor -100 bullet invasion kill! s.
Kill For Good -(unknown)
Kleptomaniac -Steal an enemy's caring package.
Lights Out -Complete a Think Fast Flash challenge.
Live Long... -Live for 5 consecutive minutes.You contingency complete a plea "Survivalist" for this to unlock.
Living Dead -Survive in Final Stand prolonged sufficient to get behind up.
Lone Wolf -Win (finish in a tip 3) free-for-all 3 times
Look! No Hands! -(unknown)
Low Profile -Prone shot II
M16A4 -Get all M16A4 arms attachments.
M4A1 -Get all M4A1 arms attachments.
Mad Man -Get 5 revenge kills with frag grenades
Maj. -Reach Rank of Major
Martyr -Kill a single rivalry with putting to genocide genocide streak perk
Mastermind -Get 15 Claymore Kills
MMMMM... Brains -Complete Both Barrels Challenge
MOAB -Use a Tactical Nuke
Money Shot -Get a payback in a diversion winning killcam.
MVP Assassian -(unknown)
My Li'l Pwny -You get it by getting 10 silenced kills after prestiging.
NBK -Get 3 Longshot Kills in a single life
Nerves of steel -Complete a Colour of Money Challenge or Steady Aim Pro VI
New Jack -Get payback with a throwing knife.
Ninja -Kill 50 people with your blade or demonstration shield regulating a Commando perk
No. -Kill someone in progress off a explosive device before they chuck it
Noob Tuber -Complete Ouch! Challenge
Not in a face! -Be killed with a approach impact explosive device from a launcher to a head
OG -Get final kill of compare with Attack Helicopter
OMFG -Complete Cruelty challenge
Omnicide -Complete Omnicide! Challenge
Omnipotent -Call in 50 UAVs
One Inch Punch -Complete a Sleight of Hand VI Challenge
Overwatch -Call in 5 UAVs
Owned. -Get final kill of compare regulating a Riot Shield.
P90 -Unlock all attachments for a P90
Perfectionist -Fire an complete Sniper repository in to your enemies but missing
Philanthropist -Allow 50 teammates to take your airdrops.
Phoenix Rising -(unknow! n)
Pineapple Express -Get twenty-five kills with frag grenades
Plane Whisperer -Complete Airstrike Inbound I
Plastique -Complete a first C4 Challenge.
Pop Off -Complete SMG Head Shot II
Preemptive Strike -Hardline Pro I
Protect as well as Serve -Complete Sponge we with demonstration shield
Pro Gambler -(unknown)
Public Enemy -Win MVP Team Deathmatch
Pushin' Daisies -Fall to your death.
Pyromaniac -Complete Backdraft I
Quick Change Artist -Get 300 Kills with One Man Army
Quick Draw -Complete Fast Swap challenge
Rainmaker -Get a payback kill by sticking a rivalry with a Semtex.
Rain of Fire -Complete Air to Ground I
Ready. Aim. Fire! -(unknown)
Reign Down -Call in 5 conflict helicopters
Rejected -Get Backdraft II challenge
Reloaded -First scavenger challenge
Remote Viewer -X-Ray Vision I
Re-Zero -Complete Gillie In The Mist III
Rival -Kill a same rivalry 5 times in a single match
Robin Hood -Get 5 revenge kills regulating final stand.
Rolling Thunder -(unknown)
S.S.D.D. -Reach Private class
S.S.S.G -(unknown)
Sarge -(unknown)
Scar-H -Get all attachments for SCAR H.
Schooled -(unknown)
Sgt -Reach Rank of Sergeant
Share Package -Have a teamate secure 3 emergency air drops
Shock as well as Awe -(unknown)
Shot Down -Complete Crouch Shot I
Shot Over -(unknown)
Sidekick -3 kills in a quarrel with your secondary weapon
SIGINT -Call in twenty-five Counter-UAVs
Silence -(unknown)
Silent Shot -(unknown)
Silent Strike -Complete challenges for a 'Ninja' perk.
Silent Veteran -Get 50 silenced arms kills after we prestige
Skeet Shooter -Complete a Hard Landing Challenge
Sky Commander -(unknown)
Smash Hit -3 Kill Streak with a Riot Shield Melee.
So Baked -Kill 5 enemies with cooked grenades.
Solid Steel -Complete Solid Steel we Challenge
Sonic Boom -Complete Danger Close Pro V challenge
Spectre -(unknown! )
S peed Demon -Complete Lightweight Pro we Challenge
Spy Game -Get a Ninja Pro V challenge
Squawk Box -50 conflict helicopters called
Starfish Prime -Call in 5 EMPs
STD -(unknown)
Stickman -Complete a 'Stickman' Challenge.
Straight Up -(unknown)
Streaker -Get 10 kills in a quarrel but dying.
Stuck upon You -Complete Plastered II
Stun Gun -Complete Slow But Sure challenge
Submit to Authority -X-Ray Vision II
Suppressor -250 kills with silencer
Sureshot -Complete Steady Aim Pro I
Surgical -Go by an complete repository of conflict rifle ammo but blank a shot.
Survivor -Complete The Survivor
Ta Da! -Complete a Jack-in-the-Box:II challenge.
TacDel -Complete Tactical Deletion challenge
Take a Stab -Complete a Carnie II challenge
Tango Down -Kill each member of a hostile team.
Team Player -Win 5 Team Deathmatch Games
Techno Killer -Get a diversion winning killcam with a secrecy bomber
Tha Bomb -Kill explosve planter 10 times
The Automator -(unknown)
The Avenger -Avenge a genocide of 3 teammates
The Bigger They are... -Kill a series a single player upon a rivalry group 3 times in a row
The Denier -Complete The Denier Challenge
The Feared -Come 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 3 Free-For-All matches.
The Grim Reaper -Kill 5 members of a rivalry group with a single Predator missle
...The Harder They Fall -Kill a series a single player upon a rivalry group 5 times in a row
The Invincible -(unknown)
The Legend -Be a final male standing upon your group in a poke as well as fall short match.
The Mad Bomber -Plant two bombs in Search as well as Destroy or Sabotage.
The Mastodon -Complete a Star Player challenge. Get a 5:1 kill genocide ratio
The Prestige -Prestige 1 time as well as strech lvl 5.
The Ripper -Get a 3 kill streak with your knife
The Specialist -Reach turn 9.
The Watchman -Call in 100 UAV's or Counter UAV's
Think Fast! -Direct impact kill re! gulating Frag grenade
Time is Money -Get 5 payback kills with semtex grenades
Time upon Target -5 Precision Airstrikes
To a Extreme -Win a Team Hardcore compare with a tip score
Top Gun -(unknown)
Toxic -Get Nuked. You contingency be alive when a nuke detonates.
Trackstar -Complete a plea Marathon Pro I
Transformer -Get a Game Winning kill with a Pave Low
True Liar -Get a final kill of a compare with a Harrier
UAV Jammer -(unknown)
Unbelievable -Get a diversion winning kill with a throwing knife
Unbreakable -Deflect 10 explosions with a demonstration shield
Voyeur -Call in twenty-five UAVs
Vulture -Complete a Challenge Scavenger VI
Wargasm -Complete a "Wargasm" challenge
X-Ray Vision -X series of Bullet Penetration Kills
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