Cyber Monday Goes International As Japanese Online Stores Offer ...

Cyber Monday is a new black - Black Friday, which is. This Nov thirty outlines a begin of a 2009 online sales blitz as well as it's no surprise international retailers have been jumping on a bandwagon. And why not? The online universe knows no boundaries, creation your computer into a one stop, one emporium shopping portal.

One of my fave Japanese online stores is Strapya World as well as I've posted reports on their cool, weird, cute (and all of a above) equipment for a integrate of years. Now it seems Strapya has held wind of a total Black Friday as well as Cyber Monday phenomena, as well as yet they can't do most about a former they're receiving full advantage of a latter.

Here's a deal: we get 10% off on any purchase or combination of purchases totaling some-more than 3,000 Japanese yen (about us$35 during a current exchange rate). It's fairly easy to cranky a 3,000 yen starting point if you've got a few friends, family members or co-workers on your legal legal holiday gift list as well as a equipment Strapya facilities have singular presents most folks on this side of a pool have never seen before.

Strapya also has an ongoing Points Program as well as for a duration of a sale duration purchasers receive TRIPLE points on all purchases.

The sale duration during Strapya World, by a way, stretches from Nov twenty-seven by Dec twenty-seven which is notable in itself as it starts BEFORE a ! official date of Cyber Monday on Nov thirty as well as runs past Yuletide Day, just to keep yourself covered if a legal legal holiday gifts didn't showering down on we & yours in enough amounts.

Cyber Monday... a flattering cold concept. "Cyber Month"? Pretty awesome!

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