Map Acquiring Guide
I was seeking to get a few maps which we am missing as well as found this good map guide. It was by Vilurum. we enclosed his version history as he updated a post. we goal this helps everyone finish their maps pick up since im now starting to get a rest of mine.
Version History:
12/23/07: Added Wings of a Goddess maps.
08/28/07: Added Chocobo Circuit map. Removed apostrophe from Alzadaal map name since assumingly SE ninja'd which out during a little point.
12/18/06: Added Remnants maps. Updated categories.
11/29/06: Clarified NPC for Alza'daal Ruins map.
07/25/06: Guide initially created.
Original FFXI maps have been in white. Rise of a Zilart maps have been in red. Chains of Promathia maps have been in dark-red. Treasures of Aht Urhgan maps have been in green. Wings of a Goddess maps have been in purple.
Purchased maps:
These maps have been all simply as well as easily accessible by squeeze from a applicable NPC. You will additionally get a single of a initial 3 maps for free when we begin your character, corresponding to your starting city.
Map of a San d'Oria area - 200 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Selbina, I-7, Lombaria
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of a Bastok area - 200 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Selbina, I-7, Lombaria
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of a Windurst area - 200 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Bastok Ma! rkets, H -9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Selbina, I-7, Lombaria
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of a Jeuno area - 600 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Selbina, I-7, Lombaria
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of Qufim Island - 3000 gil
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Map of a Zeruhn Mines - 200 gil
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Map of Ordelle's Caves - 600 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Map of a Maze of Shakhrami - 600 gil
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Map of a Eldieme Necropolis - 3000 gil
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Map of a Garlaige Citadel - 3000 gil
Upper Jeuno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Map of Ghelsba - 600 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Map of Davoi - 3000 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Map of a Palborough Mines - 600 gil
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Map of Beadeaux - 3000 gil
Bastok Markets, H-9, Karine
Port Bastok, J-7, Rex
Map of Giddeus - 600 gil
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Map of Castle Oztroja - 3000 gil
Port Windurst, G-9, Mhoji Roccoruh
Windurst Woods, H-11, Pehki Machumaht
Map of a Elshimo regions - 3000 gil
! Upper Je uno, H-6, Rusese
Lower Jeuno, H-7, Promurouve
Map of a Kuzotz segment - 3000 gil
Rabao, K-7, Ashu Bolkhomo
Map of a Li'Telor segment - 3000 gil
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of a Korroloka Tunnel - 3000 gil
Rabao, K-7, Ashu Bolkhomo
Map of a Vollbow segment - 3000 gil
Rabao, K-7, Ashu Bolkhomo
Map of Carpenters' Landing - 3000 gil
Southern San d'Oria, G-10, Violitte
Northern San d'Oria, I-8, Elesca
Map of Bibiki Bay - 3000 gil
Mhaura, H-9, Ludwig
Map of Al Zahbi - 3000 gil
Aht Urhgan Whitegate, I-10, Riyadahf
Map of Nashmau - 3000 gil
Aht Urhgan Whitegate, I-10, Riyadahf
Map of Wajaom Woodlands - 3000 gil
Aht Urhgan Whitegate, I-10, Riyadahf
Map of Bhaflau Thickets - 3000 gil
Aht Urhgan Whitegate, I-10, Riyadahf
Quested maps:
These maps have been all performed as a prerogative for a specific quest. In a little cases a map is performed after doing many of a query though not *quite* finishing it.
Map of a Northlands area
Complete San d'Oria quest, "Her Majesty's Garden".
Map of King Ranperre's Tomb
Complete San d'Oria quest, "Exit a Gambler".
Map of a Dangruf Wadi
Complete Bastok quest, "The Bare Bones".
Map of a Horutoto Ruins
Complete Windurst quest, "Glyph Hanger".
Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
Complete Other (Mhaura) quest, "The Sand Charm".
Map of a Toraimarai Canal
Complete Other (Mhaura) quest, "His Name is Valgeir".
Map of a Gusgen Mines
Complete Bastok quest, "A Foreman's Best Friend".
Map of a Crawlers' Nest
Mostly finish Other (Selbina) quest, "An Explorer's Footsteps". The map is perceived after a fifteen "easy" monuments. Batallia as well as Sauromugue monuments (and to illustrate completing a quest) have been not required.
Map of a Ranguemont Pass
Complete Other (Selbina) quest, "The Rescue".
Map of Delk! futt's T ower
Complete Jeuno quest, "The Antique Collector".
Map of Fei'Yin
Complete Windurst quest, "A Smudge upon One's Record".
Map of Castle Zvahl
Complete Jeuno quest, "Northward".
Map of a Uleguerand Range
Complete San d'Oria quest, "Over a Hills as well as Far Away".
Map of a Attohwa Chasm
Complete Windurst quest, "One Good Deed?".
Map of Tavnazia
Complete Other (Tavnazian Safehold) quest, "Unforgiven".
Map of a Sacrarium
Complete Other (Tavnazian Safehold) quest, "Paradise, Salvation, as well as Maps".
Map of Cape Riverne
Complete Other (Tavnazian Safehold) quest, "Go! Go! Gobmuffin!".
Map of Caedarva Mire
Complete Aht Urhgan (Whitegate) quest, "The Prankster".
Map of Mount Zhayolm
Complete Aht Urhgan (Mount Zhayolm) quest, "Rock Bottom".
Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
Complete Aht Urhgan (Nashmau) quest, "What Friends Are For".
Map of Vunkerl Inlet
Complete Crystal War (Garlaige Citadel [s]) quest, "The Flipside of Things".
Map of Grauberg
Complete Crystal War (Batallia Downs [s]) quest, "Lost in Translocation".
Map of Fort Karugo-Narugo
Complete Crystal War (Crawlers' Nest [s]) quest, "The Weekly Adventurer".
Chest/coffer maps:
These come from whichever of a chest or coffer essentially exists in which area. Sea Serpent Grotto is a usually area which has both (and both work, although chest is easier).
Map of a Ru'Aun Gardens
Map of a Temple of Uggalepih
Map of a Den of Rancor
Map of a Kuftal Tunnel
Map of a Boyahda Tree
Map of a Ve'Lugannon Palace
Map of Ifrit's Cauldron
Map of a Quicksand Caves
Map of a Sea Serpent Grotto
Map of a Labyrinth of Onzozo
Map of Pso'Xja
Map of Oldton Movalpolos
Map of Newton Movalpolos
Other maps:
These maps have been all performed in various unusual ways which do not fall in to a single! of a ab ove categories.
Map of Norg
Complete Zilart mission 1, "The New Frontier".
Map of Promyvion - Holla
1. Obtain Teal Memosphere in Promyvion - Holla (low dump rate from Thinker, tall dump rate from NM Cerebrator).
2. Trade Teal Memosphere to suitable ??? upon third or fourth building (see ffxi-atlas). Note which there have been two third floors depending upon which mental recall small box we make make use of of upon a second floor. One has a map ??? parent point, a single does not.
Map of Promyvion - Dem
1. Obtain Beryl Memosphere in Promyvion - Dem (low dump rate from Gorger, tall dump rate from NM Satiator).
2. Trade Beryl Memosphere to suitable ??? upon third or fourth building (see ffxi-atlas). Note which there have been two third floors depending upon which mental recall small box we make make use of of upon a second floor. One has a map ??? parent point, a single does not.
Map of Promyvion - Mea
1. Obtain Indigo Memosphere in Promyvion - Mea (low dump rate from Craver, tall dump rate from NM Coveter).
2. Trade Indigo Memosphere to suitable ??? upon third or fourth building (see ffxi-atlas). Note which there have been two third floors depending upon which mental recall small box we make make use of of upon a second floor. One has a map ??? parent point, a single does not.
Map of Promyvion - Vahzl
1. Obtain White Memosphere in Promyvion - Vahzl (low dump rate from Thinker, Gorger, Craver; tall dump rate from NMs Deviator, Provoker, Wailer).
2. Trade White Memosphere to suitable ??? upon third or fifth building (see ffxi-atlas).
Map of a Aqueducts
Check correct ??? in a single of a 4 Phomiuna Aqueducts storage bedrooms (F-7, F-9, J-7, J-9, upon a third map).
Map of Al'Taieu
Talk to all 20 of a Quasilumin NPCs in Al'Taieu, afterwards speak to any a single of them again.
Map of Hu'Xzoi
Talk to all 10 of a Quasilumin NPCs in a Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, afterwards speak to a! ny a sin gle of them again.
Map of Ru'Hmet
Talk to all 10 of a Quasilumin NPCs in a Garden of Ru'Hmet, afterwards speak to any a single of them again.
Map of Dio. Abdhaljs-Ghelsba
Enter Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba for a initial time, as well as we will embrace a map after zoning in.
Map of Abdh. Isle-Purgonorgo
Enter Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo for a initial time, as well as we will embrace a map after zoning in.
Map of Mamook
Purchase for 1000 Imperial Standing in Aht Urhgan.
Map of Halvung
Purchase for 1000 Imperial Standing in Aht Urhgan.
Map of Arrapago Reef
Purchase for 1000 Imperial Standing in Aht Urhgan.
Map of Alzadaal Ruins
Trade 3 Imperial Mythril Pieces to a NPC during Bhaflau Thickets (F-6) who allows entrance to Alzadaal.
Map of a Chocobo Circuit
Make your way to a center of a Chocobo Circuit, click ??? upon executive desk, select to take a map.
Temporary maps:
These maps all automatically appear in your pass equipment list when we come in a applicable area for Assault, Salvage, or Campaign Ops, as well as automatically disappear when we leave. These cannot be kept permanently.
Map of Leujaoam Sanctum
Map of a Training Grounds
Map of Lebros Cavern
Map of Ilrusi Atoll
Map of Periqia
Map of Zhayolm Remnants
Map of Arrapago Remnants
Map of Bhaflau Remnants
Map of Silver Sea Remnants
Map of Everbloom Hollow
Map of Ruhotz Silvermines
Map of Ghoyu's Reverie
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