Barbara Kay, "Discover Canada: The rights and Responsibilities of ...
I'm certain most Canadians burnished their eyes in disbelief when they saw the headlines which Citizenship as well as Immigration Minister Jason Kenney had launched the brand brand brand new beam for immigrants wishing to spin Canadian citizens, the beam informing brand brand brand new arrivals which "barbaric" informative practices which physically mistreat women have been not tolerated here. The guidebook, called Discover Canada: The Rights as well as Responsibilities of Citizenship, will be required reading for newcomers, as well as contains the special section upon "The Equality of Women as well as Men" (note the word order). It says: "...Canada's honesty as well as munificence do not extend to barbarous informative practices which endure wedding abuse, 'honour killings,'...or alternative gender-based violence."
Barbaric? Barbaric? But, but, though which equates to the supervision is making, we know, the judgment upon the informative practices of alternative people, the small of them people of colour! we consider we have arrived during the watershed moment in the history of multiculturalism. Indeed, this competence be the "tear-down-this-wall" moment when open discussion of multiculturalism's disaster as the national process does not automatically confer the assign of racism.
Good upon Jason Kenney for pointing out the sold naked emperor of purposeful blindness to the special injustices most newcomer women go upon to suffer, even after dual generations of Canadian citizenship, since of informative "values" which do not diminish with time, as well as have been upheld down from the single era to the next. For as well prolonged in the West, assault destined opposite girls as well as women from honour/shame societies by their masculine relatives, often with the complicity of their womanlike relatives, has been wrongly lumped in with all done during home violence. A false homogeniza! tion of the dual types of crime is championed by gender ideologues who can't bear the thought which the small forms of assault opposite women have been the culturally imposed pathology as well as not, as they would prefer, the tragic though predicted e.g. of the inherent assault as well as determining instincts of all men. One can assimilate their discomfiture: Honour killings as well as the ubiquitous termination of women in alternative cultures is essentially explanation which widespread or authorized assault opposite women is the cultural, not the genetically-based phenomenon.
Ideologues have been silently abetted by ethnic associations which during best ignore the abuse as well as during worst inhibit criticism from their informative traditions by insisting such abuse is normative. When 16-year aged Toronto girl Aqsa Parvez was murdered in 2007 by her father for not wearing the hijab, Mohammed Elmasry of the Canadian Islamic Congress brushed it off: "I do not wish the open to consider which this is an Islamic emanate or an newcomer issue. It is the teen issue," the dumbing-down of the abhorrence which utterly takes the exhale away. But he is right about the single thing: Honour murdering is mostly (about 90%), though not solely, the use of Muslim societies. Occasional honour killings, as well as positively the great understanding of abuse is visited upon girls as well as women in Sikh, Hindu as well as alternative groups from South Asia as well as the Middle East.
And while honour killings have been the minority of all done during home killings, they contingency be recognized as sui generis. Lenore Walker, writer of The Battered Woman Syndrome, records the disproportion in in between the victim-perpetrator in honour killings as well as those in horse opera society: "In standard done during home assault involving westerners, it is singular for brothers to kill sisters or for masculine cousins to kill womanlike cousins. And while child abuse occurs in which fathers competence kill ! infants as well as children, it is really singular for Western fathers to kill teenage daughters." In the West it is distant some-more standard for fathers who disapprove of their daughters' lifestyle or poise to evade them or disassociate from them.
There have been the whole slew of differences upon top of these in in between honour murdering as well as normative done during home violence. You can find the subject addressed during length in Womens Studies professor Phyllis Chesler's in-depth diagnosis here. Perhaps right away which the supervision has "outed" the problem, we can begin to address it seriously as well as help the thousands of newcomer women who have been kept in ignorance of their rights.
We contingency do some-more than educate them. Because even when these brainwashed women spin wakeful they have rights, they have been customarily as well frightened of atonement for their perceived rebelliousness - as well as justifiably so - to challenge the usual dogmas of their reciprocity groups. Any attempt toward self-assertion by women from honour/shame cultures arouses the animosity of not usually masculine relatives, though authority figures such as imams as well as alternative informative elites. Defining their rights collectively, not individually, whole communities will stand in oneness opposite these individual women's attempts to mangle giveaway from them, as well as retaliate any indications of the instruct for autonomy. Feminists upon top of all should await this bold initiative by the government. If they don't, they're not unequivocally feminists during all.

Great essay Barbara,
In regards to multiculturalism, I'm not wholly certain which it could be called the watershed, perhaps the commencement of it's judicious demise?
... Building the republic formed upon the foundations of apply oneself for the individual as well as individual rights leaves during the behind of all this pandering to collectives
... Clean, clear, as well as the single outline for all.

Finally the small intelligence, taste is not racism. To distinguish we can chose the single option over an additional - the improved choice. Racism is taste by genetics only. MultiCULTURALism has zero to do with race!!!!! Culture is fluid as well as set up by groups making discriminatory choice. We do not have to accept BAD discriminatory choices done by the enlightenment to await multiculturism.
If we wish to be well known as something hypenated Canadian which equates to we contingency desert those bad CULTURAL choices of your organisation as well as accept Canadian informative choices permitting concept HUMAN rights.
Unfortunately most of the loony left have no thought what we usually said!!!!

Im certain which most people living as well as operative in Canada wish their fellow countrymen as well as women to live in the pacific enlightenment though fright of barbarous traditions dragged here from foreign shores.
Honour killings have been not done during home violence- is the loyal statement, no some-more than the Menendez boys bumping off their relatives could be considered done during home violence. When there is some-more than the single person perpetrating the crime it is customarily inferred which it has spin the conspiracy to commit which offense. In this case attempted murder for not following the set of eremite principals competence be the motive.
As most as we acquire the headlines of the Guideline Book upon the Rights as well as Responsibilities of Citizenship, Im distrustful upon rejoicing. After all there was the law in the criminal formula referring to what the Menendez brothers did, though which law didnt stop them from murdering their parents. That was the law, this is the guideline, as well as as we all know guidelines dont indispensably need to be followed.
Some of these people have come to the nation from extremely uneasy backgrounds; the newcomer Vince Weiguang Li, who killed the immature male upon the train out west, being the single of them. If the politicians instruct to strengthen the borders afterwards we would have to shade all these people, which we dont have the resources to do. Seems similar to the Catch twenty-two situation.
To allude to Ms Kay, Feminists upon top of all should await this bold initiative by the government. If they don't, they're not unequivocally feminists during all.End quote. Lets wait for as well as see if these gals can climb to the occasion.
! 3;
Great article, Barbara! And bravo Mr Kenny!
Under Totalitarianism, the state trumps individual rights.
In anarchy, individual rights trump the state.
In the democracy there is the blending of these extremes for the great of all. However, underneath the multicultural policies as well as with the aid of the courts, this great as well as judicious blending has spin rsther than the blurring which has considerably enervated the society. A multitude with no norms fall prey to all sorts of abuse. It is time to have an open debate to reestablish the loyal Canadian identity.

I assimilate Barbaras proclivity for essay this since it puts the catastrophic light upon the Muslim community.
Clearly Honour killings have been barbarous as well as should be condemned
Anyone know the series of Honour killings in Canada contend in the final 100 years? Listening to Barbara we would consider this is the genuine complaint confronting Women in Canada
Rob34, look it up. Honour killings have been not usually in the Muslim community, nonetheless they have been most prevalent there. While Barbara refers to the honour killings, it is the enlightenment of the societies in subject which look upon women as property which we do not wish to accept here. Or do we disagree? Discuss openly with your wife.

In regards to apply oneself killing, we unequivocally need to visit Pamela Gellers web page.
The horrible litany of names & numbers will give we the dry heaves, during slightest it does for most people.

Goo! d articl e. we enjoyed the read.

Methinks the Muslim village shines the catastrophic light upon itself.
Tell us ,rob34, what is the excusable series of apply oneself killings in your small world?

On what we consider of Pamela Geller

Rob 34, there were 5 cases of purported honour killings this summer alone. Guess that's not the complaint for you.
But we all know the genuine complaint is the prevalent 'Islamophobic backlash' consisting of positively zero each time the Muslim blows up, kills or threatens someone since they printed the cartoon....

We design copies of this Guide to be sent to all Police Chiefs in Canada as well as have their visiable minority staffs take the test so there is no excuses!

So discuss it me Rob34, do any of those links, lead to you?

As always the pleasure to review your difference madame.
Good thought Lawson, mandatory denunciation precision should additionally be implimented, if can't verbalise English how can those being abused speak? They should have to sense English to the spin which women have been done to assimilate they have been equals in Canada. Women have been not value half the value of men, we need to get the outline out in to newcomer communities as well as eremite enclaves.

Very great re-focusing of supervision process as well as State ideology. Good essay by Ms Kay.
A couple of quibbles by me.
- Female genital twisting as well as "honor" killings do occur, though they have been couple of in number, thank God. Therefore, the wording in this section distorts the emanate of "what is the culture, what is not."
-- as well as that's precisely the point. This request should be the generous outline of what the enlightenment is, as follows:
- We have been the republic where the pacific use of sacrament is both tolerated as well as encouraged, though :
- the law is meant for all as well as applies to all. We do not hook the law to accommodate in isolation eremite codes.
- We already have "Canadian values." They have been there to be schooled as well as loved. They do not include assault and/or hardship formed upon the sex of the adult (hey, competence be the word gender! hasn't nonetheless been translated in to Punjabi to meant "sex" as well as still equates to the gender of usual nouns!).
- Loyalty to Canada precludes faithfulness to any conflicting national identity.
- It's the condition of citizenship which the person submitting application swears to apply oneself Canadian law as well as Canadian values, as well as agrees to live by them.

Great paper Barbara as well as the great performance by Jason Kenney.
Another disgraceful ethic/value of the Natural Governing Party exposed as well as right away disposed of, leaving us to consternation because we accepted this for so prolonged as well as kept choosing by casting votes them behind in. Lets additionally goal Kenney sees to it which the boatload of Tamil Tigers have been sent back,before they set foot in the nation as well as eat up the taxation income upon welfare as well as lawyers fortifying their "rights" for the subsequent 5 years.
And lets discuss it the bleeding hearts which yes --Canada is no longer the retreat for the undesirables.In the difference of JFK--ask not what your nation can do for we though what we can do for your country. Surely the opposition cannot impugn the supervision for taking advantage of the process of the former Democratic president!
Has any the single asked IGGY for todays perspective of the brand brand brand new immigration policy?
! & #13;
Thank you, Minister Kenney, for eventually taking the position which essentially reflects Canadians' views upon an important have the difference per immigration.
Now, if we can get identical open statements of usual sense from the rest of the Ministers upon interest of their particular portfolios, we'll have an choosing height which will win the majority.
Leadership: In the land of the blind the one-eyed male is King.

Wonderful! I've been wondering if the values most Canadians were raised with would ever reappear, after political exactness began erasing anything deemed "judgemental" in the past generation.
Most of us assimilate we wish as well as need immigration to Canada. However it is catastrophic to avert the eyes as well as the screening from turning divided immoderate believers in in advance eremite strains. Surely we do not wish to have Canada develop in to the horse opera Saudi Arabia, abounding in resources, bereft of equality as well as plain humanity?
Ahem, Sassy, English or French. The complaint is the embassy staff in the intensity immigrants nation makes an biased comment of denunciation skills for points. Many embassy staff have been essentially non-Canadian - unwell locals creates tension. We need created tests marked in Ottawa. That is the single reason there have been so most immigrants with poor Engish/French skills.

Kenny is seeking improved as well as better.

When we spin 16 as well as have been wanting to get we drivers license, how regulated have been you? we find it funny ! which we would bring people from an additional enlightenment here as well as design them to know the manners though any grave training. we would goal which the immigration module continues to set up upon what they have been right away starting. Perhaps requiring brand brand brand new immigrants to stay in supervision housing as well as bear extra preparation to ensure we do not find an additional 4 females during the bottom of the lake in Ontario.
I'm happy to see which the Conservatives have been peaceful to look these people in the face as well as discuss it them who we have been as well as how we got here. More importantly, how it is they contingency shift in sequence to fit in. The Liberals authorised approach as well most people in which have been not ever starting to fit in as well as we will compensate the price for it.
BTW, One honour murdering is as well much. I'd rsther than concede the females in as well as leave the males behind in their aged country. They seem to be the one's which have been the complaint for the most part.

The National Post today should unequivocally be since out in each mosque in Canada! Bravo! Barbara Kay as well as bravo Father De Souza!!

I extol the positive step taken by the Immigration Minister --- it is the preparation of women enslaved by years aged barbarous practices which will eventually giveaway them from the tyranny. Yes we can do some-more Barbara, instead of foolish debate upon the pages of NP upon Burke, those who have been unequivocally keen to help could be reaching out to these women no to pass judgment though to reconnoitre them with shelters as well as alternative resources which have been available. You have created so most about barbarous practices of Muslims as well as womanlike circumcision in particular, how about essay to finish the own barbarous use of masculine circumcision which formula in twisting of masculine genitalia as well as scars males for the rest of their lives. Even genocide as well as series injury have been not which odd from masculine circumcision especially when it is achieved by non-medical professionals. Why the double standard?

Nice article, though I'm the bit unhappy by what we found upon the Gov's website. "Canadas honesty as well as munificence do not extend to barbarous informative practices which endure wedding abuse, honour killings, womanlike genital mutilation, or alternative gender-based violence. Those guilty of these crimes have been exceeding! ly punis hed underneath Canadas criminal laws." Our punishments aren't all which severe, we contend we expatriate them after they've served their sentences.

Canada as the republic contingency never be scared to stand up for the own convictions. It's about time we acted similar to adults.

Excellent start.
But we have the question...Does this HAVE to be usually for potentially brand brand brand new Canadians, or could we have all people who currently have Canadian citizenship (including Quebec as well as aboriginals) to swear to this as well????

CEOMike there is no reason to design Immigrants to sense French outside of Quebec, it's an nonessential weight to damp the Frankos during great expense. we agree there should be the denunciation examination conducted by the in isolation classification with no ties to the Immigration department or the embassies.

The term 'honor killing' is misleading as well as doesn't simulate what is essentially happening. It should be called 'coward killing' this is what it is when organisation as well as family kill or mistreat without protection female.

"Does this HAVE to be usually for potentially brand brand brand new Canadians, or could we have all people who currently have Canadian citizenship.."
... certain we could. We could have all foreign-language air wave as well as TV stations blare the brand brand brand new policy. Ten times the week.
Also! , we can increase the hazard of the law. Capital low mark as halt for "honor killings" -- right away there's the great approach to borrow from foreign authorised traditions.

Ractificatif --- How about Capital low mark for the Priests who hurt the children.
How about water boarding to those who ruin males by behaving masculine Circumcision.

"...Canada's honesty as well as munificence do not extend to barbarous informative practices which endure wedding abuse, 'honour killings,'...or alternative gender-based violence."
If Ms.Kay unequivocally believes the NDP as well as Liberals await "honour killings...etc" afterwards she has no business essay for the major newspaper.

It's about time someone had the courage to contend which Trudeaus pet plan has been an unmitigated failure. Hope Kenney doesn't finish up in front of the HRC

Great essay Barbara,
It's usually politics, the brand brand brand new citizenship beam won't have any difference. Immigrants will simply ignore any such Canadian values as well as go upon forming communities populated by their own people.
Feminist's do not caring about immigrants, they usually caring about the large amounts of supervision income they can get for their own hypocritical agenda.
Kenney missed the opportunity to surprise immigrants which Canada is the full fledged matriarchy with chauvenist politicians pandering to feminist causes.

"...Canada's honesty as well as munificence do not extend to barbarous informative practices which endure wedding abuse, 'honour killings,'...or alternative gender-based violence."
Ah, though Canada's munificence does endure wedding abuse as well as gender-based vilonce. As prolonged as the plant is the man, nobody cares.
Statistics Canada reports which "ALMOST EQUAL PROPORTIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN (7% as well as 8% respectively) had been the victims of insinuate partner physical as well as mental abuse (18% as well as 19% respectively). These commentary were unchanging with several progressing studies which reported equal rates of abuse by women as well as organisation in insinuate relationships"

"...Canada's honesty as well as munificence do not extend to barbarous informative practices which endure wedding abuse, 'honour killings,'...or alternative gender-based violence."
Ah, though Canada's munificence does endure wedding abuse as well as gender-based vilonce. As prolonged as the plant is the man, nobody cares.
Statistics Canada reports which "ALMOST EQUAL PROPORTIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN (7% as well as 8% respectively) had been the victims of insinuate partner physical as well as mental abuse (18% as well as 19% respectively). These commentary were unchanging with several progressing stu! dies whi ch reported equal rates of abuse by women as well as organisation in insinuate relationships"

I have the feeling history will infer this request will infer to be the really positive step to traffic with the hurdles of the nearby future.
I can assimilate because the opposition parties squirmed with admissions of approval, underhanded usually upon trivial points.
M from C, station by as well as we do zero when the ball was in the Liberal justice is simply commendatory of the status quo.

A step in the right direction, as well as right away with the small resemblance of past manners being re-established as well as with this newly found forward momentum, subsequent thing to address is Canadas grossly imbalanced immigration demographic.

If we wrote the citizenship guidebook it would be the single paragraph.
"Welcome to Canada. If guilty of the honour murdering we will be executed prior to emergence as well as your remains will be flushed down the open toilet."

The supervision has done no changes to law or process relating to citizenship or immigration. They have simply renewed the investigate beam for the citizenship exam.
Furthermore, the beam itself contains the toll endorsement of Canadas approach to multiculturalism. Of course, it refers to the tangible policies as well as not the purposeful misrepresentations of critics.

It cannot be steady sufficient as well as we have been starting to! see the corner incited with this brand brand brand new edition by Mr. Kenney. No the single gets in to this nation unless they swear allegiance to the physical republic called Canada as well as not their eremite or barbarous informative practices.
Those already here who cannot conform to Canadian values represented by the major modern physical democracy need to be observed. They have been by their really incapacity to conform showing they have been brainwashed by the convictions which competence benefaction the danger to this countries, values as well as ideals. Someone wearing the Burkha for e.g. is by the PC definition exercising leisure of expression.
I, however, see an oppressed woman cow towing to the firm masculine primogenitor who cannot be stretchable sufficient to conform to the overwhelming vast infancy of Canadians - nonetheless Libs as well as socialists cannot see the dichotomy it represents. This man's rigidity, in as well as of itself, is the pointer of inelastic dogmatism toward the infancy as well as he needs to be watched.
Another great e.g. is in the G&M where Wente is eventually coming to grips with honour killings being the horrendous use which victimizes women. The engaging thing is the G&M, as usual, won't concede comments for authorised reasons. What the cop-out. They have been afraid the HRC competence pick upon them for carrying the discussion about these primitive informative practices or the small of the comments competence ruffle their authorised advisers feathers. Its which kind of MSM self-censorship which got us to this point in the initial place. Read about it here
Maybe the clueless ideologues over during Status of Woman Canada will outlay the small of those taxation dollars to understanding with these genuine primitive eremite patriarchs who unequivocally do abuse as well as kill their women as the informative use rsther than than keep up the barbarous misandry of all organisation have been aroused all ! women be nign.
Why do not they set up the fem-stalker module to observe all the husbands/fathers who have their women wear Burkhas. There have been your intensity terrrorists as well as women killers who deserve to be watched as well as "cured". An ounce of prevention we know!!! :)

Denis P., we similar to your style. Let's go get the beer!
The brand brand brand new matter is fine, though it's ad-hoc, as well as piecemeal. Big surprise -- Harper can't even be bothered to disintegrate the HRCs.
Deploring the murdering of one's daughter is an amazing initiative in this day as well as age, granted, though it won't put us in to any thesaurus of universe philosophy.
We should have the extensive matter of what we design of the brand brand brand new citizens. It should begin off with things they competence find honestly off-putting, such as the actuality which we're formed upon European Enlightenment, not oriental tribalism.

This initial step! , which we applaud, leads to the small questions.
Why would we wish to let people leave the country to Canada who we have to warn about not committing honour killings? Isn't which similar to opening your front door to the well known psycho-killer as well as telling him which he has to follow the manners of the house?
Also, do we not endure honour killings or genital twisting of girls? Exactly how most years in jail will someone get if he commits these crimes? In reality, Canada's criminal laws for these crimes have been not the strong deterrant as well as these girls as well as women have been not protected.

I would similar to to see it go farther in which Canada is the signatory to the general licence of tellurian rights, as such we would have it transparent which no eremite dogma, tradition or belief system will trump the charter.

CEOMike wrote: If we wish to be well known as something hypenated Canadian which equates to we contingency desert those bad C! ULTURAL choices of your organisation as well as accept Canadian informative choices permitting concept HUMAN rights.
Speaking as the proud, hyphenated Canadian since 2002, we couldn't agree more. Well said.

Who wudda thunk the minority supervision had the chutzpah to climb upon top of statist moral ambivalence? Regardless of party preferences, this is sound process making. Good article, Barbara.

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