Television movies for the week of Nov. 22
TV Movies: Nov. 22-28MOVIE RATINGS = Poor = fair = great = ExcellentG = General audiencesPG = Parental GuidancePG-13 = Not endorsed for preteensR = Restricted audienceCC = Closed captioned for conference impaired ALPHABETICAL LISTINGA
Ace of Hearts 08. Dean Cain. A troops troops military troops military troops military officer tries to save his dear partner, the German shepherd, from being put to sleep. (PG) (1:45) TMC: Tue. eleven A.M. (CC)
Ace Ventura Jr.: Pet Detective 09. Josh Flitter. the son of the supersleuth comes to the rescue when his mom is the budding think in the abduction of the baby panda. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Sat. 10:30 A.M.
Across the Wide Missouri 51. Clark Gable. Trappers come in the uncharted lands of the Blackfoot Indians in their poke for cherished beaver pelts. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Wed. 9 A.M. (CC)
Air Force the singular 97. Harrison Ford. Demanding the recover of the domestic prisoner, the militant as well as his patrol hijack the U.S. presidents plane. (R) (2:30) TNT: Sun. 3 P.M. (CC)
Akeelah as well as the Bee 06. Laurence Fishburne. An 11-year-old lady in South Los Angeles discovers she has the bent for spelling. (PG) (2:00) DIS: Fri. 8:30 P.M., Sat. noon.
Aladdin 92. Voices of Scott Weinger. Animated. Disneys chronicle of the story about an Arabian criminal who finds the magic flare as well as tries to win the princesss heart. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Fri. 9 P.M., Sat. 5 P.M. (CC)
Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker 06. Alex Pettyfer. A teenage view for MI6 investigates the billionaire who donated computers to any propagandize in England. (PG) (1:45) HBO: Wed. 7 A.M. (CC)
Alexander 04. Colin Farrell. Macedonias immature nobleman conquers much of the well known world. (R) (3:00) SYFY: Wed. eleven A.M. (CC)
Alien 79. Tom Skerritt. A horrific spaceship stowaway attacks interstellar miners. (R) ! (2:30) A MC: Sun. 7:30 A.M. (CC)
Alien Express 05. Lou Diamond Phillips. A voracious quadruped wreaks massacre as well as later multiplies aboard the bullet sight which is upon the inaugural voyage. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. 3 A.M. (CC)
Alien Resurrection 97. Sigourney Weaver. Cloned Ellen Ripley as well as others aboard the spaceship conflict aroused aliens. (R) (2:30) AMC: Sun. 1 P.M. (CC)
Alien Sex Files 3: Alien Ecstasy 09. Jenae Alt. A ubiquitous as well as the renegade representative combat an advance of sex-starved aliens. (1:30) MAX: Thu. 11:50 P.M. (CC)
Aliens 86. Sigourney Weaver. the survivor of the horrific caller conflict earnings to universe LB 426 with soldiers. (R) (3:00) AMC: Sun. 10 A.M. (CC)
all Hat 07. Keith Carradine. An ex-convict tries to stop the developer from selling farmland to set up the golf course. (R) (1:35) TMC: Mon. 9:55 A.M.
all Together now 08. Dominic Champagne. the Beatles as well as Cirque du Soleil work upon the theatre production. (NR) (1:30) SHO: Sat. 9:15 A.M. (CC)
Along came Polly 04. Ben Stiller. A masculine finds condolence with an additional lady after his mom cheats upon him during their honeymoon. (PG-13) (2:00) USA: Sun. midnight (CC)
the Alphabet Killer 08. Eliza Dushku. Former patrolman Megan Price investigates the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder identical to the singular which drove her crazy. (R) (1:40) TMC: Tue. 2:30 P.M. (CC)
the Amateurs 05. Jeff Bridges. A parochial citizen convinces his associate residents to assistance him have an amateur porn film. (R) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 7:15 P.M.
Amazing Grace 06. Ioan Gruffudd. William Wilburforce fights to abolish labour in England. (PG) (2:00) MAX: Tue. 6 A.M. (CC)
American Drug War: the Last White Hope 07. Government agents, judges, politicians as well as others discuss the prolonged conflict to keep illegal drug out of the United States. (NR) (2:00) SHO: Sat. 12:30 A.M.
Ame! rican Ga ngster 07. Denzel Washington. A chauffeur rises to prominence as the most-powerful crime mentor in 1970s Harlem. (R) (2:40) HBO: Wed. midnight (CC)
American Outlaws 01. Colin Farrell. Jesse James as well as his patrol sack banks to foil the tyrannise baron. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Thu. 6:15 A.M. (CC)
the American President 95. Michael Douglas. A domestic opposition turns the widowed presidents intrigue with an environmental lobbyist in to an election-year issue. (PG-13) (1:55) HBO: Mon. 3:05 P.M. (CC)
Americas Sweethearts 01. Julia Roberts. A publicist tries to remonstrate the press which the feuding co-stars of the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new movie have been still in love. (PG-13) (1:45) STZ: Sun. 5:30 A.M., Mon. 7:15 P.M. (CC)
And God Created Woman 88. Rebecca De Mornay. A sultry crook schemes to win her parole. (R) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 3:15 A.M. (CC)
Angel Eyes 01. Jennifer Lopez. A Chicago policewoman with memories of kid abuse meets the masculine who saw his family die in the automobile accident. (R) (1:55) HBO: Mon. 4:05 A.M. (CC)
Angel upon my Shoulder 46. Paul Muni. A slain mafiosi breaks his understanding with the devil, who has brought him during the behind of as an honest judge. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 2 A.M. (CC)
Annie 82. Aileen Quinn. Daddy Warbucks protects tiny waif Annie in 1930s New York. (PG) (3:00) ABCFAM: Sat. 7 A.M. (CC)
Antz 98. Voices of Woody Allen. Animated. A nonconforming termite disrupts cluster reason up by impersonating the infantryman as well as descending in adore with the princess. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Fri. 11:30 A.M.
Apocalypto 06. Rudy Youngblood. As the finish of the Mayan civilized universe draws near, the masculine creates the unfortunate bid to shun being the tellurian scapegoat as well as return to his family as well as the lady he loves. (R) (2:25) STZ: Sun. 6:35 P.M. (CC)
Appaloosa 08. Ed Harris. the attainment of an tasteful widow complicates the attempts of dual ! lawmen t o pierce the malevolent rustic to justice. (R) (2:00) MAX: Tue. 8 P.M. (CC)
Arachnophobia 90. Jeff Daniels. A alloy as well as his mom buy the California plantation with termites as well as the torpedo spider from Venezuela. (PG-13) (2:00) TMC: Sat. 9 P.M., 12:35 A.M.
Arctic story 07. Narrated by Queen Latifah. A walrus as well as the polar bear grow to maturity, as their solidified forest now melts underneath them. (G) (1:30) SHO: Wed. 10 A.M., Sat. 10:45 A.M. (CC)
have been We Done Yet? 07. Ice Cube. A contractor with the bizarre commercial operation devise complicates the mans try to pierce his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new family to the suburbs. (PG) (2:30) FX: Sat. 1 P.M.
have been We there Yet? 05. Ice Cube. A divorcees dual immature kids torment the masculine upon the highway trip. (PG) (2:00) FX: Sat. eleven A.M.
Areola 51 07. Molinee Green. An caller abduction of the amorous kind leads to sensuous pleasures. (NR) (1:15) TMC: Sun. 2 A.M. (CC)
Arthur Haileys Detective 05. Tom Berenger. A condemned restrained reveals the law during the behind of his grisly crimes to the priest-turned-investigator who put him away. (NR) (3:00) USA: Mon. 6 A.M. (CC)
the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 07. Brad Pitt. While formulation his next robbery, barbarous Jesse James faces betrayal by the singular of his own. (R) (2:45) HBO: Sun. 2:45 A.M. (CC)
Assassins 95. Sylvester Stallone. A veteran hit-man contends with the funny pretender as well as bad memories whilst embarking upon his final assignment. (R) (2:15) ENC: Sat. 5:45 P.M. (CC)
ATL 06. Tip T.I. Harris. 4 Atlanta teenagers, whose lives revolve around hip-hop as well as rollerskating, face life-changing hurdles upon as well as off the rink. (PG-13) (2:30) BET: Thu. 1 A.M., Fri. 6 P.M.
August Rush 07. Freddie Highmore. A child uses his prodigious low-pitched gifts to find his parents, unknowingly which they have started the identi! cal deba te to find him. (PG) (2:00) HBO: Wed. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
Baby Mama 08. Tina Fey. A career lady hires the surrogate mom to have her baby. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Thu. 11:15 A.M. (CC)
Babylon A.D. 08. Vin Diesel. A radical niggardly guards the lady who is mankinds final goal for survival. (PG-13) (1:30) MAX: Sun. 10 P.M., Fri. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
during the behind of to the Future Part II 89. Michael J. Fox. A immature masculine as well as his contriver crony contingency take the DeLorean time appurtenance to 2015. (PG) (1:50) ENC: Sun. 6 A.M. (CC)
during the behind of to the Future Part III 90. Michael J. Fox. A immature masculine takes the DeLorean time appurtenance to the Old West, where his contriver crony is courting the schoolmarm. (PG) (2:05) ENC: Fri. 5 A.M. (CC)
Bad Men of Missouri 41. Dennis Morgan. Carpetbaggers drive brothers Cole, Jim as well as Bob Younger to crime as well as the route of Jesse James. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 3:30 P.M.
Bait Shop 08. Bill Engvall. the owners of the parochial bait emporium competes in the fishing foe for the prize income to save his business. (PG) (1:55) USA: Mon. 2:05 A.M. (CC)
Barbershop 02. Ice Cube. A Chicago coiffeur tries to get his commercial operation during the behind of after selling it to the loan shark. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Sat. 2:30 P.M. (CC)
Barbershop 2: during the behind of in Business 04. Ice Cube. the owners of the barbershop faces vigour from the corporation which is opening establishments in his neighborhood. (PG-13) (2:30) COMEDY: Sat. 4:30 P.M.
Barbie as well as the 3 Musketeers 09. Kelly Sheridan. Animated. Corinne trains in tip to turn the Musketeer as well as contingency save the nobleman from an immorality plot. (NR) (1:30) NICK: Sun. 1 P.M., Thu. 10 A.M. (CC)
Barnyard: the Original Party Animals 06. Voices of Kevin James. Animated. Otis the bull would rather sing as well as dance with the alternative plantation animals, yet someway he contingency find th! e braver y to lead when responsibility is thrust upon him. (PG) (2:00) NICK: Thu. 8 A.M. (CC)
Basilisk: the Serpent King 06. Yancy Butler. with assistance from archaeologists, the troops tries to fall short the fabulous quadruped which turns the victims to stone. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
be Kind Rewind 08. Jack Black. Rentals fly off the shelves after dual friends emanate homemade versions of renouned cinema to reinstate the video stores obliterated inventory. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Sat. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
the Beach 00. Leonardo DiCaprio. Young people find Nirvana upon an island off the seashore of Thailand, usually to find it is not what it seems. (R) (2:00) FX: Wed. 10 A.M.
Beavis as well as Butt-head do America 96. Voices of Mike Judge. Animated. Numbskull teens wander after their stolen air wave as well as in to the clutches of arms dealers. (PG-13) (2:00) SPIKE: Thu. 2 A.M.
Bedazzled 67. Peter Cook. A depressed prepare creates the diabolical understanding with the devil. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 10 P.M.
Bedknobs as well as Broomsticks 71. Angela Lansbury. Live action/animated. A learn-by-mail magician shows cockney waifs her drifting brass bed as well as alternative tricks in World War II England. (G) (2:00) TCM: Fri. 8 P.M. (CC)
Bee Movie 07. Voices of Jerry Seinfeld. Animated. after he talks to the tellurian florist, the college-educated bee decides to sue the tellurian foe for hidden his kinds sugar over the centuries. (PG) (1:30) HBO: Wed. 10:30 A.M., Sat. 11:30 A.M. (CC)
Beer League 06. Artie Lange. dual New Jersey softball teams contingency win or face expulsion. (R) (1:30) SHO: Thu. 2 A.M. (CC)
Beethoven 92. Charles Grodin. Children speak their father in to vouchsafing them keep the St. Bernard puppy, which grows to be the problem. (PG) (1:30) ENC: Thu. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Beethovens 2nd 93. Charles Grodin. A St. Bernards immorality owners tries to kidnap her litter from the family who saved them from death. (PG) (1:35) DIS: Wed. noon.
pr ior to the Devil knows Youre Dead 07. Philip Seymour Hoffman. A masculine ropes his hermit in to the intrigue to sack their kin valuables store. (R) (2:00) TMC: Wed. 9 P.M. (CC)
hold in Me 06. Jeffrey Donovan. A high-school manager faces opposition from the absolute rustic when he tries to lead his girls basketball organisation to the state championships. (PG) (1:50) ENC: Tue. 7:50 A.M. (CC)
the Belle of New York 52. Fred Astaire. A seducer falls for the Bowery goal workman in 1890s New York. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Wed. 1:30 A.M.
Ben 10: Alien Swarm 09. Ryan Kelley. Ben as well as the puzzling lady from his past contingency prevent an caller hazard from destroying the world. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Wed. 7 P.M., 8:30 P.M., Fri. 8:30 P.M.
Ben 10: Race opposite Time 07. Graham Phillips. Ben, Gwen as well as Max contingency stop an abnormal who skeleton to open the gateway which leads to an caller invasion. (1:30) TOON: Wed. 8 A.M.
Beowulf 07. Voices of Ray Winstone. Animated. A soldier battles the ferocious demon as well as the immorality yet desirable mother. (PG-13) (2:00) SHO: Sun. 1 P.M., Sat. 3 P.M., 2:30 A.M.
Betrayed 88. Debra Winger. An FBI representative falls in adore with the white supremacist whose organisation she infiltrates. (R) (2:10) MAX: Wed. 3:30 A.M. (CC)
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 08. Piper Perabo. A élite pooch from Beverly Hills gets mislaid upon meant streets of Mexico. (PG) (1:37) STZ: Fri. 6:50 P.M., Sat. 6:10 A.M., 1:15 P.M. (CC)
Beverly Hills Cop 84. Eddie Murphy. A hip Detroit questioner drives out to Los Angeles as well as shows middle troops how to repair up the killer. (R) (2:30) COMEDY: Fri. eleven A.M., Sat. 8 A.M. (CC)
Beverly Hills Cop II 87. Eddie Murphy. A clever questioner from Detroit shows Los Angeles how to stop the strike womans ostensible Alphabet Crimes. (R) (2:00) A&E: Sun. 7 A.M., 2 P.M. (CC)
Beverly Hills Cop III 94. Eddie Murphy. A hip questioner from Detroit marks the crime ring to the Los Angeles fu! n play g round called WonderWorld. (R) (2:00) A&E: Sun. 4 P.M. (CC)
Beverly Hills Ninja 97. Chris Farley. A ninja watches out for his round adopted brother, hired to lane the mystery womans partner in Southern California. (PG-13) (1:30) ENC: Sun. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Beyond Sherwood Forest 09. Robin Dunne. the Sheriff of Nottingham uses the shape-shifting beast to fall short Robin Hood. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 9 P.M., 1 A.M.
Bickford Schmecklers cold ideas 06. Patrick Fugit. A socially unhandy yet shining collegian races to retrieve the cover containing his personal theories as well as egghead revelations. (R) (1:45) COMEDY: Tue. 10 A.M. (CC)
the large Clock 48. Ray Milland. A crime-magazine publishing chateau kills his mistress, afterwards orders his editor to lead the manhunt. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Tue. 8 P.M.
large fat Liar 02. Frankie Muniz. A teenager travels to Los Angeles after the cheap Hollywood bard turns his propagandize story in to the movie. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sun. 7:30 A.M., 2 A.M. (CC)
large Mommas House 2 06. Martin Lawrence. An FBI representative reprises his dress as the fleshy grandma as well as functions as the nanny. (PG-13) (2:30) FX: Mon. 8 P.M., Tue. 5:30 P.M.
the large Sleep 46. Humphrey Bogart. Raymond Chandlers in isolation eye Philip Marlowe follows dual abounding sisters by the obstruction of murders. Unedited version. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. 2 P.M. (CC)
Bill & Teds Bogus Journey 91. Keanu Reeves. Grim Reaper helps dopes stop their immorality drudge twins. (PG) (1:35) MAX: Sun. 8:45 A.M. (CC)
Bill & Teds glorious Adventure 89. Keanu Reeves. Dopey dudes time-travel to fetch celebs for propagandize project. (PG) (1:30) MAX: Sun. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
Black Hole 06. Judd Nelson. An examination left really bad unleashes the bulky physique black hole which threatens to swallow the Midwest. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 3 P.M. (CC)
Black Irish 06. Brendan Gleeson. A teenager tries to keep his reason up together whilst his kin wallow! in an u nfortunate matrimony as well as his hermit tries to captivate him in to assailant behavior. (R) (1:40) TMC: Wed. eleven A.M., 12:30 A.M.
Black Ops 08. Gary Stretch. A veteran troops military troops military troops military officer encounters abnormal forces aboard the tip prison ship. (R) (1:30) TMC: Tue. 8 P.M.
Black Orpheus 59. Breno Mello. Death follows the streetcar transmitter as well as country lady during carnival in Rio de Janeiro. (PG) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 2 A.M.
Black Point 01. David Caruso. A former law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer is entangled in the cruel game. (R) (1:55) SHO: Tue. 3:05 P.M. (CC)
Black Sheep 96. Chris Farley. To conduct off domestic embarrassment, the assistance of the gubernatorial claimant shepherds his bosss coarse brother. (PG-13) (1:30) HBO: Tue. 6 A.M. (CC)
Blackmail 29. Anny Ondra. A Scotland Yard examiner deals with the blackmailer who knows which the lawmans fiancee killed an artist. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 3 A.M.
Blackwells Island 39. John Garfield. A reporter sends the mobster to prison, afterwards goes in after him posing as the convict. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 10:15 A.M.
Blade: Trinity 04. Wesley Snipes. Blade as well as the span of vampire slayers conflict Dracula, the newly resurrected forerunner of the undead. (R) (2:30) TNT: Sat. 2 P.M. (CC)
Bleach: Memories of Nobody 06. Voices of Masakazu Morita. Animated. As element as well as spiritual worlds bluster to collide, the being done entirely of memories appears. (NR) (2:00) TOON: Sat. midnight.
Block-Heads 38. Stan Laurel. Stan as well as Ollie come home from World War I, which has been over for twenty years. (NR) (1:00) TCM: Tue. 5 A.M.
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: the singular for the Road 06. Comics Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall as well as Ron White perform their stand-up routines. (NR) (2:30) COMEDY: Sun. 6:30 P.M., Mon. 5:30 P.M. (CC)
Boat Trip 03. Cuba Gooding Jr. dual skirt-chasing buddie! s find a s well late which their transport representative has booked them upon an all-gay cruise. (R) (2:00) TBS: Tue. 3 A.M. (CC)
Bolt 08. Voices of John Travolta. Animated. A dog who thinks his TV superpowers have been genuine starts the cross-country debate during the behind of to Hollywood. (PG) (1:45) STZ: Sun. 1:20 P.M., 2:45 A.M. (CC)
Bonneville 06. Jessica Lange. after her husbands death, Arvilla brings her dual friends upon the highway outing which turns in to the debate of the lifetime. (PG) (1:35) TMC: Wed. 6 A.M., 2:10 P.M., Sat. 6:45 A.M. (CC)
Boomerang 92. Eddie Murphy. A Manhattan seducer gets the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new corporate boss, as well as she treats him the approach he has regularly treated women. (R) (2:00) HBO: Mon. 2:05 A.M. (CC)
Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood 42. Chester Morris. the troops seize sleuth Blackie, reformed thief, held receiving income from the friends safe. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Tue. 2:15 A.M.
Bound 96. Jennifer Tilly. A mobsters disgruntled partner steals $2 million from him with the assistance of her lesbian lover. (R) (1:50) TMC: Sun. 3:15 A.M.
Bound by Lies 05. Stephen Baldwin. A questioner starts an event with the puzzling photographer whilst questioning the array of murders. (R) (1:25) TMC: Wed. 3:35 A.M.
Bowfinger 99. Steve Martin. A pennyless bard hires the nerd who looks similar to the famous actress as well as alternative misfits to star in his ultimate movie. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Fri. 4 P.M., Sat. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
A Boy Named Charlie Brown 69. Voices of Peter Robbins. Animated. Charlie Brown wins the container in the inhabitant spelling bee in the Peanuts gangs initial big-screen adventure. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
the Brady Bunch Movie 95. Shelley Long. the Bradys as well as their TV-series chateau exclude to sell their home to the untrustworthy real-estate developer. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Mon. 3 A.M. (CC)
Bride Wars 09. Kate Hudson. Weddings! schedul ed the same day turn many appropriate friends in to enemies. (PG) (1:30) HBO: Sun. 2 P.M., eleven P.M., Wed. noon, 9 P.M., Sat. 8 A.M., 4:30 P.M. (CC)
Bridge to Terabithia 07. Josh Hutcherson. A child as well as his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new friend, the category outsider, emanate an imaginary universe in which they sequence as nobleman as well as queen. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sun. 11:30 A.M. (CC)
the Bridges of Madison County 95. Clint Eastwood. Memoirs tell the defunct womans immature kids of her four-day event in 1965 with the photographer upon assignment. (PG-13) (3:00) AMC: Mon. 5 P.M., Tue. 9:30 A.M.
Broken Trail 06. Robert Duvall. A cowboy as well as his nephew rescue 5 Chinese from prostitution. (NR) (4:00) AMC: Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
the Brothers 01. Morris Chestnut. 4 friends question women, relations as well as probity after the singular of them becomes engaged. (R) (1:45) HBO: Sun. 1 A.M., Fri. 4:10 A.M. (CC)
the Brothers Solomon 07. Will Arnett. To perform their failing fathers instruct for the grandchild, dual socially unhandy siblings come in upon upon the goal to find friends as well as begin families. (R) (1:35) ENC: Sun. 2:05 A.M. (CC)
Bruce Almighty 03. Jim Carrey. after the bad day during work, the undone reporter meets God, who endows him with divine powers for the singular week. (PG-13) (2:00) USA: Wed. eleven P.M., Sat. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
the Bucket List 07. Jack Nicholson. dual terminally ill organisation leave their hospital sentinel as well as set out to finish the list of things they wish to do prior to they die. (PG-13) (1:40) MAX: Mon. 4:50 P.M., Fri. 3:15 P.M. (CC)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 92. Kristy Swanson. Valley lady Buffy departs from cheerleading to sight with her recruiter for the vampire invasion. (PG-13) (2:00) AMC: Wed. 6 A.M. (CC)
Burn after Reading 08. George Clooney. Chaos reigns when the gym employee as well as her colleague try to great from the front which they think bin! ds state secrets but, really, contains the memoirs of the former CIA analyst. (R) (1:40) MAX: Mon. 1:05 A.M., Fri. 6:50 P.M. (CC)
By the People: the Election of Barack Obama 09. Illinois Senator Barack Obama campaigns to turn the initial black mentor of the United States. (NR) (2:00) HBO: Tue. 11:50 P.M., Sat. 9:30 A.M. (CC)
the Cake Eaters 07. Elizabeth Ashley. dual family groups contingency reanimate aged wounds when the son comes home. (R) (1:30) SHO: Thu. 4:45 P.M.
Call Me Claus 01. Whoopi Goldberg. Facing imperative early retirement after 200 years, Santa Claus asks the air wave bard to reinstate him. (2:00) LIFE: Fri. 9 P.M. (CC)
Camilla 94. Jessica Tandy. An admans musician mom leaves Georgia for Canada with an aged ex-violinist declared Camilla. (PG-13) (1:35) TMC: Fri. 10 A.M.
Cant hardly Wait 98. Jennifer Love Hewitt. A teenager decides to broadcast his adore for the classmate during their high-school graduation party. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Wed. 2:30 P.M., Thu. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
the Captains Kid 36. May Robson. A immature girls friend, the locale drunk, is attempted for murdering the masculine who attempted to sack him. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. eleven P.M.
Carefree 38. Fred Astaire. A romantically confused studious develops feelings toward the psychiatrist attempting to cure her of her indecisiveness. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Thu. 2:30 P.M. (CC)
Carnal Knowledge 71. Jack Nicholson. A alloy as well as the counsel feed ardent hang-ups from their Ivy League days to middle age. (R) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 4 A.M.
Carrie 76. Sissy Spacek. A social misfit with psychic powers wreaks massacre during her promenade to get even with pranksters. (R) (1:40) ENC: Wed. 2:35 A.M. (CC)
Cars 06. Voices of Owen Wilson. Animated. A rookie foe automobile learns about reason up from classic autos in the locale along Route 66. (G) (2:05) DIS: Thu. 7 P.M., Fri. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
Casablanca 42. Humphrey Bogart. Cafe owners Rick helps an aged glow a! s well a s her father shun from Nazis in Morocco. (PG) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 6 P.M. (CC)
Casino Royale 06. Daniel Craig. James Bond enters the high-stakes gin rummy diversion with the masculine who finance management terrorists. (PG-13) (3:00) SYFY: Thu. 9 P.M., Fri. 6 P.M.
Casper 95. Christina Ricci. A teenager who mislaid her mom befriends friendly ghost Casper whilst staying during the meant heiresss condemned mansion. (PG) (1:45) ENC: Fri. 11:50 P.M. (CC)
Cast the dim Shadow 55. Dirk Bogarde. A masculine who murdered his initial mom for income creates skeleton to repeat his sinister scheme. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Tue. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
Changeling 08. Angelina Jolie. after her son is kidnapped as well as later found, the lady insists which the returned child is not hers. (R) (2:30) HBO: Mon. 8 P.M., Thu. 1:10 A.M. (CC)
Chapter 27 07. Jared Leto. Mark David Chapman arrives in New York upon the goal to kill John Lennon. (R) (1:25) TMC: Fri. 1:35 A.M. (CC)
Charlie as well as the Chocolate Factory 05. Johnny Depp. Five immature kids debate the wondrous factory of an peculiar candy-maker. (PG) (2:05) DIS: Sat. 8:55 P.M.
Charlie Bartlett 07. Anton Yelchin. An ungainly teenager endears himself to the tyro physique by becoming the self-appointed psychiatrist during his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new school. (R) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 2:15 P.M.
Chasing Yuletide 05. Tom Arnold. Holiday spirits revisit the singular father who has boycotted Yuletide since his mom left him. (NR) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 4 P.M. (CC)
Cheers for Miss Bishop 41. Martha Scott. Unlucky in love, an 1880s Midwestern schoolteacher devotes 50 years of her reason up to her students. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 10 A.M. (CC)
Chicken tiny 05. Voices of Zach Braff. Animated. A immature fowl as well as his friends organisation together to save skeptical townsfolk from an caller attack. (G) (1:25) DIS: Thu. 4 P.M.
Children of Men 06. Clive Owen. when infertility threatens! humanki nd with extinction, the disillusioned bureaucrat becomes the unlikely reason up in the quarrel for the survival of Earths population. (R) (1:50) MAX: Thu. 3:10 A.M. (CC)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 68. Dick Van Dyke. An contriver takes his kids as well as the sweets tycoons daughter for the low-pitched ride in the drifting car. (G) (2:30) ENC: Thu. 6 A.M. (CC)
the Chocolate War 88. John Glover. A schoolboy refuses to sell chocolate for the clergyman or the bully during the Roman Catholic propagandize for boys. (R) (1:50) TMC: Thu. 12:30 P.M.
Yuletide Do-Over 06. Jay Mohr. A masculine has the possibility to have certain changes by reliving Yuletide Day over as well as over again. (PG) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 2 P.M. (CC)
Yuletide in Boston 05. Marla Sokoloff. Lifelong pen pals send their many appropriate friends to pose as them when the event arises for the face-to-face meeting. (NR) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 8 A.M. (CC)
the Yuletide List 97. Mimi Rogers. A store clerk learns the profitable lesson about the loyal definition of Yuletide when she gets all upon her instruct list. (2:00) ABCFAM: Wed. 9 P.M. (CC)
the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 08. Georgie Henley. the Pevensie immature kids come to the aid of the nobleman who seeks to overthrow his immorality uncle. (PG) (2:35) STZ: Sun. 7:05 A.M., 12:10 A.M., Fri. 1:35 A.M., Sat. 4:25 P.M. (CC)
the Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch as well as the Wardrobe 05. Tilda Swinton. Children as well as the visionary lion combine opposite the White Witch. (PG) (2:25) DIS: Thu. 9:05 P.M.
the Chronicles of Riddick 04. Vin Diesel. On the run from mercenaries, the refugee lands upon the universe involved by an invading lady monarch as well as his barbarous army. (PG-13) (2:30) TNT: Fri. midnight, Sat. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
the Chumscrubber 05. Ralph Fiennes. An alienated teenager launches his own review in to the classmates kidnapping. (R) (1:50) MAX: Thu. 1:20 A.M. (CC)
City of Ember 08. Saoirse Ronan. dual ! teens co ntingency find the tip of their subterraneous citys reason up prior to the light dies forever. (PG) (1:35) MAX: Fri. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
Click 06. Adam Sandler. An busy architect obtains the concept remote which allows him to carry out the universe around him. (PG-13) (2:30) FX: Sat. 7:30 P.M.
A Clockwork Orange 71. Malcolm McDowell. Young Alex as well as his droogs dedicate barbarous acts in the near-future, dehumanizing society. (R) (2:20) ENC: Sat. 2 A.M. (CC)
Co-ed Confidential 3: Spring break 4 09. A compilation of episodes from the amorous series. (2:00) MAX: Sat. 12:15 A.M. (CC)
College Road Trip 08. Martin Lawrence. A patrolman accompanies his daughter upon the outing to revisit the colleges to which she is applying. (G) (1:25) ENC: Tue. 1:10 P.M., 8 P.M., 4:40 A.M. (CC)
the Color of Freedom 07. Joseph Fiennes. Friendship evolves in in in in between Nelson Mandela as well as his jailer. (R) (2:00) SHO: Sun. 5:30 A.M. (CC)
Colors 88. Sean Penn. An elite troops unit is reserved to carry out patrol violence. (R) (2:00) MAX: Sat. 4 A.M. (CC)
Comfort as well as Joy 03. Nancy McKeon. Knocked unconscious in the automobile accident, the lady awakens to sense she is tied together as well as has dual children. (NR) (2:00) LIFE: Sat. 9 P.M., eleven P.M. (CC)
Coming to America 88. Eddie Murphy. Pampered Prince Akeem of Zamunda comes to New York with his stately sidekick to find the true-love bride. (R) (2:30) BET: Wed. 8 P.M., Thu. 5:30 P.M.
Commando 85. Arnold Schwarzenegger. A tellurian murdering appurtenance as well as an airline hostess take upon an ousted dictators in isolation army. (R) (1:30) MAX: Thu. 1 P.M. (CC)
Conspiracy Theory 97. Mel Gibson. An obsessive New York cabby, in adore with the supervision worker, learns which the singular of his suspicions is justified. (R) (2:20) ENC: Tue. 9:30 P.M. (CC)
the Cookout 04. Ja Rule. after her son signs the contract with an NBA team, the lady invites friends as well as family to the f! urious b arbecue during his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new mansion. (PG-13) (2:00) BET: Sat. eleven P.M.
the Courtship of Andy Hardy 42. Mickey Rooney. Judge Hardy asks Andy to date the lady whose kin have been divorcing in the goal it will force the reconciliation. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Fri. 6:15 A.M. (CC)
Coyote Ugly 00. Piper Perabo. A lady finds her dreams of singing sidelined by the prominence she receives as the New York City barmaid. (PG-13) (2:30) CMT: Sat. 10 P.M.
Crazy as Hell 02. Michael Beach. A psychiatrist interviews the studious during the mental institution who claims to be the devil. (R) (2:00) SHO: Wed. 6 P.M.
Crocodile Dundee 86. Paul Hogan. A abounding reporter tours farming area Australia with the crocodile hunter, afterwards brings him to Manhattan. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Fri. 1:30 A.M., Sat. 9:45 A.M. (CC)
Curious George 06. Voices of Will Ferrell. Animated. the Man in the Yellow Hat is upon palm to assistance an inquisitive chimpanzee out of trouble upon the array of misadventures. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Fri. 3 P.M. (CC)
the Curse of King Tuts Tomb 06. Casper Van Dien. An archaeologist leads the organisation of explorers to find an emerald inscription rumored to be within Tutankhamens burial site. (NR) (4:00) SYFY: Mon. 1 P.M. (CC)
Cyborg 89. Jean-Claude Van Damme. Martial artist hunts torpedo in plague-infested future. (R) (1:25) MAX: Tue. 12:05 A.M. (CC)
D3: the Mighty Ducks 96. Emilio Estevez. Teenage hockey players get the prep-school scholarship, with the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new organisation name as well as the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new coach. (PG) (2:15) TBS: Sat. 5:30 A.M.
Daddy Day Care 03. Eddie Murphy. after company downsizing, dual former executives decide to open the day-care center for kids in their neighborhood. (PG) (2:00) FX: Sat. 9 A.M.
Dan in Real Life 07. Steve C! arell. A n recommendation columnist falls in adore with his brothers girlfriend. (PG-13) (1:40) ENC: Tue. 2:35 P.M., 3 A.M. (CC)
Dances with Wolves 90. Kevin Costner. A Union troops military troops military troops military officer during the limit armed forces befriends the Lakota as well as adopts their culture. (PG-13) (4:00) AMC: Fri. 8 A.M. (CC)
Dangerous Minds 95. Michelle Pfeiffer. An ex-Marine English clergyman uses karate, drug speak as well as bribes to get by to her category of civic delinquents. (R) (1:40) MAX: Fri. 3:35 A.M. (CC)
the dim Knight 08. Christian Bale. Batman battles the infamous assailant well known as the Joker. (PG-13) (2:45) HBO: Tue. 5:15 P.M., 4:25 A.M., Fri. eleven A.M., 9 P.M. (CC)
dim Passage 47. Humphrey Bogart. A San Francisco art tyro hides the refugee recuperating from black marketplace cosmetic surgery. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. eleven P.M. (CC)
Darkness Falls 03. Chaney Kley. the suggestion of the lady who was lynched some-more than 150 years progressing haunts residents of the New England town. (PG-13) (1:30) STZ: Tue. 3:50 P.M., 2:25 A.M., Sat. 2:45 A.M. (CC)
the Day the Earth Stood Still 08. Keanu Reeves. the attainment of an abnormal caller triggers global upheaval. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Sun. 7 P.M., Tue. eleven A.M., 8 P.M. (CC)
the Dead the singular 07. Wilmer Valderrama. A masculine dies, as well as an Aztec God reanimates him as the slave. (PG-13) (1:30) SHO: Tue. 10:30 A.M.
definitely, Maybe 08. Ryan Reynolds. A masculine upon the cusp of divorce tells his immature daughter how he met her mother. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Wed. 7 P.M. (CC)
Delirious 05. Steve Buscemi. Les grows jealous of his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new friends intrigue with the cocktail star. (NR) (1:50) TMC: Thu. 1:15 A.M. (CC)
Demolition Man 93. Sylvester Stallone. the troops defrost an detained ex-officer to repair up an transient crook in 2032 San Angeles. (R) (2:30) AMC: Tue. eleven P.M., Wed. 2:! 30 P.M., Sat. midnight.
A Dennis the Menace Yuletide 07. Robert Wagner. A mischievous child shows his nearby resident the legal holiday spirit. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Fri. 5 P.M. (CC)
the Departed 06. Leonardo DiCaprio. in Boston an clandestine patrolman gains the gangland chiefs trust, whilst the career assailant infiltrates the troops force for the mob. (R) (3:30) FX: Sun. 8 P.M., Mon. 4:30 P.M.
the Derby Stallion 05. Sarah Blackman. Patrick trains to foe in the Derby Cup yet contingency strike several hurdles to be champion. (PG) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 7:30 A.M. (CC)
Desert Heat 99. Jean-Claude Van Damme. A thirst for reprisal becomes the suicidal drifters brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new reason for vital after thugs kick him as well as take his motorcycle. (R) (2:00) USA: Fri. 2 A.M. (CC)
the Devil as well as Daniel Webster 41. Edward Arnold. A New Englander sells his soul to the Mr. Scratch as well as needs Daniel Webster upon his side in hells court. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 8 P.M. (CC)
Diamonds have been Forever 71. Sean Connery. James Bond, Agent 007, saves the universe from Blofelds space laser as well as bikini-clad amazons Bambi as well as Thumper. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Fri. 3:30 P.M. (CC)
Diary of the Mad Black Woman 05. Kimberly Elise. A lady contingency put her reason up during the behind of together after her father of eighteen years during once kicks her out of the house. (PG-13) (2:30) BET: Sat. 8:30 P.M.
Dick Tracy 90. Warren Beatty. the comic-strip questioner woos Tess Trueheart, dodges Breathless Mahoney as well as chases nicknamed crooks. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Wed. 8:30 A.M., 2:30 A.M. (CC)
the Dirty Dozen 67. Lee Marvin. A U.S. Army major selects as well as trains twelve hard-core criminals for the adventurous raid upon an impregnable Nazi chateau. (NR) (3:30) AMC: Thu. 4:30 A.M. (CC)
the Distinguished Gentleman 92. Eddie Murphy. Armed with the same name as the late U.S. senator, the con masculine goes to ! Washingt on as well as plays the game. (R) (2:00) MAX: Mon. 8 P.M. (CC)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood 02. Sandra Bullock. Forced to revisit her disloyal mom in Louisiana, the New York playwright learns about her past by the scrapbook. (PG-13) (2:00) MAX: Thu. 7:30 A.M. (CC)
Doctor Dolittle 67. Rex Harrison. the low-pitched adventures of the devoted Victorian-era alloy with the capability to communicate with the animal kingdom. (G) (2:30) ENC: Thu. 3 A.M. (CC)
Dr. Dolittle 2 01. Eddie Murphy. To save an involved species, the veterinarian who can speak to animals contingency reintroduce the performing bear to the wild. (PG) (1:30) MAX: Tue. 3 P.M., Sat. eleven A.M. (CC)
Doctor Faustus 67. Richard Burton. A Gothic alloy sells his soul to Lucifers representative Mephistopheles, who tempts him with Helen of Troy. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 4 A.M.
Dr. No 62. Sean Connery. Agent 007 foils the SPECTRE madman out to obstruct rockets from Cape Canaveral. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Thu. 8 A.M. (CC)
Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Yuletide 00. Jim Carrey. A curmudgeon hates the Christmas-loving Whos of Whoville. (PG) (1:50) ENC: Fri. 8 P.M. (CC)
Dr. Seuss the Cat in the Hat 03. Mike Myers. seeking for fun, the mischievous sly invades the home of dual immature kids whilst their mom is away. (PG) (1:45) TBS: Sun. 8:30 P.M., 10:15 P.M., Sat. 1:45 P.M. (CC)
Double Impact 91. Jean-Claude Van Damme. great as well as immorality twins have been reunited in Hong Kong as heirs to the fortune, experts in armed forces arts. (R) (2:00) ENC: Sat. midnight (CC)
Double Whammy 01. Denis Leary. A widowed New York City troops troops military troops military troops military officer fails in his try to stop the sharpened in the fast-food restaurant. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Mon. 10 A.M. (CC)
Doubt 08. Meryl Streep. Spurred by allegations of kid abuse, the nun starts the personal electioneer opposite the renouned priest. (PG-13) (1:50) STZ: Sun. 10 A.M., 4:40 P.M., Tue. 2:05 P.M., 9 P.M., ! Wed. 10: 30 A.M., Fri. eleven P.M., Sat. 9:50 A.M. (CC)
Dr. Seuss Horton Hears the Who! 08. Jim Carrey. Animated. Horton the elephants friends as well as neighbors think he has left funny when he claims which the tiny village lives upon the pinch of dust. (G) (1:30) HBO: Mon. 10:30 A.M., Thu. 7:30 P.M. (CC)
Dragon Storm 04. John Rhys-Davies. dual ready to quarrel kingdoms contingency stick upon forces to stave off the glow breathing beast conflict which threatens to scorch the universe bare. (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 3 A.M. (CC)
Dragonquest 09. Marc Singer. A immature favourite contingency incite the glow breathing beast to conflict the mythological quadruped summoned by the warlord. (PG-13) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
A Dry White Season 89. Donald Sutherland. A white South African hurdles supervision policies when he accuses the troops captain of the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder of the black man. (R) (1:55) MAX: Sun. 5:05 A.M. (CC)
Dude, Wheres my Car? 00. Ashton Kutcher. dual slackers have been clueless after the night of complicated partying. (PG-13) (1:30) MAX: Tue. 8 A.M. (CC)
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God 05. Bruce Payne. Heroes climb to strengthen their dominion after an immorality magician steals an orb which controls the slumbering dragon. (2:30) SYFY: Tue. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
Dunston Checks in 96. Jason Alexander. A posh Los Angeles hotels manager as well as owners goal for the critics intense review, yet the thiefs orangutan is loose in the channel work. (PG) (1:30) ENC: Thu. 10:05 A.M. (CC)
Ed 96. Matt LeBlanc. the organisation mascot, the chimp, reverses the fortunes of the struggling minor-league pitcher as well as his losing squad. (PG) (1:35) ENC: Thu. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
8 Mile 02. Eminem. Living with his vacant mother, the immature masculine in Detroit tries to strike obstacles as well as grasp success as the rapper. (R) (2:00) TNT: Sat! . noon ( CC)
88 Minutes 07. Al Pacino. A forensic psychiatrist contingency make make use of of all his skills as well as training to find the person who issued an ominous genocide threat. (R) (1:50) ENC: Mon. 1:10 P.M., 8 P.M., 3:40 A.M., Sat. 4:20 A.M. (CC)
Electra Glide in Blue 73. Robert Blake. A motorcycle patrolman with the Harley-Davidson ties hippies to the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder in the Arizona desert. (PG) (2:15) TCM: Fri. 3:45 A.M.
Elf 03. Will Ferrell. A masculine leaves Santas workshop to poke for his family. (PG) (2:00) USA: Thu. 9 P.M., Fri. 7 P.M., Sat. 9 P.M. (CC)
Epic Movie 07. Kal Penn. 4 adult orphans have an implausible tour in the travesty of blockbuster as well as fantasy films. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Sat. 10 P.M.
Eraser 96. Arnold Schwarzenegger. A Witness Protection Program representative hides the lady who knows about defense-field traitors formulation to sell the superweapon. (R) (2:00) ENC: Sat. 2 P.M., 10 P.M. (CC)
the Erotic Traveler 2: Object of Desire 07. A compilation of episodes from the amorous series. (1:45) MAX: Fri. 12:15 A.M. (CC)
Escape From Alcatraz 79. Clint Eastwood. Based upon the loyal story of the hardened crook who engineered an blow up devise to bust out of the famous prison in 1962. (PG) (2:30) AMC: Fri. eleven P.M. (CC)
everybody says we Love we 96. Alan Alda. New Yorkers sing their approach by trials as well as tribulations. (R) (1:45) TMC: Sat. 10:30 A.M.
Eves Yuletide 04. Elisa Donovan. A waste career lady gets the second possibility to rethink the fateful decision after she creates the instruct upon the Yuletide Eve star. (NR) (2:00) LIFE: Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
the Ex 06. Zach Braff. A chronic underachiever takes the pursuit during his father-in-laws promotion organisation as well as locks horns with his wifes paraplegic former lover. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Sat. 9 P.M. (CC)
Executive Decision 96. Kurt Russell. A commando p! atrol co ntingency conduct the midair conflict upon the hijacked craft installed with terrorists as well as the lethal haughtiness gas. (R) (2:30) A&E: Sat. 5:30 P.M. (CC)
Explicit Ills 08. Rosario Dawson. Citizens vital upon the reduce rungs of South Philadelphia multitude live out their day-to-day lives as well as goal for something better. (R) (1:30) SHO: Tue. 5 P.M.
the Express 08. Dennis Quaid. Ernie Davis overcomes poverty as well as prejudice to win college footballs Heisman Trophy in 1961. (PG) (2:15) MAX: Mon. 9:15 A.M. (CC)
Eye see we 02. Sylvester Stallone. While staying during the hospital for therapy, an FBI representative searches for the sequence torpedo who is murdering the staff as well as patients. (R) (1:40) SHO: Tue. 3:30 A.M.
the Faculty 98. Jordana Brewster. High-school students progressively proceed to think which their teachers have been from an additional planet. (R) (2:00) FX: Tue. 8 A.M.
the Family Man 00. Nicolas Cage. A Wall Street seducer wakes to find himself tied together to the college sweetheart he left in sequence to pursue the career 13 years earlier. (PG-13) (2:10) ENC: Mon. 9:50 P.M. (CC)
the Family Stone 05. Dermot Mulroney. A immature lady encounters the cold accepting when her dear takes her home to confront his family. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Fri. 9 P.M., Sat. 5:30 P.M.
A Farewell to Arms 32. Helen Hayes. An ambulance motorist as well as the helper share an ill-fated intrigue in World War we Italy. Based upon Ernest Hemingways novel. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Sun. 7 A.M.
Fathers Day 97. Robin Williams. A lady tells any of dual organisation which he is the father of her son. (PG-13) (1:40) ENC: Mon. 9:50 A.M. (CC)
Federal Man 50. William Henry. A supervision representative travels from the United States to Mexico to seize drug dealers. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Tue. 9:45 P.M.
Ferris Buellers Day Off 86. Matthew Broderick. A brash teenager as well as his friends have an tour in Chicago. (PG-13) (2:3! 0) COMED Y: Thu. 4:30 P.M., Fri. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
50 initial Dates 04. Adam Sandler. A veterinarian tries to have the lady who has short-term memory detriment tumble in adore with him. (PG-13) (1:58) USA: Sat. 2:32 P.M., midnight (CC)
Final Destination 00. Devon Sawa. Teens confront with horrible ends after the classmates precognitive prophesy leads to their ejection from the cursed airliner. (R) (1:40) STZ: Sat. 11:35 A.M. (CC)
glow From next 09. Kevin Sorbo. Chaos strikes when lithium combines with water to emanate an environmental disaster. (PG-13) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 9 P.M.
fire: Nature Unleashed 04. Bryan Genesse. A timberland ranger leads the organisation of hikers in to an deserted mine to shun the distracted timberland fire. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 3 A.M. (CC)
Fired up 09. Nicholas DAgosto. dual masculine high-school football stars enroll in cheerleading camp so they can make make use of of their playbook upon flattering girls. (PG-13) (1:35) STZ: Thu. 5:50 P.M., 2:50 A.M., Fri. 3:35 P.M. (CC)
Firestarter 84. David Keith. Quasifederal agents track the man,who can bend minds, as well as his daughter,who can begin fires by staring. (R) (2:00) ENC: Mon. midnight (CC)
initial Kid 96. Sinbad. A shrill Secret Service representative understands the presidents teenage son, yet many consider him difficult. (PG) (1:45) ENC: Thu. 4:45 P.M. (CC)
initial Lady 37. Kay Francis. Washington wives goal to catapult their husbands in to the White House. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 8:45 A.M. (CC)
initial Sunday 08. Ice Cube. Bumbling thieves decide to sack the church to lift the tiny much-needed cash, yet they find which someone else has already beaten them to the punch. (PG-13) (1:45) STZ: Wed. 5:35 A.M., Thu. 12:35 P.M. (CC)
the initial $20 Million is Always the Hardest 02. Adam Garcia. after quitting his cushy job, the misfit helps mechanism geeks develop the revolutionary brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new machine. (PG-13) (1:45) ! MAX: Tue . 9:30 A.M. (CC)
Flash of Genius 08. Greg Kinnear. Robert Kearns fights the auto industry, claiming which the intermittent windshield wiper is his invention. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Sun. noon, Sat. 6 P.M. (CC)
Flatliners 90. Kiefer Sutherland. Medical students play with genocide by interlude the singular anothers vital signs for minutes, afterwards zapping the theme during the behind of to consciousness. (R) (1:55) ENC: Wed. 11:10 A.M. (CC)
Fletch 85. Chevy Chase. An clandestine Los Angeles reporter investigates the businessman who wants him to kill him. (PG) (1:45) ENC: Sat. 7:05 A.M., 4 P.M. (CC)
Flight of the Intruder 91. Danny Glover. A flight organisation defies orders as well as bombs the vital target. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Mon. noon (CC)
Flubber 97. Robin Williams. Enemies try to take an preoccupied inventors drifting rubber origination as well as his fiancee. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sat. 11:45 A.M., 3:15 A.M. (CC)
Flyboys 06. James Franco. Several Americans volunteer for the French troops prior to the U.S. enters World War I. (PG-13) (2:00) WGN-A: Tue. 8 P.M. (CC)
Flying Down to Rio 33. Dolores del Rio. A bandleader woos the Latin glow who is already engaged to his employer. the movie facilities the initial shade pairing of Fred Astaire as well as Ginger Rogers. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Wed. 4:30 A.M. (CC)
Fools Gold 08. Matthew McConaughey. A value hunter drags his disloyal mom as well as her mentor upon the query to find 40 chests of mislaid Spanish gold. (PG-13) (1:55) MAX: Thu. 6:05 P.M. (CC)
Footloose 84. Kevin Bacon. A hip Chicago teenager moves to the Midwestern locale where, interjection to the pastor, dancing is outlawed. (PG) (2:30) CMT: Sat. 5:30 P.M.
for your Eyes Only 81. Roger Moore. Agent 007 skis the Alps, skin-dives in Greece as well as hunts spies with the daughter of the slain agent. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Thu. midnight.
Forbidden Fantasies 05. Brooke Hunter. A sexy filmmaker shoots the documentary about the corrupted madam. (N! R) (1:30 ) TMC: Tue. 12:35 A.M. (CC)
the Forbidden Kingdom 08. Jackie Chan. An American teenager travels during the behind of in time to very aged China as well as joins the query to giveaway the Monkey King. (PG-13) (2:00) SHO: Sat. 9 P.M.
Forrest Gump 94. Tom Hanks. JFK, LBJ, Vietnam, Watergate as well as alternative story is seen by the eyes of an Alabama masculine with an IQ of 75. (PG-13) (3:00) SPIKE: Fri. eleven P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M.
Frequency 00. Dennis Quaid. A law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer tries to alter the past after creation air wave strike with his father, the firefighter who died thirty years earlier. (PG-13) (2:00) ENC: Wed. 9:10 A.M. (CC)
From Russia with Love 63. Sean Connery. Agent 007 lands in Istanbul with the Russian beauty, the pawn in SPECTREs tract to kill him. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Fri. 10:30 A.M.
Frost/Nixon 08. Frank Langella. David Frost binds the historic interview with Richard Nixon 3 years after Watergate. (R) (2:05) MAX: Sun. 2:30 P.M., Sat. 9 A.M. (CC)
Funny Money 06. Chevy Chase. Henry runs in to trouble with his wife, the great as well as bad cop, as well as Mr. large after incidentally trading his briefcase for the singular with the million dollars inside. (R) (1:40) ENC: Mon. 11:30 A.M., 2 A.M. (CC)
Funny Money 06. Chevy Chase. Henry runs in to trouble with his wife, the great as well as bad cop, as well as Mr. large after incidentally trading his briefcase for the singular with the million dollars inside. (R) (1:45) TMC: Fri. 1:15 P.M.
Gacy 03. Mark Holton. Serial torpedo John Wayne Gacy rapes boys as well as immature men, afterwards hides the corpses underneath his house. (R) (1:30) SHO: Sun. 2:15 A.M. (CC)
the Game Plan 07. Dwayne The Rock Johnson. A star football player tries to juggle his carefree lifestyle, his teams bid for the championship as well as the needs of his newly detected immature daughter. (PG) (2:00) USA: Thu. 7 P.M., Sat. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Gar field 04. Breckin Meyer. Live action/animated. An orange cat tries to save his owners brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new dog after the air wave luminary kidnaps it. (PG) (2:00) ABCFAM: Fri. 1 P.M. (CC)
Garfield gets Real 07. Voices of Jason Marsden. Animated. Tired of reason up as the comic strip, Garfield comes in to the genuine universe to live as an typical chateau cat. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Fri. 1:30 P.M.
Gaslight 44. Charles Boyer. A diabolical father tries to drive his mom insane. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. 6 P.M. (CC)
the Gay Divorcee 34. Fred Astaire. A lady mistakes the coquette for her lawyers co-respondent. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
Ghost 90. Patrick Swayze. A attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder victim earnings to save his dear fiancee. (PG-13) (3:00) AMC: Mon. 8 P.M., 2 A.M. (CC)
Ghost Image 07. Elisabeth R??hm. A womans passed dear communicates with her by the video. (PG-13) (1:40) TMC: Tue. 7:35 A.M. (CC)
Ghost Rider 07. Nicolas Cage. A motorcycle stuntman, who sold his soul to save the loved one, becomes the burning representative for probity during night in the presence of evil. (PG-13) (2:30) FX: Wed. 7:30 P.M.
Ghosts of Mars 01. Ice Cube. An intergalactic patrolman as well as her organisation stick upon forces with the dangerous assailant to conflict abnormal warriors. (R) (1:40) MAX: Tue. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
Ghoulies 85. Peter Liapis. A teen, his befuddled girlfriend, dual benevolent elves as well as the nest of satanic creatures intersect in the crumbling mansion. (PG-13) (1:20) MAX: Wed. 6 A.M. (CC)
Gladiator 00. Russell Crowe. A refugee ubiquitous becomes the gladiator in very aged Rome. (R) (3:00) TNT: Sat. 9 P.M. (CC)
the Godfather 72. Marlon Brando. A mafia patriarch tries to reason his empire together. (R) (4:00) AMC: Thu. 7:30 A.M., 8 P.M. (CC)
the Godfather, Part II 74. Al Pacino. Michael Corleone moves his fa! thers cr ime family to Las Vegas. (R) (4:30) AMC: Thu. 11:30 A.M., midnight (CC)
the Godfather, Part III 90. Al Pacino. A dignified enclose joins his furious nephew in the Sicilian vendetta. (R) (4:00) AMC: Thu. 4 P.M. (CC)
GoldenEye 95. Pierce Brosnan. A tip weapons burglary sends Agent 007 to Russia, where the flattering mechanism programmer helps him lane an ex-cohort believed dead. (PG-13) (3:00) SYFY: Fri. 9 P.M.
Goldfinger 64. Sean Connery. Agent 007 drives an Aston Martin, runs in to Oddjob as well as fights Goldfingers intrigue to sack Fort Knox. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Fri. midnight.
great Luck Chuck 07. Dane Cook. after assembly the lady of his dreams, the dentist contingency find the approach to break the abuse which causes any of his ex-lovers to find loyal adore with her next boyfriend. (R) (1:45) SHO: Sun. 12:30 A.M., Thu. 12:15 A.M.
the great Shepherd 06. Matt Damon. During the early years of the Central Intelligence Agency, the founding part of finds that, as the country slides deeper in to the cold War, loyalty to duty has the price. (R) (2:55) HBO: Thu. 3:35 A.M. (CC)
the Goonies 85. Sean Astin. Coastal Oregon kids follow the value map of pirate One-Eyed Willie past his lethal traps to gold. (PG) (2:15) TBS: Sun. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
Grace is left 07. John Cusack. A masculine takes his dual immature daughters upon the highway outing whilst acid for the approach to tell them which their mother, the soldier, has been killed in Iraq. (PG-13) (1:30) HBO: Sun. 6 A.M. (CC)
the great Debaters 07. Denzel Washington. in 1930s Texas, Mel Tolson inspires students during the predominately black college to form the debate organisation as well as strive for the inhabitant championship. (PG-13) (2:15) SHO: Sun. 3 P.M., Fri. 8:15 A.M., 5:20 A.M. (CC)
the great OMalley 37. Pat OBrien. His purpose in the plight of an impoverished masculine as well as his disabled daughter profoundly affects an intractable Irish policeman. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 12:15 A.M.
t! he Green Mile 99. Tom Hanks. in 1935 the conduct prison ensure realizes the masculine upon genocide row may be trusting as well as have the abnormal capability to reanimate others. (R) (4:00) AMC: Sat. 8 P.M., 2:30 A.M. (CC)
Gregorys Girl 82. Gordon John Sinclair. A nonsensical Scottish teenager has the crush upon his flattering soccer teammate. (PG) (1:30) SHO: Tue. 5:10 A.M. (CC)
Grendel 07. Chris Bruno. King Hrothgar recruits soldier Beowulf to quarrel the beast Grendel. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. eleven A.M. (CC)
the Guardian 06. Kevin Costner. A mentor in the Coast Guard program for rescue swimmers turns the cocky partisan in to his protege as well as takes him upon the goal to the Bering Strait. (PG-13) (2:30) TNT: Sat. midnight (CC)
Hairspray 07. John Travolta. A plump Baltimore teenager becomes an overnight luminary after she wins the symbol upon the middle dance show. (PG) (2:00) HBO: Sat. 6 A.M. (CC)
Hallelujah, Im the Bum 33. Al Jolson. A Central Park vagrant falls in adore with the mayors amnesiac girlfriend. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Sun. 8:30 A.M.
Hallowed Ground 07. Jaimie Alexander. A immature lady becomes stuck in the locale where the rebirth of the fanatical preacher leads to evil. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Mon. 5 P.M.
Hancock 08. Will Smith. with any feat, the scruffy superhero inflicts collateral repairs upon Los Angeles. (PG-13) (1:40) STZ: Mon. 12:05 P.M., 9 P.M., 5:35 A.M., Sat. 2:50 P.M., eleven P.M. (CC)
Hannibal 01. Anthony Hopkins. FBI representative Clarice Starling tries to repair up cannibalistic Dr. Lecter prior to the disfigured victim exacts his revenge. (R) (2:30) WGN-A: Sun. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
happy Feet 06. Voices of Elijah Wood. Animated. Born but the capability to sing, the immature emperor penguin expresses himself as well as hopes to attract the partner by his unusual dancing talent. (PG) (1:45) DIS: Thu. 2:15 P.M.
the Hard Corps 06. Jean-Claude Van Damme. A former infantryman contingency strengthen an e! ntrepren eur who testified opposite an ex-convict now seeking revenge. (R) (2:00) USA: Tue. 2 A.M. (CC)
the Haunting of Molly Hartley 08. Haley Bennett. A teenager discovers the horrifying law about her heritage. (PG-13) (1:30) STZ: Sun. 11:50 A.M., 9 P.M., Mon. 8:50 A.M. (CC)
he was her Man 34. James Cagney. A framed assailant flees from killers with the San Francisco fishermans girlfriend. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 6 A.M.
Head over Heels 01. Monica Potter. A New Yorker thinks her tasteful nearby resident is the murderer. (PG-13) (1:30) ENC: Sun. 5:05 A.M. (CC)
Hell Ride 08. Larry Bishop. the personality of the biker patrol takes his most-trusted lieutenant as well as the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new partisan upon the goal to punish the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder of the comrade by opposition bikers. (R) (1:25) MAX: Tue. 3:05 A.M. (CC)
Hellboy II: the Golden Army 08. Ron Perlman. Hellboy faces an black marketplace nobleman who seeks to retrieve Earth for his enchanting kindred. (PG-13) (2:00) MAX: Thu. 8 P.M. (CC)
Hellfighters 68. John Wayne. An oil-rig firefighters disloyal daughter falls in adore with his right-hand man. (G) (2:45) AMC: Mon. 6 A.M. (CC)
Herbie: Fully Loaded 05. Lindsay Lohan. the independent-minded Volkswagen helps the feisty daughter of the NASCAR reason up find her approach to the quick lane. (G) (2:00) TOON: Mon. 7 P.M., Tue. 5 P.M.
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo 77. Dean Jones. Volkswagen Herbie runs in to jewel thieves as well as the prohibited tiny Lancia when he goes to France for the large race. (G) (1:45) TCM: Thu. 4:30 A.M. (CC)
Hercules 97. Voices of Tate Donovan. Animated. the half-mortal strongman contingency turn the favourite to react the gods upon Mount Olympus. Charlton Heston narrates. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Tue. 8 P.M., Thu. 2 P.M., Fri. eleven A.M. (CC)
High Society 56. Bing Crosby. A socialites ex-husband as! well as the repository bard uncover up for her matrimony as well as means havoc. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 10 P.M. (CC)
Highlander: the Source 07. Adrian Paul. Duncan MacLeod as well as the organisation of companions come in upon upon the query to find the origin of their immortality. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. 5 P.M. (CC)
A History of Violence 05. Viggo Mortensen. Vicious criminals go upon to harass the masculine as well as his mom after he thwarts the spoliation try during his diner. (R) (2:00) SPIKE: Sun. midnight.
the Hitcher 07. Sean Bean. dual roving students pick up the hitchhiker, unknowingly which he is the sequence torpedo who intends to pin his crimes upon them. (R) (1:30) HBO: Wed. 2:40 A.M. (CC)
Hitman 07. Timothy Olyphant. An assassins growing connection to the traumatized immature lady poses the hazard to his life, as great as which of the Interpol as well as Russian agents upon his trail. (R) (1:35) MAX: Tue. 10 P.M. (CC)
Holiday in Handcuffs 07. Melissa Joan Hart. To dope her parents, the waitress kidnaps the patron as well as forces him to fake to be her beau. (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 8 P.M. (CC)
A Holiday to Remember 95. Connie Sellecca. An aged glow ignites brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new passion in the divorced clergyman when she earnings to her South Carolina hometown. (2:00) ABCFAM: Mon. 7 P.M. (CC)
Holiday Wishes 06. Amber Benson. A spoiled, abounding kid as well as the lady in an orphanage magically switch bodies. (NR) (2:00) LIFE: Sat. eleven A.M. (CC)
Hollow Reed 96. Martin Donovan. A fathers homosexuality as well as the aroused behavior of the mothers partner have been issues in the child-custody battle. (R) (1:50) TMC: Tue. 4:10 P.M.
Hollywood Party 34. Jimmy Durante. A jungle-film star invites Hollywoods brightest celebrities to the gala celebration. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Wed. 6 A.M.
Home alone 90. Macaulay Culkin. Accidentally left by his Paris-bound family, an 8-year-old creates mincemeat of ! dual bur glars in the house. (PG) (2:00) FX: Thu. noon, 2 P.M., 4 P.M., 6 P.M., 8 P.M., 10 P.M.
Home alone 3 97. Alex D. Linz. A clever child stymies spies seeking the fondle automobile with the top-secret mechanism thinly slice dark inside. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sun. 3:45 P.M., midnight (CC)
Home alone 3 97. Alex D. Linz. A clever child stymies spies seeking the fondle automobile with the top-secret mechanism thinly slice dark inside. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sat. 1:15 A.M.
Home for the Holidays 95. Holly Hunter. Fights as well as reconciliations symbol the singular moms Thanksgiving with her dysfunctional Baltimore clan. (PG-13) (2:00) WGN-A: Sat. 8 P.M. (CC)
Homeward Bound: the implausible Journey 93. Voices of Don Ameche. dual dogs as well as the cat set out upon the dangerous mass departure by the Sierra Nevada in poke of their tellurian family. (G) (1:35) DIS: Tue. noon (CC)
Honeydripper 07. Danny Glover. in an all-out bid to save his club, the masculine finds the drifter to play song in place of the famous guitar player. (PG-13) (2:05) TMC: Sun. 8:30 A.M., 5:45 P.M., Thu. 8:15 A.M.
the Horn Blows during Midnight 45. Jack Benny. A sleeping trumpet player dreams which he is the heaven-sent angel whose visionary horn will vigilance Armageddon. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Tue. 3:30 A.M.
Hot Dog the Movie 84. David Naughton. dual playboys take the corner off the Austrians in freestyle skiing during Lake Tahoe. (R) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 1:30 A.M.
Hot Rod 07. Andy Samberg. An accident-prone daredevil skeleton an vast stunt to lift income for lifesaving operation for his aroused stepfather. (PG-13) (1:30) SHO: Fri. 1 P.M.
Hot Shots! 91. Charlie Sheen. A top-gun commander in chief keeps up with his opposition as well as re-creates Hollywood adore scenes with his girlfriend. (PG-13) (2:00) SPIKE: Sat. 9 A.M.
Hotel for Dogs 09. Emma Roberts. after moving in to the encourage home which forbids pets, siblings renovate an deserted highway residence in to the home for their pooch! as well as the slew of wandering dogs. (PG) (1:45) HBO: Thu. noon, 9 P.M., Sat. 2:45 P.M. (CC)
House Party 3 94. Kid N Play. Kid deals with his fears of marriage, whilst Play feels in jeopardy when his longtime hip-hop partner becomes engaged. (R) (1:35) ENC: Sun. 9:30 P.M., Tue. 1:20 A.M. (CC)
House Party IV 00. Marques Houston. A high-school child as well as his friends face staggering hurdles after the furious week end bash during his uncles mansion. (R) (2:00) BET: Wed. 1 P.M.
Houseboat 58. Cary Grant. A counsel with 3 immature kids lives upon the houseboat with an Italian harmony conductors daughter as his maid. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Fri. noon (CC)
How about we 07. Hayley Atwell. Left in charge of 4 churlish residents during the nursing home during Christmastime, the immature lady contingency strike her inexperience in the position. (NR) (1:30) SHO: Mon. eleven A.M., Thu. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
How the Garcia Girls Spent their Summer 05. Elizabeth Pe??a. Romance blooms for members of the Mexican-American family. (R) (2:15) TMC: Mon. 1 P.M., 9:35 P.M., Sat. 12:15 P.M.
Hustle & Flow 05. Terrence Howard. A pimp wants to swat his approach out of his dead-end life. (R) (2:30) BET: Fri. 8:30 P.M., 1 A.M.
we Accuse 03. John Hannah. A lady faces resentment from townspeople after claiming the alloy unperceiving as well as raped her. (R) (1:35) TMC: Mon. 4:25 A.M.
we Come in Peace 90. Dolph Lundgren. An caller law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer as well as an FBI representative track an caller bulky physique which kills for heroin in Houston. (R) (1:30) MAX: Tue. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
we found Stella Parish 35. Kay Francis. A blackmailer preys upon an actress who is perplexing to censor her past from her daughter. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 9:30 P.M.
we saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 01. Connie Sellecca. A child behaves really bad after meditative Santa is perplexing to ruin his kin marriage. (2:00) ABCFAM: Thu. 6 P! .M. (CC)
we Witness 03. Jeff Daniels. An American human-rights romantic joins the multiple attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder review in Mexico. (R) (1:45) TMC: Wed. 7:15 P.M. (CC)
Ice Spiders 07. Patrick Muldoon. Giant mutated spiders terrorize members of an Olympic ski organisation after the monsters shun from the supervision lab. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. eleven P.M. (CC)
the Innocents 61. Deborah Kerr. A Victorian governess fears the child as well as lady have been hexed by the passed couple. (NR) (2:15) AMC: Fri. 3:45 A.M. (CC)
Inspector Gadget 99. Matthew Broderick. A pleasing scientist uses gadgets to put the confidence ensure during the behind of together after disagreeable Dr. Claw blows him up. (PG) (2:00) WGN-A: Sat. 2:30 A.M. (CC)
the International 09. Clive Owen. An Interpol representative as well as the New York prosecutor stick upon forces to shut down the absolute banks funding of terrorism. (R) (2:00) STZ: Sat. 9 P.M. (CC)
in to the Wild 07. Emile Hirsch. following his graduation from college, Christopher McCandless gives up his assets as well as confidence as well as creates an ill-fated mass departure to the Alaskan wilderness. (R) (2:30) TMC: Thu. 4 P.M., 3:05 A.M.
the Invasion 07. Nicole Kidman. An widespread of abnormal origin alters the behavior of tellurian beings. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Wed. 6:15 P.M. (CC)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 56. Kevin McCarthy. A integrate find which plant-life pods from space have been replacing typical citizens. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Sat. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
Jack of Hearts 99. Louis Mandylor. A Las Vegas questioner investigates the freewheeling entrepreneur suspected of corruption. (NR) (1:45) TMC: Wed. 3:45 P.M. (CC)
Jackass 2.5 07. Johnny Knoxville. Dangerous as well as outrageous stunts performed by the Jackass crew. (NR) (1:00) COMEDY: Fri. 10 P.M. (CC)
Jackass: Number dual 06. Johnny Knoxville. Daredevils th! eme an u nsuspecting open to vast stunts as well as practical jokes. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Sat. 1 A.M. (CC)
Jamaica Inn 39. Charles Laughton. A naval troops military troops military troops military officer infiltrates the rope of smugglers who have been plundering the Cornish coastline. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Mon. 4:30 A.M. (CC)
Jason as well as the Argonauts 00. Jason London. Jason faces monsters as well as daunting tasks in the query to find the Golden Fleece as well as retrieve his fathers dominion in very aged Greece. (4:00) SYFY: Mon. 9 A.M. (CC)
Jingle all the Way 96. Arnold Schwarzenegger. A demented postman, the tough law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer as well as the untrustworthy Santa block the workaholic seeking the desired fondle for his son. (PG) (1:45) TBS: Sat. 9 P.M.
Johnny fervent 42. Robert Taylor. A racketeer lures the prosecutors daughter in to the setup. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. noon (CC)
Journey to the Center of the Earth 08. Brendan Fraser. A scholarship highbrow as well as his nephew confront bizarre creatures as well as foreigner lands as they transport underneath the Earths surface. (PG) (1:35) MAX: Sat. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
Journey to the Center of the Earth 08. Greg Evigan. A drill organisation encounters an outlandish subterraneous universe whilst perplexing to rescue the organisation of researchers. (PG-13) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. eleven A.M. (CC)
Jumper 08. Hayden Christensen. A immature mans capability to teleport himself anywhere in the universe creates him the target for those who have sworn to kill him as well as others similar to him. (PG-13) (1:30) HBO: Fri. 8:30 A.M., 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Jurassic Park III 01. Sam Neill. A paleontologist as well as the integrate outrun cloned dinosaurs after their craft crashes upon an island. (PG-13) (1:35) STZ: Mon. 12:35 A.M., Tue. 9 A.M., 5:20 P.M., Fri. 11:30 A.M., 8:27 P.M. (CC)
usually my Luck 06. Lindsay Lohan. A immature woman, who has regularly led the bewitched life, s! uffers t he reversal of fortune after kissing the foreigner during the dress party. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Fri. 5 P.M., midnight.
Kangaroo Jack 03. Jerry OConnell. dual friends contingency repair up the kangaroo in Australia after it steals income which belongs to the mafiosi in New York. (PG) (1:30) HBO: Sun. 10 A.M., Fri. 7 A.M. (CC)
Kangaroo Jack: GDay U.S.A.! 04. Animated. A kangaroos pals breeze up in Las Vegas during the goal to save him from poachers. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Sat. 7 A.M.
Kazaam 96. Shaquille ONeal. Freed from seizure in the unstable stereo, an outsize, rapping genie grants the harassed civic lady 3 wishes. (PG) (1:35) ENC: Fri. 8:40 A.M. (CC)
Kellys Heroes 70. Clint Eastwood. An Army troops military troops military troops military officer as well as his buddies go during the behind of rivalry lines with the tank escort to take bullion bars from the Nazis. (GP) (3:30) AMC: Fri. noon (CC)
Kickin it Old Skool 07. Jamie Kennedy. after slipping in to the coma, the breakdancer awakes twenty years later as well as sets out to revitalise his dance teams ephemeral career. (PG-13) (1:50) ENC: Mon. 4:40 P.M., Tue. 6 A.M. (CC)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 03. Uma Thurman. Awaking from the coma, an assassin seeks reprisal opposite her former mentor as well as his cruel gang. (R) (2:30) SPIKE: Mon. 6:30 P.M.
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 04. Uma Thurman. prior to confronting her former boss, an assassin goes after the mans younger hermit as well as her one-eyed counterpart. (R) (3:00) SPIKE: Mon. 9 P.M.
the Killing Floor 07. Marc Blucas. bizarre events lead the well read representative to turn increasingly aroused of the stalker. (R) (1:40) TMC: Mon. 1:15 A.M.
the Killing Room 09. Nick Cannon. A scientist subjects 4 unwitting volunteers to torturous experiments. (R) (1:35) SHO: Tue. 8:25 P.M.
King of the Lost World 05. Bruce Boxleitner. Survivors of the craft pile-up in the Amazon confront bulky physique scorpions, dragons as well as the goril! la. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 9 A.M. (CC)
Kingdom of Heaven 05. Orlando Bloom. A immature horseman protects Jerusalem from invaders. (R) (3:00) FX: Sun. 8:30 A.M.
Kinky Killers 07. Charles Durning. A sadist captures, tortures as well as murders the patients of the psychiatrist. (NR) (1:30) TMC: Wed. eleven P.M. (CC)
the Kissing Bandit 49. Frank Sinatra. A Boston milquetoast goes West as well as takes his fathers place as personality of an wanted person gang. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Wed. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
the Kite Runner 07. Khalid Abdalla. after many years vital in the U.S., an Afghan writer earnings to his Taliban-controlled homeland to sense the fate of the son of his murdered friend. (PG-13) (2:10) TMC: Fri. 8 P.M.
Ladder 49 04. Joaquin Phoenix. A firefighter awaits rescue from the burning building. (PG-13) (2:30) TNT: Sat. 2:30 A.M. (CC)
Lady in the Lake 46. Robert Montgomery. Raymond Chandlers in isolation eye Philip Marlowe searches for the publishers blank wife. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. 6:30 A.M. (CC)
Lady with Red Hair 40. Claude Rains. Screen star Leslie Carter has the personal attribute with her producer, David Belasco. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 12:45 P.M. (CC)
Lake City 08. Sissy Spacek. On the run, the immature masculine goes to his childhood home, the the singular place upon Earth he does not wish to be. (R) (1:45) SHO: Sun. 10:15 A.M., Thu. 11:45 A.M.
Lake Placid 2 07. John Schneider. A sheriff, the big-game hunter as well as the wildlife troops military troops military troops military officer try to kill 3 bulky physique crocodiles. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
Lakeview Terrace 08. Samuel L. Jackson. A troops troops military troops military troops military officer goes to great lengths to force out the interracial integrate next door. (PG-13) (1:55) STZ: Mon. 3:45 P.M., 10:40 P.M., Tue. 10:35 A.M. (CC)
Lantana 01. Anthony LaPaglia. A womans disappearance leaves the route of suspects including the psychiatrist, h! er patie nts as well as their lovers. (R) (2:05) HBO: Wed. 4:10 A.M. (CC)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 01. Angelina Jolie. A pleasing globe-trotter battles otherworldly creatures for receive of the absolute artifact. (PG-13) (1:45) SHO: Thu. 10 A.M., 10:30 P.M.
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector 06. Larry the Cable Guy. An coarse illness examiner as well as his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new partner examine an conflict of food poisonings in the citys ritziest restaurants. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Sun. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
Lars as well as the Real Girl 07. Ryan Gosling. A waste masculine forms an emotional down payment with the cosmetic woman. (PG-13) (1:50) SHO: Fri. 5:10 P.M., 3:30 A.M. (CC)
Last Chance Harvey 08. Dustin Hoffman. A jingle bard as well as the British supervision workman tumble in love. (PG-13) (1:40) STZ: Wed. 8:50 A.M., 5:25 P.M. (CC)
the Last Days of Left Eye 06. A form of Lisa Lopez, the puzzling thespian from TLC. (NR) (1:55) VH1: Tue. 11:05 P.M.
the Last Mimzy 07. Joely Richardson. the kin as well as clergyman of the span of siblings notice the immature kids have been developing unusual mental abilities following their discovery of the box of bizarre toys. (PG) (2:00) TBS: Sun. 9:30 A.M. (CC)
Last stop for Paul 06. Neil Mandt. dual friends transport around the universe spreading the friends ashes. (PG-13) (1:30) TMC: Sun. 2:30 P.M.
Lean upon Me 89. Morgan Freeman. Principal Joe Clark goes to bat opposite drugs, crime as well as bad grades in his Paterson, N.J., tall school. (PG-13) (1:50) ENC: Wed. 2:50 P.M. (CC)
Lethal Weapon 87. Mel Gibson. A questioner with the family hunts drug smugglers with his brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new partner, the loner with the genocide wish. (R) (2:30) SPIKE: Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
Lethal Weapon 2 89. Mel Gibson. An accountant leads the furious questioner as well as his cautious partner to the South African shrewd person running d! rugs. (R ) (2:30) SPIKE: Sat. 3:30 P.M. (CC)
Lethal Weapon 3 92. Mel Gibson. Los Angeles troops detectives crush the guns-to-gangs operation with the furious lady from middle affairs. (R) (2:30) SPIKE: Sat. 6 P.M.
Lets Go to Prison 06. Dax Shepard. after guidance which the son of the judge who put him divided is in jail, an ex-con gets himself sent during the behind of to prison so he can have the mans reason up miserable. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Mon. 8 P.M., Tue. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
Leviathan 89. Peter Weller. Precious-metals miners turn trapped upon the sea building with an eellike genetic alteration. (R) (1:40) MAX: Sun. 11:30 P.M. (CC)
Licence to Kill 89. Timothy Dalton. Secret representative James Bond 007 brings down the Latin American drug nobleman armed with Stinger missiles. (PG-13) (3:00) SYFY: Thu. 10:30 A.M.
Lightning Strikes 09. Kevin Sorbo. A masculine contingency save his locale from the beast which hides in lightning. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 7 P.M. (CC)
similar to Mike 02. Lil Bow Wow. A 14-year-old waif becomes an NBA basketball player after he finds the span of magic sneakers. (PG) (2:00) FX: Thu. 10 A.M.
Lil Abner 59. Peter Palmer. Dogpatch is selected as the exam site for an atomic bomb. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Wed. 11:30 P.M. (CC)
tiny large Shot 35. Sybil Jason. dual travel hustlers have their hands full when they take in the immature kid whose father was killed by the mob. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 8 P.M.
tiny Children 06. Kate Winslet. A dissatisfied serving lady as well as the father of the documentary filmmaker have tip trysts whilst their spouses have been during work. (R) (2:20) MAX: Wed. 7:20 A.M. (CC)
tiny Einsteins: Rockets Firebird Rescue 07. Animated. A organisation of friends travels to Russia to save Stravinskys Firebird from the music-hating ogre. (NR) (1:00) DIS: Mon. 10:30 A.M.
tiny Giants 94. Rick Moranis. A masculine leads the organisation of misfits in to foe opposite his brothers successful lady football team. (PG) (1! :55) ENC : Thu. 2:50 P.M. (CC)
tiny Miss Sunshine 06. Greg Kinnear. Members of the dysfunctional family set out upon the highway outing to watch their daughter take part in the childrens beauty pageant. (R) (2:00) USA: Sun. 2 A.M., Sat. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
the tiny Rascals 94. Travis Tedford. for courtship Darla, Alfalfa has the descending out with Spanky as well as the all-boys hall gang. (PG) (2:00) ABCFAM: Thu. noon, Fri. 7 A.M. (CC)
Live as well as let Die 73. Roger Moore. Agent 007 charms the tarot reader in Jamaica upon the voodoo/heroin route of the Mr. big. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Thu. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
Live Nude Girls 95. Dana Delany. Petty rivalries as well as ardent fantasies abound when friends gather for ones bachelorette party. (R) (1:35) HBO: Tue. 1:50 A.M. (CC)
Loaded 08. Jesse Metcalfe. A successful masculine befriends the heroin dealer who leads him down the dangerous path. (R) (1:50) TMC: Tue. 4:10 A.M. (CC)
the Long, Long Trailer 54. Lucille Ball. Newlyweds spend extravagantly upon the trailer for their honeymoon, which includes Yosemite National Park. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Fri. 4 P.M. (CC)
the Longest Yard 05. Adam Sandler. during the Texas penitentiary, locked up NFL veterans sight their associate inmates for the football diversion opposite the guards. (PG-13) (2:15) CMT: Sun. 5 P.M., 10 P.M.
Lord of Illusions 95. Scott Bakula. A in isolation eye looks after the mom of an illusionist who killed his mentor, the personality of the black-magic cult. (R) (1:55) MAX: Sat. 2:05 P.M. (CC)
Love actually 03. Hugh Grant. A budding minister, an office worker, the cocktail star, the jilted writer, tied together couples as well as various others understanding with relations in London. (R) (3:00) LIFE: Thu. 9 P.M. (CC)
Love Trap 05. Julius Golden. A law tyro meets the desirable lady who turns his reason up upside down. (NR) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 9:15 A.M. (CC)
reduce Learning 08. Jason Biggs. the clamp principal of an facile propagandize rallies the la! zy teach ers as well as tries to expose the principals corruption. (R) (1:45) TMC: Tue. 9:30 P.M. (CC)
Lust Sessions 09. A sex therapist becomes entangled in the reason up of the unfortunate patient. (NR) (1:30) TMC: Wed. 2:05 A.M. (CC)
Macao 52. Robert Mitchum. A flame thespian as well as an adventurer stick upon forces in the tropical pier city to trap the racketeer. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Wed. 10 P.M. (CC)
Mad Max 79. Mel Gibson. in an Australia of the not-too-distant future, the troops troops military troops military troops military officer strikes during the behind of opposite equipped with the motor menaces to what is left of multitude after the chief holocaust. (R) (2:00) AMC: Sun. 3:30 P.M., 2 A.M.
Mad Max 2: the Road Warrior 81. Mel Gibson. Loner lawman Mad Max fights bikers for solitude gas. (R) (2:00) AMC: Sun. 5:30 P.M., 4 A.M., Tue. 1:30 A.M., Wed. 10 A.M.
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 85. Mel Gibson. Aunty Entity will return Mad Maxs camels if he will quarrel the bulky physique Blaster in the barbarous caged arena. (PG-13) (2:30) AMC: Sun. 7:30 P.M., Tue. 3:30 A.M., Wed. noon (CC)
Madame Du Barry 34. Dolores Del Rio. A fictionalized comment of the climb as well as tumble of Louis XVs chick upon the side in French society. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
Made of Honor 08. Patrick Dempsey. A commitment-shy guy realizes he is in adore with his many appropriate crony as well as accepts the symbol in her bridal celebration in the goal of interlude her wedding. (PG-13) (1:45) ENC: Wed. 1:05 P.M., 8 P.M., 4:15 A.M. (CC)
Madhouse 90. John Larroquette. Obnoxious kin as well as neighbors wear out their acquire in the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new home of the yuppie couple. (PG-13) (1:35) MAX: Wed. 9:40 A.M. (CC)
Magma: Volcanic Disaster 06. Xander Berkeley. A volcano consultant realizes which his doomsday predictions have been entrance loyal when the array of eruptions threatens the Eart! h. (PG-1 3) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 9 A.M. (CC)
Maid in Manhattan 02. Jennifer Lopez. A senatorial claimant falls for the chambermaid after he mistakes her for the guest during the hotel. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Fri. 7 P.M., Sat. 3:30 P.M.
the Majestic 01. Jim Carrey. Residents of the 1950s coastal village mistake an amnesiac screenwriter for the infantryman who never returned from the war. (PG) (2:45) HBO: Mon. 5:15 P.M. (CC)
Mamma Mia! 08. Meryl Streep. Hoping to confront her genuine father as well as have him transport her down the aisle, the bride secretly invites 3 organisation from her mothers past to come to the wedding. (PG-13) (1:50) MAX: Thu. 4:15 P.M. (CC)
Man upon the Moon 99. Jim Carrey. Milos Formans movie spotlights Andy Kaufmans surprising performance style, his becoming intergender wrestling champion, as well as his purpose as Latka Gravas upon the TV sitcom Taxi. (R) (2:45) AMC: Mon. 8:45 A.M.
Man Trouble 92. Jack Nicholson. Love as well as danger combine the dog mentor as well as an uncover singer, any of whom have been married. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Mon. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
the Man Who Knew Too Much 34. Leslie Banks. Anarchists kidnap the couples daughter to censor the tract to kill the shrewd person in London. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 1:30 A.M. (CC)
the Man Who Knew Too Much 56. James Stewart. Plotters kidnap the U.S. couples son to censor an gangland slaying during Royal Albert Hall. (PG) (2:15) TCM: Sat. 2 P.M. (CC)
the Man with the Golden Gun 74. Roger Moore. Agent 007 finds $1 million strike masculine with midget sidekick. (PG) (3:00) SYFY: Thu. 2:30 A.M.
Margot during the Wedding 07. Nicole Kidman. Conflict in in in in between dual sisters arises when the singular expresses her condemnation of the others fiance during the week end visit. (R) (1:35) TMC: Mon. 8 P.M., Thu. 2:20 P.M., 11:40 P.M.
noted for Death 90. Steven Seagal. A former drug representative as well as his aged Army crony eliminate the ostensible Jamaican drug posse. (R) (1:3! 5) MAX: Fri. 2 A.M. (CC)
Married Life 07. Chris Cooper. A masculine skeleton to kill his mom since he has fallen in adore with someone else, yet he is unknowingly which his many appropriate crony also has designs upon the same woman. (PG-13) (1:35) ENC: Mon. 6:35 A.M. (CC)
Matilda 96. Mara Wilson. A tiny lady develops unusual mental abilities, notwithstanding delinquent kin as well as the heartless headmistress. (PG) (1:40) ENC: Fri. 11:35 A.M. (CC)
the Matrix 99. Keanu Reeves. A mechanism hacker joins forces with rebel warriors to conflict the malevolent cyberintelligence. (R) (3:00) AMC: Tue. 8 P.M., Wed. 5 P.M. (CC)
the Matrix Reloaded 03. Keanu Reeves. Freedom fighters make make use of of unusual skills as well as weaponry to rebel opposite machines. (R) (3:00) AMC: Wed. 8 P.M., 2 A.M.
the Matrix Revolutions 03. Keanu Reeves. Neo, Morpheus as well as Trinity hope for for the final conflict opposite infamous machines set to wage fight Zion. (R) (3:00) AMC: Wed. eleven P.M.
Max Keebles large pierce 01. Alex D. Linz. when his kin make known they have been moving, the schoolboy decides to take punish opposite his tormentors. (PG) (1:30) ENC: Fri. 1:15 P.M. (CC)
Max Payne 08. Mark Wahlberg. Vengeance drives the patrolman deep in to the black marketplace to find the killers of his partner as well as his family. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Sat. 10 P.M., 2:15 A.M. (CC)
Meatballs 4 92. Corey Feldman. A hot-dog water-skier helps the lake-camp owners foe opposite the lady who wants his land. (R) (1:30) ENC: Fri. 3:30 A.M. (CC)
Meet Boston Blackie 41. Chester Morris. A former assailant sets out to clear his name of attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder as well as uncovers the nest of Axis spies in the process. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Tue. 1 A.M.
Meet Dave 08. Eddie Murphy. tiny aliens explore the forest of New York City in the human-sized spaceship modeled after their captain. (PG) (1:30) MAX: Wed. 3 P.M. (C! C)
Meet the Browns 08. Tyler Perry. soon after losing her job, the singular mom takes her brood to Georgia for her fathers funeral as well as meets his blustering chateau for the initial time. (PG-13) (1:55) SHO: Tue. 6:30 P.M., Sat. 7:30 A.M., 5 P.M.
Meet the Robinsons 07. Voices of Angela Bassett. Animated. A puzzling time-traveler declared Wilbur Robinson takes the child might upon the outing to the destiny to spend the day with Wilburs individualist family. (G) (1:35) DIS: Thu. 5:25 P.M.
Meet the Spartans 08. Sean Maguire. King Leonidas as well as his strapping warriors climb up to urge Sparta from invading Persians, bad punch-lines as well as luminary look-alikes. (PG-13) (1:25) HBO: Sun. 7:30 A.M., 5:30 P.M., Fri. 1:30 P.M. (CC)
Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus 09. Deborah Gibson. A conflict in in in in between dual prehistoric sea creatures endangers the California coast. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 5 P.M. (CC)
the Member of the Wedding 52. Ethel Waters. the family prepare helps the 12-year-old tomboy as well as her younger playmate grow up in parochial Georgia. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Sun. 6:15 P.M. (CC)
Merlin as well as the War of the Dragons 08. J??rgen Prochnow. Merlin contingency save England from fire-breathing dragons. (PG) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. 1 P.M. (CC)
Mermaids 90. Cher. A teenager is held in an emotional tug-of-war as she tries to understanding with both her initial adore as well as an radical mother. (PG-13) (1:55) ENC: Tue. 9:40 A.M. (CC)
Message in the Bottle 99. Kevin Costner. A lady learns which the writer of the romantic note which cleared ashore is the shipbuilder whose mom died immature as well as tragically. (PG-13) (2:30) LIFE: Wed. 9 P.M. (CC)
Middle of the Night 59. Kim Novak. A widowed manufacturer falls in adore with the divorced employee thirty years his junior. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sun. noon.
Midnight Movie 08. Rebekah Brandes. A infamous torpedo stalks congregation during the movie drama who gather to watch the cult horror film. (! R) (1:30 ) TMC: Sun. 12:30 A.M.
Miracle in Lane 2 00. Frankie Muniz. Determined to keep up with his athletic brother, the child in the wheelchair tries to win the Soap Box Derby trophy. (1:40) DIS: Fri. 3 A.M. (CC)
Miracle upon 34th Street 94. Richard Attenborough. A dialect store Santa claims to be the genuine St. Nick. (PG) (2:30) ABCFAM: Thu. 8 P.M. (CC)
Miss Congeniality 00. Sandra Bullock. An image consultant transforms the tomboyish FBI representative in to the beauty black so she can work underneath cover. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Tue. 1 P.M., Fri. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
the Mist 07. Thomas Jane. Trapped townspeople face monsters inside as well as out after the abnormal haze engulfs their Maine community. (R) (2:15) TMC: Mon. 3:15 P.M., Fri. 3 P.M., 3 A.M.
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House 48. Cary Grant. A New York adman as well as his ease mom buy the large aged fixer-upper in farming Connecticut. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Fri. 10 A.M. (CC)
Mr. Hollands Opus 95. Richard Dreyfuss. Life steers the ardent musician divided from composing as well as toward the teaching career. (PG) (2:30) TMC: Mon. 5:30 P.M., Fri. 7:35 A.M., 5:15 P.M.
Mistrial 96. Bill Pullman. A New York homicide questioner takes the courtroom warrant after the jury acquits the think indicted of murdering the troops officer. (R) (1:35) MAX: Wed. 5:40 A.M. (CC)
Molly 99. Elisabeth Shue. An autistic lady undergoes experimental operation which leaves her the might yet with the emotional development of the child. (PG-13) (1:35) SHO: Wed. 8:25 A.M.
the Money Trap 66. Glenn Ford. A financially uneasy patrolman is tempted by ill-gotten gains. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Wed. 4:15 P.M. (CC)
Monster Ark 08. An archaeologist as well as organisation try to uncover the tip during the behind of ruins of the vessel in the remote desert. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sat. 3 P.M. (CC)
Monster House 06. Steve Buscemi. Animated. 3 youths find which the chateau next doorway is an evil, vital creature. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Fri. 4! :30 P.M.
the Monte Carlo story 57. Marlene Dietrich. An Italian nobleman as well as the French noblewoman have been in adore until they sense they have been in debt. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Thu. 2:45 A.M.
Morning Light 08. Fifteen immature sailors come in the 52-foot sloop in the singular of the worlds many prestigious open-ocean sailing competitions, the TRANSPAC. (PG) (1:45) STZ: Wed. 7:05 A.M. (CC)
the Mortal Storm 40. Margaret Sullavan. An Austrian rustic as well as the professors daughter rush Nazi Germany upon skis. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Sat. 4:15 P.M. (CC)
Mother, May we Sleep with Danger? 96. Tori Spelling. A immature lady falls underneath the spell of the desirable psychopath who murdered his partner dual years earlier. (2:00) LIFE: Sun. 5 P.M. (CC)
Moving McAllister 07. Ben Gourley. A law intern unwisely agrees to haul his bosss effects as well as escort the mans marred niece from Miami to Los Angeles. (PG-13) (1:35) TMC: Mon. 8:20 A.M., 11:45 P.M.
Mozart & the Whale 05. Josh Hartnett. dual people turn lovers whilst struggling with Aspergers syndrome, the form of autism. (PG-13) (1:35) SHO: Sun. 6:25 A.M., Thu. 3 P.M. (CC)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith 05. Brad Pitt. A father as well as mom have been unknowingly which any is an general assassin who has usually been reserved to kill the other. (PG-13) (3:00) FX: Sun. 5 P.M., Mon. 10 A.M.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith 05. Brad Pitt. A father as well as mom have been unknowingly which any is an general assassin who has usually been reserved to kill the other. (PG-13) (2:30) WGN-A: Fri. 8 P.M. (CC)
Mr. Troop Mom 09. George Lopez. A counsel takes his daughters director integrate upon their annual jamboree. (G) (2:00) NICK: Thu. 6 P.M. (CC)
Mr. Woodcock 07. Billy Bob Thornton. A masculine learns his mom skeleton to wed his immorality former gym teacher. (PG-13) (1:30) MAX: Sun. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Mrs. Doubtfire 93. Robin Williams. Estranged from his wife, an out-of-work actress masquerades as the nanny to be wit! h his ch ildren. (PG-13) (2:15) ENC: Thu. 9:45 P.M. (CC)
the Mummy Returns 01. Brendan Fraser. dual immorality forces hold the 9-year-old son of adventurer Rick OConnell is the pass to the reincarnation of Isis. (PG-13) (2:15) ENC: Sun. 7:50 A.M. (CC)
Muppet Treasure Island 96. Tim Curry. Kermit, Long John Silver as well as Young Jim Hawkins set sail for cache regulating the passed pirates value map. (G) (2:00) TOON: Sun. 10 A.M., Mon. 9 A.M.
Music From an additional Room 98. Jude Law. A masculine believes he contingency wed an familiarity from prolonged ago. (PG-13) (1:45) TMC: Wed. 9:15 A.M., 5 A.M.
Music Within 07. Ron Livingston. after losing many of his conference in the Vietnam War, Richard Pimentel becomes the motivational orator as well as the driving force during the behind of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (R) (1:45) TMC: Sun. 4 P.M., Fri. 11:35 A.M., 5:10 A.M.
my Bosss Daughter 03. Ashton Kutcher. To impress the immature woman, the masculine agrees to housesit during his employers palace for the singular night. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Wed. 4:30 P.M., Thu. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
my Man as well as we 52. Ricardo Montalban. A Mexican workman tries to revive the illness of an alcoholic friend. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Wed. 10:45 A.M. (CC)
the Nail: the story of Joey Nardone 09. William Forsythe. A former heavyweight boxer holds with the 14-year-old. (NR) (1:30) SHO: Tue. 1:35 P.M. (CC)
Naked Lust 98. Dakota. Frisky womanlike predators poke for ardent compensation in the furious as well as decadent world. (NR) (1:25) MAX: Wed. 1:35 A.M. (CC)
the Nanny Diaries 07. Scarlett Johansson. A college tyro tries to conduct her studies, the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new dear as well as the decaying kid in her caring when she takes the pursuit with the abounding yet dysfunctional family. (PG-13) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 4 P.M., 5 A.M., Sat. 12:15 P.M., 4:30 A.M. (CC)
National Lampoons Vacation 83. Chevy! Chase. the Griswolds as well as family conduct by hire wagon for the California fun play ground Walley World. (R) (2:00) WGN-A: Wed. 8 P.M., Thu. 9 P.M. (CC)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets 07. Nicolas Cage. A page from the diary of John Wilkes Booth implicates Ben Gates great-great grandfather as the major confederate in the gangland slaying of President Lincoln. (PG) (2:05) STZ: Sat. 7:45 A.M., 6:55 P.M., 12:35 A.M. (CC)
Never during the behind of Down 08. Djimon Hounsou. A rebellious teenager learns to quarrel from the veteran of mixed armed forces humanities after joining an subterraneous quarrel club. (PG-13) (1:55) STZ: Mon. 3:40 A.M., Tue. 7 P.M. (CC)
Never Say Never again 83. Sean Connery. Aging representative 007 seeks hijacked warheads as well as finds SPECTREs Largo as well as Fatima Blush. (PG) (3:00) SYFY: Fri. 2:30 A.M.
the New Adventures of Pinocchio 01. Martin Landau. Geppetto searches for the approach to retreat the effects of the magic refreshment which remade him in to the puppet. (NR) (1:30) ENC: Wed. 6:05 A.M. (CC)
the New Guy 02. D. J. Qualls. in jail, the teenager meets an additional invalid who shows him how to act cold during his tall school. (PG-13) (1:30) ENC: Mon. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Nick as well as Norahs Infinite Playlist 08. Michael Cera. dual music-loving teens go in poke of the mythological bands tip show. (PG-13) (1:35) STZ: Sun. 3:05 P.M., 10:35 P.M., Mon. 7:15 A.M. (CC)
Night of the Living Dead 68. Duane Jones. People censor in the chateau from carnivorous walking corpses revived by deviation fallout. (NR) (2:15) AMC: Fri. 1:30 A.M.
Nights in Rodanthe 08. Richard Gere. dual uneasy souls find joy as well as the life-changing intrigue during the inclement week end during the North Carolina inn. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Thu. 10:15 A.M. (CC)
No Way Out 87. Kevin Costner. the cabinet member of Defense forces the Pentagon naval assistance to lead the manhunt for the Soviet view during the attempted attempted attempted attempte! d attemp ted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder cover-up. (R) (2:30) AMC: Wed. 5 A.M. (CC)
Noras Hair Salon 04. Jenifer Lewis. A smart-alecky stylist presides over the salon full of individualist beauticians. (R) (2:00) BET: Mon. 1 P.M.
Noras Hair Salon 2: A cut above 08. Tatyana Ali. A womans dual disloyal nieces get her beauty salon. (PG-13) (2:00) BET: Tue. 1 P.M.
Notorious 09. Angela Bassett. Christopher Wallace rises from the streets of Brooklyn as swat artist Notorious B.I.G., afterwards is shot to genocide in 1997. (R) (2:00) MAX: Sun. 10:20 A.M., 8 P.M., Mon. 2:45 P.M., 10 P.M., Wed. 11:15 A.M., 10 P.M. (CC)
Obsessed 02. Jenna Elfman. A healing bard is indicted of harassing the prominent doctor. (2:00) LIFE: Sun. 1 P.M. (CC)
Off Limits 88. Willem Dafoe. dual Criminal Investigations Detachment officers poke the war-torn streets of 1968 Saigon for the sequence killer. (R) (1:45) MAX: Sun. 1:45 A.M. (CC)
On an Island with we 48. Esther Williams. A Navy commander in chief kidnaps an aquatic movie star as well as flies her to the in isolation island. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Wed. 2:15 P.M. (CC)
the singular great Cop 91. Michael Keaton. A New York troops questioner as well as his mom try to take caring of his slain partners 3 waif girls. (R) (1:45) MAX: Wed. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
102 Dalmatians 00. Glenn Close. Released from prison, Cruella De Vil teams with engineer Jean Pierre Le Pelt in resuming her query for the Dalmatian coat. (G) (1:45) ENC: Fri. 2:45 P.M. (CC)
Open Range 03. Robert Duvall. Cattle herdsmen combine to conflict the cruel rustic as well as his henchmen in 1882. (R) (3:00) USA: Wed. 6 A.M. (CC)
Open Season 06. Voices of Martin Lawrence. Animated. A mule deer shakes up the easy reason up of the domesticated bear. (PG) (1:30) TOON: Sat. 12:30 P.M.
Open Water 03. Blanchard Ryan. Scuba scuba divers onslaught to tarry in shark-infested waters after their debate vessel incidentally leaves them behind! . (R) (2 :00) FX: Wed. 8 A.M.
the alternative Boleyn Girl 08. Natalie Portman. British sisters Anne as well as Mary Boleyn foe for the affections of King Henry VIII. (PG-13) (2:05) STZ: Fri. 6:05 A.M. (CC)
the Mothers Murder 97. Holly Marie Combs. Consumed by fervour as well as rage, the abounding womans blue-collar spouse becomes increasingly violent. (PG-13) (2:00) LIFE: Sun. eleven A.M. (CC)
Outbreak 95. Dustin Hoffman. An Army alloy fights the spread of the lethal virus brought in to the United States by an African monkey. (R) (3:00) AMC: Mon. eleven P.M., Tue. 5 P.M. (CC)
the Pacifier 05. Vin Diesel. A Navy SEAL faces the ultimate exam when he contingency caring for 5 immature kids as well as strengthen them from their fathers enemies. (PG) (2:02) USA: Sat. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
the Pagemaster 94. Macaulay Culkin. Live action/animated. Live movement as well as existence blend in this story of the child who contingency shun from the universe inhabited by book characters. (G) (1:20) ENC: Fri. 10:15 A.M. (CC)
the Parent Trap 98. Lindsay Lohan. Reunited twin girls try to get their kin during the behind of together. (PG) (2:15) DIS: Thu. noon, ENC: Sun. 10:05 A.M., Fri. 4:30 P.M. (CC)
the Parent Trap 61. Hayley Mills. Twins distant as infants tract to reunite their parents. (G) (2:15) TCM: Sun. 2 P.M. (CC)
Parenthood 89. Steve Martin. A middle-class man, his wife, his father as well as the divorcee try to be great parents. (PG-13) (2:10) ENC: Sat. 8:50 A.M. (CC)
Partners 00. Casper Van Dien. dual unlikely partners work together to sell the stolen briefcase as well as the profitable essence upon the black market. (R) (1:45) TMC: Wed. 5:30 P.M.
Passenger 57 92. Wesley Snipes. An airline-security consultant tries to pierce down the skyjacker who, with his gang, has seized the jet. (R) (1:30) ENC: Sun. 12:20 P.M., 8 P.M., 3:40 A.M. (CC)
Passengers 08. Anne Hathaway. A therapist suspects which the plane-crash survivor knows! some-mo re about the accidents means as well as the fates of his associate survivors than he is admitting. (PG-13) (1:40) STZ: Mon. 10:25 A.M., 5:40 P.M. (CC)
Path of Destruction 05. Danica McKellar. An industrial collision releases the clouded cover of nanotech robots which devours all in the way. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 1 P.M.
Pathfinder 07. Karl Urban. American Indians adopt as well as lift as their own the Viking child who was left during the behind of by his own people during the raid. (R) (2:00) FX: Sun. 11:30 A.M.
the Patriot 00. Mel Gibson. A pacifist rustic of South Carolina reluctantly joins the Revolutionary War as well as fights to the single side his son. (R) (3:00) TNT: Sun. 8 P.M., eleven P.M. (CC)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 09. Kevin James. when crooks shut down the suburban New Jersey selling mall, the confidence troops military troops military troops military officer contingency find his middle law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer to save the day. (PG) (1:35) STZ: Thu. eleven A.M., 7:25 P.M., Fri. 8:10 A.M. (CC)
Payback 99. Mel Gibson. A masculine seeks punish upon his mom as well as crime partner, who shot him as well as left him for dead. (R) (2:00) TNT: Sun. 1 P.M., 2 A.M. (CC)
Pearl Harbor 01. Ben Affleck. Best friends stick upon the fight bid after the Japanese conflict U.S. troops stationed upon the Hawaiian island of Oahu. (PG-13) (3:10) STZ: Wed. 2 A.M., Thu. 2:20 P.M. (CC)
the Perfect Holiday 07. Gabrielle Union. Romance blooms when the tiny lady asks the department-store Santa to perform her divorced mothers fondest instruct for Christmas. (PG) (1:40) STZ: Wed. 2:20 P.M., Thu. 7:20 A.M. (CC)
A Perfect Murder 98. Michael Douglas. A line attorney persuades his wifes partner to kill her in sequence to get her certitude fund. (R) (2:00) LIFE: Sun. 3 P.M. (CC)
Personal Effects 09. Michelle Pfeiffer. While operative for the matrimony planner, the immature masculine struggles to strike the detriment of his si! ster, wh o died prior to prolonged prior to her wedding. (R) (2:00) LIFE: Sun. 9 P.M., eleven P.M. (CC)
Picking up as well as Dropping Off 03. Scott Wolf. dual singular kin prolonged for fraternisation as well as adore whilst struggling with the being of their situations. (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 10 A.M. (CC)
the Picture of Dorian Gray 45. George Sanders. Corrupted by the lord, Oscar Wildes London nobleman stays young, yet his mural starts to age. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. midnight (CC)
Planes, Trains as well as Automobiles 87. Steve Martin. An ad exec as well as the shower-curtain-ring salesman turn co-travelers upon the approach to Thanksgiving in Chicago. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Sun. 8:30 A.M., 2:30 P.M., Fri. 9 A.M. (CC)
Please Dont Eat the Daisies 60. Doris Day. A New York drama censor moves his mom as well as 4 boys to an aged palace in the country. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Fri. 8 A.M. (CC)
Plymouth Adventure 52. Spencer Tracy. Capt. Jones, Dorothy Bradford, John Alden as well as the Pilgrims land after the severe outing upon the Mayflower. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 6 P.M.
Pok??mon: Arceus as well as the Jewel of Life 09. Animated. Ash as well as friends transport during the behind of in time to repair the mistakes of the past. (NR) (2:00) TOON: Sun. 7 P.M., Tue. 9 A.M., Sat. 8:30 A.M.
Poliwood 09. Filmmaker Barry Levinson follows celebrities to the 2008 Democratic as well as Republican National Conventions. (NR) (1:30) SHO: Fri. 10:30 A.M.
Poseidon 06. Josh Lucas. Survivors aboard the capsized sea ship rope together in the quarrel for their lives. (PG-13) (2:00) TNT: Sun. eleven A.M. (CC)
Posse 93. Mario Van Peebles. Spanish-American War deserters breeze up fortifying the black municipality from the law enforcemetn military officer as well as his henchmen. (R) (2:30) AMC: Sat. 6 A.M. (CC)
Possessed 47. Joan Crawford. An oilmans bride sees her ex-boyfriend intrigue her stepdaughter, as well as it drives her mad. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
Post Imp! act 03. Dean Cain. 3 years after the meteor devastates Earth, the masculine leads an speed to Germany to find the device which could assistance or fall short mankind. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. 5 P.M.
the Postman 97. Kevin Costner. Seeking retreat from the post-apocalypse dictator, the wayfarer gives others goal by receiving upon the purpose of postmaster. (R) (3:00) ENC: Sun. 1:50 P.M., 11:05 P.M., Wed. 11:30 P.M., Sat. eleven A.M. (CC)
the Presidio 88. Sean Connery. An Army provost organise clashes with the questioner over the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder during the San Francisco troops base. (R) (1:40) MAX: Wed. 1:20 P.M. (CC)
Pretty in Pink 86. Molly Ringwald. A abounding teenager asks an but the crony tyro to the senior prom, formulating problems in between their separate circles of friends. (PG-13) (2:00) AMC: Mon. 5 A.M. (CC)
Pretty Woman 90. Richard Gere. A corporate ravisher pays the pleasing harlot to be his escort for the commercial operation week in Beverly Hills. (R) (2:00) ENC: Tue. 6 P.M. (CC)
Pride as well as Glory 08. Edward Norton. A questioner probes the unsuccessful drug bust in which 4 of his brothers organisation were killed. (R) (2:15) MAX: Tue. 11:15 A.M., Sat. 4 P.M. (CC)
the Prince of Tides 91. Nick Nolte. Family wounds have been healed by the Southerners event with his suicidal sisters New York psychiatrist. (R) (3:00) AMC: Mon. 11:30 A.M.
the Princess Bride 87. Cary Elwes. A storybook stableboy turns pirate as well as rescues his beloved, who is about to wed the awful prince. (PG) (1:40) ENC: Thu. 1:20 A.M. (CC)
the Princess Diaries 01. Julie Andrews. A lady gives practice lessons to her reluctant granddaughter who is successor strong to the throne. (G) (2:00) ENC: Fri. 6:40 A.M., 9:50 P.M. (CC)
Princess Protection Program 09. Selena Gomez. A princess stays with the covert representative as well as his daughter. (1:40) DIS: Sun. noon.
Problem Child 90. J! ohn Ritt er. An fervent yuppie as well as his mom adopt the tiny boy, Junior, whos totally out of control. (PG) (1:25) ENC: Thu. 11:35 A.M. (CC)
Proof of Life 00. Meg Ryan. A lady enlists the warrant adjudicator to lead mercenaries to rescue her kidnapped father from South American guerrillas. (R) (2:15) MAX: Thu. 5 A.M. (CC)
Psychomania 71. George Sanders. A biker patrol personality who believes he has found the tip of returning from the passed experiments with his gang. (PG) (1:45) TCM: Fri. 2 A.M.
the Puppet Masters 94. Donald Sutherland. Scientists, the supervision representative as well as his son find caller pods have been receiving over people in Iowa. (R) (1:55) MAX: Sun. 4:35 P.M. (CC)
Rain Man 88. Dustin Hoffman. A wheeler-dealer meets his brother, an institutionalized autistic-savant, successor to $3 million. (R) (2:30) AMC: Mon. 2:30 P.M., Tue. 7 A.M. (CC)
Rambo III 88. Sylvester Stallone. Loner Rambo leaves the Buddhist monastery to giveaway his Green Beret manager from Soviets in Afghanistan. (R) (1:45) ENC: Wed. 9:45 P.M. (CC)
Rebound 05. Martin Lawrence. Suspended after the open outburst, the college basketball manager accepts the short-term pursuit with the organisation of middle schoolers. (PG) (2:00) FX: Thu. 8 A.M.
the Red Lily 24. Enid Bennett. silent. A womans reason up takes the turn for the worse when she runs divided with the masculine who becomes the wanted thief. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sun. midnight.
Relative Strangers 06. Ron Livingston. An uptight veteran meets his lower-class biological kin for the initial time. (PG-13) (2:00) COMEDY: Wed. 10 A.M. (CC)
Relative Values 00. Julie Andrews. when an ungainly nobleman as well as an American movie star make known their engagement, friends as well as family have worry coping. (PG) (1:30) SHO: Wed. 11:30 A.M. (CC)
Replicant 01. Jean-Claude Van Damme. A late questioner as well as the counterpart organisation up to repair up the killer. (R) (1:45) SHO: Tue.! midnigh t.
Rescue Dawn 06. Christian Bale. A U.S. fighter commander in chief is shot down during the Vietnam War as well as becomes the POW. (PG-13) (2:15) TMC: Sun. 10:15 P.M., Sat. 8:20 A.M., 4:35 P.M. (CC)
El Rey de la Monta??a 07. Leonardo Sbaraglia. A sniper pursues dual strangers by the wilderness. (R) (1:30) MAX: Tue. 4:30 A.M.
Richie Rich 94. Macaulay Culkin. the child zillionaire saves his kin as well as Rich Industries from the shaping executive. (PG) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sat. eleven A.M. (CC)
Richie Richs Yuletide Wish 98. David Gallagher. Richie wishes he was never born, as well as his instruct comes true. (NR) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
Rivers End 40. Dennis Morgan. A Canadian indicted of attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder poses as the look-alike Mountie to infer himself innocent. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 2:15 P.M. (CC)
Road House 48. Ida Lupino. A showman becomes mixed up with attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder as the result of his involvement in the bizarre triangle. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Wed. 8 P.M.
Road House 89. Patrick Swayze. Hired to tame the unruly Missouri bar, the Ph.D. bouncer romances the alloy as well as tames the total town. (R) (2:30) SPIKE: Sat. 11:30 P.M.
Road House 2 06. Johnathon Schaech. An clandestine DEA representative tries to save his uncles bar from the organisation of drug runners intent upon receiving over. (R) (2:00) SPIKE: Sat. 2 A.M.
the Road to Yuletide 06. Jennifer Grey. A determined lady hitchhikes with the widower as well as his 12-year-old daughter to reach her matrimony upon Yuletide Eve. (NR) (2:00) LIFE: Sat. 5 P.M. (CC)
Roberta 35. Irene Dunne. An American football player finds intrigue with the Russian nobleman in Paris. Music by Jerome Kern. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 6:30 A.M. (CC)
Rock Star 01. Mark Wahlberg. A heavy-metal organisation hires the thespian from the reverence! rope af ter their frontman quits. (R) (2:00) MAX: Wed. 8 P.M. (CC)
the Rocker 08. Rainn Wilson. A unsuccessful drummer gets the second shot during luminary by joining his immature nephews band. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Thu. 1:45 P.M. (CC)
RocknRolla 08. Gerard Butler. Londons crime lords scramble to income in upon the Russian gangsters curved land deal. (R) (2:00) HBO: Fri. 2:10 A.M. (CC)
Role Models 08. Seann William Scott. Forced to stick upon the mentorship program, dual insane organisation contingency assistance the span of susceptible boys navigate the uneasy waters of youth. (R) (1:45) MAX: Fri. 1:30 P.M., 10 P.M. (CC)
Romancing the Stone 84. Michael Douglas. A shy writer goes to Colombia for her sister as well as joins the niggardly upon the value hunt. (PG) (1:50) ENC: Wed. 6:10 P.M. (CC)
Rookie of the Year 93. Thomas Ian Nicholas. A child lands the pursuit with the Chicago Cubs after an arm damage leaves him with major-league pitching talent. (PG) (1:50) ENC: Thu. 1 P.M. (CC)
the Royal Tenenbaums 01. Gene Hackman. An erring father tries to determine with his individualist as well as underachieving family in New York. (R) (1:55) STZ: Thu. 9:05 A.M., 1 A.M. (CC)
Rules of Engagement 00. Tommy Lee Jones. A decorated career Marine, about to mount trial for the botched rescue mission, asks an aged crony to urge him. (R) (2:10) TMC: Sun. 10:35 A.M., 8 P.M., Sat. 2:25 P.M., 4:05 A.M.
run fat Boy run 07. Simon Pegg. An out-of-shape confidence ensure enters the gift marathon in an try to win during the behind of the lady he jilted during the altar 5 years earlier. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Tue. 7:30 A.M., Sat. 1 P.M. (CC)
Running Scared 06. Paul Walker. A low-level mobster runs in to trouble when the gun he was ostensible to discard winds up in the wrong hands after the drug understanding as well as the deaths of the tiny dirty cops. (R) (2:05) HBO: Fri. 11:35 P.M. (CC)
Running the Sahara 08. Narrated by Matt Damon. 3 organisation try to run opposite the ! African desert. (NR) (1:45) SHO: Fri. 6:30 A.M.
Rush Hour 98. Jackie Chan. Mismatched troops partners find the kidnapped girl. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Mon. 10:30 P.M., Tue. 10 A.M.
Rush Hour 3 07. Jackie Chan. the gangland slaying of the Chinese envoy reunites Lee as well as Carter, who mixed with Triad gangsters in France. (PG-13) (1:35) HBO: Mon. 11:40 P.M., Thu. 5:45 P.M. (CC)
Sand 00. Michael Vartan. Fugitive kin bluster to fall short the mans newfound happiness in the tiny California town. (NR) (1:30) TMC: Fri. 12:05 A.M. (CC)
Santa Baby 06. Jenny McCarthy. A commercial operation senior manager earnings to the North Pole to assistance her father, Santa Claus, hope for for Christmas. (NR) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 6 P.M. (CC)
the Santa Clause 94. Tim Allen. An adman takes over for the bearded, big-bellied associate after the rooftop fumble upon Yuletide Eve. (PG) (2:00) DIS: Sun. 9 P.M., Mon. noon, TBS: Fri. 9 P.M., Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
the Santa Clause 2 02. Tim Allen. Santa contingency get tied together by Yuletide Eve in sequence to save the legal holiday as well as keep his job. (G) (1:55) DIS: Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
Santa Jr. 02. Lauren Holly. A open defender tries to assistance Saint Nicks son after he is indicted of hidden Yuletide presents. (2:00) ABCFAM: Thu. 4 P.M. (CC)
saw IV 07. Tobin Bell. An troops military troops military troops military officer has usually 90 mins to save his friend, the SWAT commander, from the array of demented traps. (R) (1:35) TMC: Sat. eleven P.M., 2:30 A.M.
the School of Rock 03. Jack Black. Fired from his organisation as well as unfortunate for money, the guitarist poses as the clergyman for students who play in the propagandize band. (PG-13) (2:30) TBS: Sat. 10:45 P.M. (CC)
Scooby-Doo! as well as the Samurai Sword 09. Voices of Frank Welker. Animated. Scooby as well as the patrol foe with ninja to poke for the treasured long knife in Japan. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Fri. 3 P.M.
Scooby-Doo! Arabia! n Nights 94. Voices of Greg Burson. Animated. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Yogi Bear as well as alternative characters find tour in the trilogy of stories. (NR) (1:00) TOON: Sat. 6 A.M.
Scooby-Doo! the Mystery Begins 09. Robbie Amell. Young Shaggy as well as his newly adopted dog joins forces with Fred, Daphne as well as Velma to investigate the haunting during their school. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Fri. 6:30 P.M.
Scorched 02. Alicia Silverstone. 3 downtrodden employees devise separate heists after any decides to sack the bank in which they all work. (PG-13) (1:45) SHO: Tue. 7 A.M. (CC)
Scream 96. Neve Campbell. A psycho torpedo targets the past victims daughter, whilst the tabloid TV reporter homes in upon his identity. (R) (1:55) TMC: Fri. 10:10 P.M.
Sea People 99. Hume Cronyn. An aged integrate have the surpassing impact upon the 14-year-old who dreams of swimming the English Channel. (1:35) TMC: Mon. 6:45 A.M. (CC)
the Secret of NIMH 82. Voices of Elizabeth Hartman. Animated. A multitude of genetically altered rats comes to the aid of the rodent whose family is in jeopardy by civilization. (G) (2:00) TOON: Sun. noon, Mon. eleven A.M.
the Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue 98. Voices of Dom DeLuise. Animated. brave Timmy as well as the organisation of very intelligent rats aid the mice of Thorn Valley. (G) (1:10) ENC: Thu. 5:30 A.M. (CC)
Secret Santa 03. Jennie Garth. A immature journalist learns the loyal definition of Yuletide whilst perplexing to uncover the temperament of the puzzling philanthropist. (2:00) LIFE: Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
see No Evil 06. Kane. A insane terrorizes the organisation of delinquents cleaning the highway residence for village service. (R) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. eleven P.M. (CC)
Semi-Pro 08. Will Ferrell. A thespian uses the profits from his usually strike to buy the basketball leagues worst team. (R) (1:35) MAX: Tue. 1:30 A.M. (CC)
September 96. Jacqueline Bisset. Aristocrats in the Scottish village find their lives in disarray when th! e sly la dy earnings from her 20-year exile. (3:00) SHO: Wed. 1 P.M.
Serendipity 01. John Cusack. A masculine as well as the lady try to find any alternative after spending the singular night together 10 years earlier. (PG-13) (1:35) STZ: Tue. 12:30 P.M., 10:50 P.M., 5:30 A.M. (CC)
S.F.W. 94. Stephen Dorff. Held by terrorists inside the store for 36 days, the survivor with the so-what attitude emerges as the TV celebrity. (R) (1:40) SHO: Wed. 2:35 A.M.
Shadow Man 06. Steven Seagal. A former CIA user contingency save his kidnapped daughter. (R) (2:00) USA: Wed. 2 A.M. (CC)
Shaft 00. Samuel L. Jackson. A former patrolman vows to pierce the cruel racist to justice. (R) (1:40) TMC: Thu. 10 P.M.
the Shaggy D.A. 76. Dean Jones. An aged ring turns the counsel in to the sheep dog during ungainly times in this supplement to the 1959 The Shaggy Dog. (G) (2:00) TCM: Fri. midnight (CC)
the Shaggy Dog 06. Tim Allen. A top-secret serum turns the workaholic prosecutor in to the canine. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Sat. 4 P.M.
Shall We Dance 37. Fred Astaire. Ballet dancer Petrov woos the low-pitched star during sea as well as in New York, notwithstanding rumors of their marriage. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
Shes all which 99. Freddie Prinze Jr. A cold teenager bets the crony which he can renovate the schools geekiest lady in to the promenade queen. (PG-13) (1:40) STZ: Fri. 9:50 A.M., 5:10 P.M. (CC)
Shooter 07. Mark Wahlberg. Reluctantly pulpy in to make use of again, the former troops sniper plots punish opposite his absolute foes after being tricked as well as wounded. (R) (2:30) TNT: Sun. 5:30 P.M. (CC)
Shortcut to Happiness 07. Anthony Hopkins. A struggling bard creates the devilish understanding for success. (PG-13) (1:45) STZ: Mon. 2 P.M. (CC)
Shrek 01. Voices of Mike Myers. Animated. in sequence to save his home, the beast with the donkey creates the understanding with the meant duke to rescue the pleasing princess. (PG) (1:45) MAX: Sat. 8:15 P.M.! (CC)
the Silence of the Lambs 91. Jodie Foster. An FBI trainee seeks recommendation from the brilliant, psychopathic restrained to repair up the torpedo who skins his victims. (R) (2:30) WGN-A: Sun. 2 P.M. (CC)
Singin in the Rain 52. Gene Kelly. A silent-film star loves the chorus lady who dubs his squeaky-voiced co-star in the 1927 Hollywood talkie. (G) (2:00) TCM: Sat. 6 A.M. (CC)
the Singing Nun 66. Debbie Reynolds. A Dominican nun operative in the Belgian slum is urged by the clergyman to jot down her music. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Wed. 6 P.M. (CC)
Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus 04. Crystal Bernard. Santas successor woos the widowed promotion senior manager who wants to make make use of of him in the biggest ad debate of her career. (2:00) LIFE: Sat. 3 P.M. (CC)
the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 08. Amber Tamblyn. Tibby, Lena, Carmen as well as Bridget find it increasingly formidable to stay in hold as their lives branch out in opposite directions. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Sun. 3:30 P.M., Wed. 3:30 P.M. (CC)
the Skulls 00. Joshua Jackson. A beginner joins an elite multitude which will pledge him success, yet he questions his decision when his reporter roommate dies mysteriously. (PG-13) (2:00) AMC: Tue. 3 P.M., Wed. 8 A.M. (CC)
the Skys the Limit 43. Fred Astaire. An out-of-uniform fight favourite dances with the photographer who does not know who he is. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Wed. 3 A.M. (CC)
Sleuth 07. Michael Caine. An aging bard hatches an blow up intrigue for punish opposite the immature masculine who stole his wife. (R) (1:35) ENC: Tue. 11:35 A.M. (CC)
Slutty, Busty & Bad 09. A lady hires the in isolation questioner to follow her husband. (NR) (1:30) TMC: Mon. 2:55 A.M.
Snoopy, Come Home 72. Voices of Chad Webber. Animated. the Peanuts patrol becomes upset when the dear beagle decides to leave home in poke of his roots. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sat. 9 P.M. (CC)
Snow Day 00. Chris Elliott. Students take the snow plow as well as fend off the ! funny mo torist in an try to keep propagandize closed for the second day. (PG) (1:30) TMC: Thu. 6:45 A.M., 6:30 P.M.
Snow Dogs 02. Cuba Gooding Jr. A Miami dentist travels to Alaska to claim his inheritance, the mischievous organisation of sled dogs. (PG) (1:45) ENC: Thu. 8 P.M. (CC)
Snowglobe 07. Christina Milian. A snow globe transports the lady in to the legal holiday winter wonderland. (NR) (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. 10 P.M. (CC)
Solo 96. Mario Van Peebles. A drudge infantryman goes AWOL to equivocate reprogramming, afterwards helps Mexican villagers defeat rebels. (PG-13) (1:35) MAX: Mon. 11:30 A.M., Fri. 8:50 A.M. (CC)
Some similar to it Hot 59. Tony Curtis. To hedge gangsters, dual organisation enclose skirts as well as makeup as well as stick upon an all-girl rope with the sizzling singer. (NR) (2:15) TCM: Fri. 5:45 P.M. (CC)
something Beneath 07. Kevin Sorbo. A puzzling black muck terrorizes guests during the hotel. (NR) (2:00) SYFY: Sun. eleven P.M.
Son of Flubber 63. Fred MacMurray. the preoccupied highbrow invents dry rain as well as flubbergas, which the football organisation uses. (G) (2:00) TCM: Fri. 10 P.M. (CC)
the Sons of Mistletoe 01. Roma Downey. the director of the dilapidated encourage home contingency remonstrate the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new owners to go upon funding it. (2:00) ABCFAM: Wed. 7 P.M. (CC)
A Sound of Thunder 05. Edward Burns. A scientist as well as an contriver contingency save humankind when the time traveler inadvertently alters the story of evolution. (PG-13) (2:00) SYFY: Tue. 3 P.M. (CC)
Space Chimps 08. Voices of Andy Samberg. Animated. A fun-loving chimpanzee becomes an astronaut as well as contingency rid the universe of the immorality leader. (G) (1:30) HBO: Mon. 7 A.M. (CC)
Space Cowboys 00. Clint Eastwood. 4 aging astronauts who never done it in to space agree to go up as well as repair the 1950s satellite. (PG-13) (2:15) HBO: Tue. 3 P.M. (CC)
Speed Racer! 08. Emi le Hirsch. Defying the corrupt commercial operation mogul, Speed enters the same strenuous cross-country foe which caused his brothers death. (PG) (2:15) HBO: Thu. 8 A.M. (CC)
the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 04. Voices of Tom Kenny. Animated. SpongeBob as well as Patrick conduct for Shell City to retrieve King Neptunes stolen climax as well as save the reason up of Mr. Krabs. (PG) (2:00) NICK: Thu. 3 P.M., Fri. 10 A.M. (CC)
Spy Kids 2: the Island of Lost Dreams 02. Antonio Banderas. A immature sister as well as hermit confront mutants as well as the furious scientist whilst acid for the device which could fall short Earth. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Mon. 5 P.M., Sat. 6 P.M.
Spy Kids 3-D: Game over 03. Antonio Banderas. A child tries to rescue his sister inside the virtual-reality diversion created by the madman out to enslave children. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Wed. 3 P.M.
the Spy Who loved Me 77. Roger Moore. Agent 007 as well as the Russian beauty foil the madman in the submarine, who is out to nuke the world. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Thu. 4 P.M.
Stardust 07. Claire Danes. To win the heart of his beloved, the immature masculine ventures in to the area of fairies to retrieve the fallen star. (PG-13) (2:10) TMC: Thu. 10:20 A.M.
Stargate 94. Kurt Russell. A portal takes an Egyptologist, the colonel as well as the organisation of soldiers to an additional universe with pyramids, slaves as well as an caller ruler. (PG-13) (2:30) AMC: Tue. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
Stateside 04. Rachael Leigh Cook. Shipped off to basic training in lieu of prison, the Marine falls for the schizophrenic starlet. (R) (1:45) SHO: Tue. 8:45 A.M. (CC)
Stay Alive 06. Frankie Muniz. An online diversion becomes terrifyingly genuine when the immature players proceed to die along with their onscreen characters. (PG-13) (1:30) SYFY: Wed. 1 A.M. (CC)
Stephen Kings Desperation 06. Tom Skerritt. Humans contingency conflict opposite the malevolent entity which has invaded the remote Nevada mining town. (R) (3:00! ) SYFY: Wed. 2 P.M. (CC)
Still Waiting 09. Justin Long. when the competing eatery steals their customers, grill employees hatch the raunchy devise to drum up business. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Fri. 1 A.M. (CC)
the Sting 73. Paul Newman. To punish the murder, dual con organisation dupe the mobster with their betting-room fraud in 1930s Chicago. (PG) (2:15) MAX: Mon. 7 A.M. (CC)
the Stone Angel 07. Ellen Burstyn. An aging lady flees from her past as well as future. (R) (2:00) SHO: Wed. 4 P.M., 4:15 A.M. (CC)
the bizarre Love of Martha Ivers 46. Barbara Stanwyck. Martha as well as her husband, who saw her kill her aunt, fear the childhood crony saw her too. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Tue. 4 P.M. (CC)
foreigner in Town 98. Harry Hamlin. A child suspects the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new family crony is hiding something. (1:45) TMC: Sun. 6:45 A.M., Wed. 7:35 A.M. (CC)
Stuart tiny 2 02. Geena Davis. Stuart the rodent as well as Snowball the cat debate by New York City to rescue the crony from the falcon. (PG) (1:30) DIS: Fri. 7 P.M. (CC)
Sugar & Spice 01. Marla Sokoloff. High-school cheerleaders devise to sack the bank when the singular of them becomes profound as well as unfortunate for money. (PG-13) (1:30) STZ: Tue. 4 A.M., Wed. 4 P.M. (CC)
Sukiyaki Western Django 07. Hideaki Ito. their clans during fight over dark gold, the leaders of any try to captivate over the puzzling gunman. (R) (1:45) SHO: Tue. 1:45 A.M.
Superbad 07. Jonah Hill. Separation anxiety poses the complaint for dual co-dependent high-school seniors who goal to measure drink as well as babes during the party. (R) (2:00) STZ: Tue. 12:25 A.M., Wed. 12:20 P.M., 7:05 P.M. (CC)
Superhero Movie 08. Drake Bell. A teenage loser transforms in to the caped crusader when the bite from the genetically altered bug gives him superhuman abilities. (PG-13) (1:30) SHO: Mon. 5:45 P.M., midnight, Thu. 9 P.M. (CC)
Superstar 99. Molly Shannon. An enterprising school! girl hop es to win the bent foe where the prize as the movie extra might lead to her initial kiss. (PG-13) (2:00) E!: Mon. 9 A.M.
Surfs up 07. Voices of Shia LaBeouf. Animated. followed by the documentary movie crew, the teenage penguin heads to Pen Gu Island for his initial veteran surfing competition. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Sat. 2 P.M.
Suspiria 77. Jessica Harper. A New York ballet dancer enrolls during the condemned dance academy run by witches in the Black Forest. (R) (1:35) MAX: Sun. 3:30 A.M. (CC)
the Swan 56. Grace Kelly. A European princess waltzes with her mentor yet is destined to wed the climax prince. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. midnight.
Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street 07. Johnny Depp. A vengeful coiffeur relates his razor to unlucky customers. (R) (2:00) MAX: Fri. 5:15 A.M. (CC)
the Sweetest thing 02. Cameron Diaz. A reliable coquette as well as her many appropriate crony poke for the desirable guy who slipped by her fingers during the dance club. (R) (1:30) TBS: Fri. eleven P.M. (CC)
Swing Time 36. Fred Astaire. Gambler/dancer Lucky falls for dance clergyman Penny whilst engaged to Margaret. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 10:30 A.M. (CC)
Swordfish 01. John Travolta. A view operative for the CIA forces the mechanism hacker, who was recently expelled from prison, to assistance take unused supervision funds. (R) (1:45) HBO: Sat. 3:10 A.M. (CC)
the story of Despereaux 08. Voices of Matthew Broderick. Animated. in the lost dominion of Dor, the misfit rodent contingency find his middle horseman in sequence to rescue the kidnapped princess. (G) (1:45) HBO: Tue. 9:15 A.M., Fri. 3 P.M. (CC)
Tarzan 99. Voices of Tony Goldwyn. Animated. A masculine raised by apes in the African jungle encounters the professor, his daughter as well as the questionable hunter. (G) (2:00) ABCFAM: Fri. 7 P.M., Sat. 3 P.M. (CC)
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo 06. Voices of Greg Cipes. Animated. Five superheroes poke for the Japanese assailant a! fter the high-tech ninja attack. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Wed. 9:30 A.M.
10.5: Apocalypse 06. Kim Delaney. the mentor as well as the tip scientist work together to save North America from potentially devastating earthquakes. (3:00) USA: Tue. 6 A.M. (CC)
10 things we hate about we 99. Heath Ledger. Teens set the shrewish peer up with the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new child in town. (PG-13) (1:40) ENC: Sun. 4:50 P.M., Mon. 8:10 A.M. (CC)
10,000 B.C. 08. Steven Strait. A immature mammoth hunter leads the tiny rope of tribesmen upon the debate to the ends of the Earth upon the goal to save his dear from her warlord kidnappers. (PG-13) (1:50) MAX: Tue. 6:10 P.M. (CC)
the Tesseract 03. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. the lives of the drug trafficker, the psychologist, the bellhop as well as an harmed assassin intersect during the hotel. (R) (1:45) SHO: Sun. 3:45 A.M. (CC)
the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning 06. Jordana Brewster. A immature lady tries to save her friends from the clutches of immature Leatherface as well as his cruel clan. (R) (1:30) MAX: Wed. 12:05 A.M. (CC)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Next Generation 95. Ren??e Zellweger. Psycho Leatherface as well as his hideous chateau terrorize the high-schooler who loses her approach the night of her prom. (R) (1:30) ENC: Tue. 11:50 P.M. (CC)
Thats Entertainment! 74. Fred Astaire. Fred Astaire, Liza Minnelli, Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Donald OConnor, Debbie Reynolds, Mickey Rooney, James Stewart, Bing Crosby as well as Peter Lawford uncover clips from 1928-58 MGM musicals. (G) (2:30) TCM: Sat. 8 A.M. (CC)
Thelma & Louise 91. Susan Sarandon. An Arkansas waitress as well as the serving lady shoot the assailant as well as take off in the 66 Thunderbird. (R) (2:30) WGN-A: Sat. midnight (CC)
there Will be Blood 07. Daniel Day-Lewis. Daniel Plainview becomes the self-made oil tycoon, yet he deviates in to dignified failure as his element fortune grows. (R! ) (2:45) SHO: Sun. 5:15 P.M., Fri. 2:30 P.M. (CC)
A skinny Line Between Love as well as hate 96. Martin Lawrence. A abounding lady stalks the womanizing bar owners who seduced, afterwards betrayed, her. (R) (1:55) ENC: Fri. 1:35 A.M. (CC)
the skinny Man 34. William Powell. Sophisticated Nick as well as Nora Charles compromise the attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted attempted murder mystery with their wire-haired terrier, Asta. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sat. noon (CC)
This is Not the Test 08. Hill Harper. Carls fears of the chief terrorism conflict upon Los Angeles destroys his marriage. (R) (1:30) TMC: Wed. 12:40 P.M. (CC)
3 Days 01. Kristin Davis. An angel gives the well read representative the second possibility with his mom after she suddenly dies prior to Christmas. (2:00) ABCFAM: Sun. noon (CC)
300 07. Gerard Butler. really bad outnumbered Spartan warriors strife with the Persian armed forces during the Battle of Thermopylae. (R) (2:00) TNT: Fri. 8 P.M., 10 P.M., Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
3 Men as well as the Baby 87. Tom Selleck. 3 swinging Manhattan bachelors grow consanguine minding the baby lady left upon their doorstep. (PG) (2:30) VH1: Sat. 8 P.M.
3 Men as well as the tiny Lady 90. Tom Selleck. the bachelors contingency rethink their joint purpose of father when Marys mom decides to wed the bleak theatre director. (PG) (1:45) ENC: Tue. 4:15 P.M. (CC)
3:10 to Yuma 07. Russell Crowe. A rustic as well as the captive wanted person in his charge sense to apply oneself any alternative upon the dangerous debate to repair up the train. (R) (2:05) TMC: Tue. 2:05 A.M., Sat. 6:45 P.M.
Thunderball 65. Sean Connery. Agent 007 scuba dives after SPECTREs Largo hijacks chief bombs with the hydrofoil yacht. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Fri. 8 A.M.
Tim Burtons the Nightmare prior to Yuletide 93. Voices of Danny Elfman. Animated. the Pumpkin King of Halloweentown skeleton to kidnap Santa Claus as well as broach fear instead of joy. (PG)! (1:20) ENC: Thu. midnight, Fri. 6:40 P.M. (CC)
the Time Machine 02. Guy Pearce. A highbrow is propelled 800,000 years in to the future. (PG-13) (1:40) MAX: Mon. 1:05 P.M. (CC)
TMNT 07. Voices of Chris Evans. Animated. yet Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael as well as Michelangelo have grown apart since their final adventure, they contingency stick upon forces again to conflict an armed forces of monsters. (PG) (2:00) TOON: Tue. 7 P.M., Wed. 5 P.M., Sat. 8 P.M.
To Catch the Thief 55. Cary Grant. A late cat criminal sees fireworks with an American heiress upon the Riviera. (2:00) TCM: Thu. 8 P.M. (CC)
To Grandmothers House We Go 92. Mary-Kate Olsen. dual nonsensical crooks kidnap twin tiny girls who have left home to get out of their mothers hair. (2:00) ABCFAM: Thu. 7 A.M. (CC)
Tom as well as Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers 06. Kathy Najimy. Animated. A cat as well as the rodent contingency outmanoeuvre the rope of pirates to find buried treasure. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Thu. 8:30 P.M.
Tombstone 93. Kurt Russell. Doc Holliday joins Wyatt Earp as well as his brothers for an OK Corral showdown with the Clanton gang. (R) (2:30) HIST: Sat. 8 P.M., 12:01 A.M. (CC)
Tommy Boy 95. Chris Farley. A neer-do-well auto-parts successor contingency stop his fathers widow from selling the business. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Wed. 3 A.M., Thu. 10 A.M. (CC)
Tomorrow Never Dies 97. Pierce Brosnan. James Bond as well as womanlike representative Wai Lin pursue the megalomaniacal aristocrat perplexing to begin World War III. (PG-13) (2:30) SYFY: Thu. 6:30 P.M. (CC)
Top Gun 86. Tom Cruise. A hot-shot Navy jet commander in chief tangles with MiGs as well as flirts with the municipal astrophysicist. (PG) (2:30) CMT: Sun. 2:30 P.M.
Top Hat 35. Fred Astaire. A lady believes which an enamored dancer is her many appropriate friends husband. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Thu. 4 P.M. (CC)
the Tracey Fragments 07. Ellen Page. Wearing usually the tattered curtain, the teenager searches for her blank brothe! r, when she fears she has hypnotized him in to believing he is the dog. (R) (1:20) TMC: Tue. 11:15 P.M.
Trading Places 83. Dan Aykroyd. Sporting billionaire brothers retreat the roles of the Wall Street line attorney as well as the travel hustler. (R) (2:30) VH1: Sun. 3 P.M. (CC)
the Trip to Bountiful 85. Geraldine Page. Leaving her weak son as well as his mom in 1947 Houston, an aged widow takes the train home. (PG) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 4:15 P.M. (CC)
Tropic Thunder 08. Ben Stiller. A élite actress as well as his co-stars turn part of the genuine fight in the Southeast Asian jungle. (NR) (2:00) MAX: Sat. 6:15 P.M. (CC)
Troy 04. Brad Pitt. the extreme soldier Achilles leads Greek forces in the Trojan War, lighted when Paris abducts Helen of Troy. (R) (3:30) FX: Sun. 1:30 P.M.
Turbulence 97. Ray Liotta. A scuffle aboard the 747 firm for New York frees the murderer-in-transit, kills the commander in chief as well as puts the stewardess during the helm. (R) (1:45) MAX: Mon. 4:15 A.M. (CC)
Turner & Hooch 89. Tom Hanks. A refined law enforcemetn troops military troops military military officer is teamed with the slobbering canine. (PG) (2:00) COMEDY: Sun. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
Tweetys High-Flying Adventure 00. Voices of Joe Alaskey. Animated. Sylvester pursues Tweety as he tries to transport around the universe in 80 days. (NR) (1:30) TOON: Fri. 8:30 A.M.
twenty-one 08. Jim Sturgess. College students make make use of of their expertise during card-counting to kick the chateau in Las Vegas. (PG-13) (2:10) STZ: Fri. 1:25 P.M., 4:05 A.M. (CC)
27 Dresses 08. Katherine Heigl. A incessant bridesmaid balks upon guidance which her next choice would be standing up for her sister, who will wed the masculine the bridesmaid secretly loves. (PG-13) (1:50) MAX: Fri. 5 P.M. (CC)
Twister 96. Helen Hunt. Storm-chasers finalizing their divorce try to place equipment inside the tornado upon the Oklahoma plains. (PG-13) (2:00) ENC: Sat. 8 P.M. (CC)
dual if by Sea 96.! Denis L eary. after hidden the priceless painting, the masculine promises his long-time partner it will be his final heist. (R) (1:40) ENC: Mon. 3 P.M. (CC)
dual Weeks with Love 50. Jane Powell. A teenager vies with her many appropriate crony for the attention of the Cuban visiting the same summer hotel. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Wed. 12:30 P.M. (CC)
the Ultimate Yuletide Present 00. Hallee Hirsh. dual girls devise to close propagandize by creation it snow in Los Angeles jeopardizes Christmas. (1:30) DIS: Sat. 3 A.M. (CC)
Unforgiven 92. Clint Eastwood. An aged gunslinger, his ex-partner as well as the quick-draw kid go bounty hunting in the locale called large Whiskey. (R) (3:00) AMC: Fri. 8 P.M., Sat. 5 P.M. (CC)
the Uninvited 09. Elizabeth Banks. A ghost prompts the lethal conflict of wills in in in in between the mans brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new fiancee as well as his dual daughters, the singular of whom has usually returned from the mental ward. (PG-13) (1:30) MAX: Mon. 6:30 P.M., 2:45 A.M., Fri. noon, 8:30 P.M. (CC)
Unlikely Angel 96. Dolly Parton. An angel is given the event to earn her wings by bringing together the uneasy family for the holidays. (2:00) ABCFAM: Mon. 9 P.M. (CC)
Unstable 09. Shiri Appleby. A newlywed suspects which her father is keeping secrets. (NR) (2:00) LIFE: Sun. 7 P.M. (CC)
Valley of the Kings 54. Robert Taylor. An archaeologist as well as the tied together lady dig for the pharaohs treasure-filled tomb in 1900 Egypt. (NR) (1:45) TCM: Mon. 6:15 P.M. (CC)
Van Wilder: Freshman Year 09. Jonathan Bennett. A college beginner inspires others by partying, chasing girls as well as courtship the prohibited chick. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Thu. 2:30 P.M., 1 A.M. (CC)
Vertical Limit 00. Chris ODonnell. A climber contingency rescue his sister stuck by an avalanche. (PG-13) (2:10) MAX: Sun. 12:20 P.M. (CC)
Vice 07. Michael Madsen. A uneasy patrolman se! eks the traitor in his department. (R) (1:40) SHO: Wed. 12:55 A.M.
the Vikings 58. Kirk Douglas. dual Vikings strife over the Welsh princess as well as carry out of the British throne, unknowingly which they have been half brothers. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 10 P.M.
Violent Saturday 55. Victor Mature. 3 aroused hoodlums shatter the ease of the peaceful Arizona village when they try the bloody bank heist. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Sun. 8 P.M.
the Virgin Suicides 99. James Woods. Men remember about appealing sisters, whose kin quarantined them after the singular of the 5 killed herself. (R) (1:45) TMC: Sun. 12:45 P.M., 5:05 A.M.
Waiting 05. Ryan Reynolds. A womanizing waiter, his former partner as well as his housemate ponder their lives whilst operative during the sequence restaurant. (R) (2:00) COMEDY: Fri. eleven P.M., Sat. 7 P.M. (CC)
Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox story 07. John C. Reilly. following the childhood tragedy, Dewey Cox rises to song stardom, falls victim to drug abuse, as well as finds the adore of the great woman. (R) (1:40) STZ: Thu. 4:25 A.M. (CC)
Walker Payne 06. Jason Patric. A masculine contingency have heartbreaking choices to save his daughters. (R) (2:00) TMC: Tue. 6 P.M. (CC)
WALL-E 08. Voices of Ben Burtt. Animated. A drudge leaves Earth to chase the shapely mechanical director opposite the galaxy. (G) (1:45) STZ: Sat. 4:20 A.M. (CC)
War, Inc. 08. John Cusack. An clandestine strike masculine contingency classify the matrimony of the Middle Eastern cocktail star. (R) (2:00) SHO: Fri. 12:30 A.M. (CC)
Warriors of Virtue 97. Angus Macfadyen. A child lands in the magic universe of kung fu, kangaroo-men, as well as villains seeking the pass to immortality. (PG) (1:45) SHO: Wed. 6:40 A.M.
Watching the Detectives 07. Cillian Murphy. A masculine who loves cinema meets an adventurous beauty who shakes up his dull life. (NR) (1:35) SHO: Tue. noon (CC)
the Waterboy 98. Adam Sandler. A simpletons angry outbursts lea! d to gri diron glory. (PG-13) (1:35) ENC: Wed. 7:35 A.M., 4:40 P.M. (CC)
the Wedding Planner 01. Jennifer Lopez. A waste organizer falls for an engaged pediatrician whilst coordinating his matrimony as well as reception. (PG-13) (2:30) ABCFAM: Sat. eleven P.M. (CC)
the Wedding Singer 98. Adam Sandler. A energetic entertainer as well as the waitress with the impatient fiance work during the same weddings. (PG-13) (2:00) E!: Sun. 2 P.M.
acquire Home Roscoe Jenkins 08. Martin Lawrence. Determined to infer to his family how much he has changed, the talk-show star earnings to his tiny Southern hometown for his kin anniversary. (PG-13) (2:00) HBO: Thu. 3:30 P.M. (CC)
Were all Angels 07. Jason as well as deMarco have been gay lovers perplexing to turn cocktail stars. (NR) (1:30) TMC: Mon. 11:30 A.M. (CC)
when Nietzsche Wept 07. Ben Cross. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche seeks the recommendation of psychoanalyst Josef Breuer. (PG-13) (1:45) TMC: Tue. 9:15 A.M.
While she was Out 08. Kim Basinger. A lady fights with the patrol which is perplexing to kill her. (R) (1:30) STZ: Mon. 2:10 A.M. (CC)
Whos your Caddy? 07. Antwan Big Boi Patton. when members of the bleak country bar oppose his bid to join, the swat mogul buys the land diagonally opposite to the golf courses 17th hole. (PG-13) (1:35) TMC: Tue. 6 A.M., 12:45 P.M.
why did we get Married? 07. Tyler Perry. Revelations of infidelity as well as alternative secrets force 8 tied together friends to take the hard demeanour during issues of commitment, betrayal as well as forgiveness. (PG-13) (2:00) TMC: Thu. 8 P.M., 5:35 A.M.
Wild Hogs 07. Tim Allen. seeking for adventure, undone suburbanites strike the open highway as well as confront rough-and-tumble bikers. (PG-13) (2:00) FX: Tue. 8 P.M., Wed. 5:30 P.M.
but the Paddle 04. Seth Green. 3 childhood friends come in upon upon the canoe outing to find the craft hijackers accumulate of money. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Thu. noon (CC)
but the Paddle: Natures C! alling 0 9. Oliver James. dual friends as well as the funny Briton have furious misadventures whilst acid for the blank lady in the woods. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Thu. 2 P.M.
Witless Protection 08. Larry the Cable Guy. A parochial lawman as well as the FBI declare which he has in custody grapple with curved sovereign agents, impostor doctors as well as Chicago high-society. (PG-13) (1:45) SHO: Mon. 12:30 P.M., Thu. 6:15 A.M., 6:15 P.M.
the Wizard of Oz 39. Judy Garland. A tornado whisks the Kansas plantation lady to the magic land. (G) (2:15) TBS: Sun. 5:45 P.M. (CC)
A Womans Secret 49. Maureen OHara. Police investigate the sharpened of the thespian by the lady instrumental to her success. (NR) (1:30) TCM: Mon. 4:45 P.M. (CC)
Women in the Wind 39. Kay Francis. A womanlike commander in chief gets some-more than income when she enters an air race. (NR) (1:15) TCM: Mon. 11:30 A.M.
consternation Boys 00. Michael Douglas. Terrified his second novel wont live up to the initial as well as stumbling over his personal life, the bard takes the means tyro underneath his wing. (R) (2:00) SHO: Thu. 3:30 A.M.
Woo 98. Jada Pinkett Smith. Friends prepare the blind date for the mismatched couple, an uncertain law clerk as well as the smart-alecky extrovert. (R) (2:00) FX: Mon. 8 A.M.
the Wrestler 08. Mickey Rourke. An aging wrestler goads his smashed physique in to handling the comeback. (R) (2:00) HBO: Sat. 8 P.M., 12:50 A.M. (CC)
Wyatt Earp 94. Kevin Costner. the mural traces him from Southern child to Western lawman fortifying boomtowns with his brothers as well as Doc Holliday. (PG-13) (4:30) AMC: Fri. 3:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 A.M. (CC)
the X-Files: we wish to hold 08. David Duchovny. Mulder as well as Scully confront the clergyman with psychic visions when they reunite to compromise the baffling missing-persons case. (PG-13) (1:45) HBO: Wed. 8:45 A.M. (CC)
Yes Man 08. Jim Carrey. A masculine tries to change his rea! son up b y observant yes to everything. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Thu. 2:30 P.M., 10 P.M. (CC)
you, Me as well as Dupree 06. Owen Wilson. 3 turn the throng when the newlywed invites his jobless crony to at the moment pierce in with him as well as his wife. (PG-13) (2:00) TBS: Thu. 9 P.M., 3 A.M. (CC)
we Only Live Twice 67. Sean Connery. Agent 007 plays dead, afterwards comes during the behind of as an Asian to save the universe from SPECTREs Blofeld. (PG) (2:30) SYFY: Fri. 1 P.M. (CC)
Young Guns II 90. Emilio Estevez. Billy the Kid as well as his patrol trot to Mexico, chased by the sovereign posse led by Pat Garrett. (PG-13) (1:45) MAX: Thu. 9:30 A.M. (CC)
yours, mine as well as Ours 68. Lucille Ball. A widow with 8 immature kids meets, courts as well as weds the widowed Navy troops military troops military troops military officer with the brood of 10. (NR) (2:00) TCM: Fri. 2 P.M. (CC)
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