Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle: SATURDAY, Sep. 19 2009 ...
Constructor: Mel Taub
Relative difficulty: Irrelevant
THEME: Puns as well as Anagrams Puzzle it seems which puns as well as anagrams have been concerned in elucidate this puzzle, yet I'm not the best the single to ask, as we would never routinely voluntarily solve the tiny nonplus which went around job itself "Puns as well as Anagrams." Normally we would pass. "No thank you," I'd say.
Word of the Day: Canceled until genuine crosswords come back
Puzzle Note:
HALF-CENTURY PUZZLEMAKERS' WEEKAll the every day crosswords this week, Monday by Saturday, have been by puzzlemakers who have been contributing to The Times for some-more than 50 years. Mel Taub had his first Times crossword published upon Oct 24, 1954. His Puns as well as Anagrams puzzles (of which this is an example) have appeared in the Sunday Magazine given 1955.
Apparently these "Puns & Anagrams" puzzles appear in the NYT all the time, as well as the little people quite similar to them. I've never seen the single or solved the single before. Literally, never. we wrote my associate Blogger, Amy Reynaldo, asking her what the ruin we was supposed to do with it. Before she could get back to me, I'd solved it. My wife stood here as well as solved it with me (that never, Ever happens with genuine crosswords most as we adore my wife, we don't have the patience to solve genuine crosswords during her speed ... yet upon this sort of puzzle, we're pretty similarly matched, so elucidate together was fun). My first thought: "So ... it's kind ! of simil ar to the mysterious crossword, usually suckier." With the night's sleep behind me, in the cold light of day, we mount by which initial assessment. If we similar to this pun/anagram stuff, do yourself the large favor as well as collect up the book of mysterious crosswords. Or only collect up the Harper's Magazine their puzzles (wicked tough as well as multi-layered) regularly have mysterious clues as their base. Does The Nation still publish the cryptic? Emily Cox as well as Henry Rathvon have been probably the biggest names in American cryptics, so ask for them by name. Anyhoo, mysterious clues have been approach way approach some-more clever, as well as precise, in their wordplay, than have been "puns as well as anagrams" plus, puns as well as anagrams aren't the usually wordplay starting upon in cryptics.
Take STEAL (6A).
Today's clue: At slightest it's the genuine bargain
Possible mysterious clue: "Crazy" thespian gets commemoration shirt for the bargain
Now in today's clue, we only anagram LEAST to get the clarification of "a genuine bargain" => STEAL. There is nothing cuing we to anagram LEAST. You only ... do. 'Cause the nonplus title tells we that's the single of the options. "Do we pun, or do we anagram? we have to decide, as the thought itself won't be worried to contend or differently playfully indicate."
In the mysterious clue, we have to figure out what kind of wordplay is concerned From Indications In The Clue Itself. So SEAL (who sang "Crazy" ... as well as is tied together to model Heidi Klum ... yet we could substitute something less cocktail culturey similar to the lovable aquatic sign or the imperishable Navy Seal) ... anyway, SEAL "gets" (as in takes, grasps, swallows, encompasses) the commemoration shirt or "T" with the result being the bar! gain: ST EAL. Shove T inside SEAL to get STEAL. My mysterious thought is Vastly superior as well as we only made it up as well as as well as we have never clued the mysterious nonplus in my life. The weak clues aren't the constructor's fault. They're the genre's fault. Puns & anagrams, boo. Here have been all the clues as well as answers today's puzzle. we have nothing (more) to contend about them.
- 1 Impudence of the Br. dope (BRASS) Br + donkey ("fool")
- 6 see above
- 11 Author in the faint (PROUST) anagram of "stupor"
- 12 Job for the Rhine surgeon (HERNIA) anagram of "a Rhine"
- 14 Mien of the bookmaker will revoke attrition (ROLLER BEARING) "Crapshooter" = ROLLER, "Mien" = BEARING, ROLLER BEARINGs revoke friction. This is the plain mysterious clue, yet I've never heard of the ROLLER BEARING. BALL BEARING, sure.
- 16 Oath from the renEGADe
- 17 What lies in the Seine (ILES) anagram of "lies"
- 18 _____ party (golfers' bash) (TEE) joke upon "tea" with good pick-up of golf pitch "BASH"ing the tee
- 19 Kind of dry (SUN) 'cause we can SUN dry something?
- 20 Turned pea in 19-Across (SPUN) 'cause "SPUN" equates to "turned" as well as "pea" is the joke upon "P", which is combined to SUN (19A) to get SPUN.
- 21 Group of Irish islands in quARANtine
- 22 Dead set opposite being keyed up (SEDATED) anagram of "dead set"
24 Divided A.P. pictures (APART) A.P. + "pictures" or ART
- 25 Tenants of Lords, e.g. (LODGERS) anagram of "Lords, e.g."
- 27 U.N. rap combined rapidly (RAN UP) anagram of "U.N. r! ap"
- 30 Except having Republican passage from the book (EXCERPT) "R" (for "Republican") inside "Except"
- 34 Retro character (EDOM) "Mode" backwards
- 35 One who attends school hops (SOPH.) anagram of "hops" ... did any a single else want SOCK?
- 36 Swiss toURIst center (it's the genuine place in Switzerland)
- 37 Why isn't the single done? (NOD) which is, "No D"
- 38 Pedro's hand in Oman (MANO) anagram of "Oman"
- 39 _____ pressure (cause the jetty to collapse) (PIER) joke upon "peer pressure"
- 40 Fall guy's insurance when roving (TRIP INSURANCE) only ... the big pun
- 43 Where does N.C. rank between U.S. states in Christmas tree production? (SECOND) anagram of "does N.D."; no thought what Christmas tree prolongation is all about. we see an anagram of CONES in there ... do Christmas trees produce CONES? ... yet afterwards there's the left over "D" ... 500 CONES?
- 44 Reined in nymph (NEREID) anagram of "Reined"
- 45 Shabby followers of the bee (SEEDY) joke upon "C, D" ... they follow "B"
- 46 Pairs amassed in 500 days (DYADS) anagram of "days" as well as "D" (Roman numeral for "500")
Tired ... will do Downs later.
OK, we can't do this. I'll only contend which ANITRA was different to me, so 9D: She danced in Tirana was toughish to me. we additionally longed for MIND to be MIQD, notwithstanding the nonsensicality thereof (38D: Intellect in 1500). [See which the doctor gets in] which is my mysterious suggestion for this one. Or have been MIND THAT as well as SEE THAT not equivalent enough? [Watch the doctor get in]? [The doctor gets in your head, so to speak]?
In summation, I'd similar to to say:
Summary? Cripes!
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CROSSWorld
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