Uni Watch Devaluing the Design Process, Pt. I (aka Design-A-Uni)
By Phil Hecken
OK, a long-awaited Design-A-Uniform competition entries have finally been all uploaded as good as flickred (there were approximately 190 particular entries, from tighten to 40 entrants) which came in. Thats distant as good most to arrangement in a singular post, so Im starting to be violation them up in to multiform opposite articles, interspersed with a small other subjects, so as to give a small some-more accumulation in to a week end columns. we figure a easiest way to do this is to let any artist have his or her say, as good as to afterwards couple all their submissions to their own flickr set (since a small had as few as a singular singular submission, a small containing mixed graphic, to others who sent me a dozen or more). And to be democratic about it, Ill be doing it in alphabetical order. So, if your final name begins with W (and there were 7 of we who tumble in to which category), your submissions will be last, though thats simply because of where we tumble in a alphabet.
This complete competition began about a month ago, when we had posted a couple emails we had been trade with Marc Walls, pitching manager for a Clarksville WIldcats, which incited in to a Design-A-Uniform Contest (and which was followed up with a mainstay after which week by Paul which questioned whether contests such as this devalue a work of striking designers). Well, we wont confirm a merits of either side of which argument, because what we have been about to see have been a small flattering superb efforts by readers who participated in a contest. The discipline were flattering simple:
* A trademark incorporating a letters CHS any rise or format. Looking for something unique, even outward a box. We would adore a shawl pattern featuring a CHS logo.
* A inhuman seeking wildcat. Any trademark involvi! ng a wil dcat or duke trademark would be outstanding. Our football program has been regulating a Kansas State Wildcat, as good as we wish something a small better.
* Uniform designs. We have been seeking for a white, grey, purple, yellow or black (yeah, we know). Our head manager loves black so any black jerseys or shawl designs would be outstanding.
*The parameters: colors have been purple as good as gold.
Not everybody followed a discipline to a T (and a couple of we even submitted, as a bonus, football uniforms for a school). But everybody who participated did an superb job, as good as deserve your respect as good as praise.
So though further ado, lets demeanour during a initial 10 entrants (alphabetically). Simply click upon a thumbnails in any couple to perspective them full-size; we can additionally click upon detail to perspective them (if there have been some-more than one) in a singular full page, in roughly full-size clicking upon those thumbnails will afterwards yield we with a large picture:
~~~Andy Altemus: submission
Here is my entrance for Clarksville baseball. Me as good as my roommates helped with a designs. We similar to a pinstripe demeanour as good as of course a classical stirrups have been key. The two-toned shawl pattern was additionally a favorite. Hope we similar to it.
~~~Chad Anderson: submission
Here have been my dual entries in a Clarksville High pattern a unvaried contest.
I didnt essentially pattern a unvaried though we did pattern dual logos!
Gretchen Atwood: submission
I chose a uni builder which did not embody caps so these have been not usually complete. But we get a thought of what a tone intrigue could be. we suppose gold/purple or purple/gold CHS caps with these.
Home: we am not a air blower of lots of contrasted tone piping everywhere. And purple is simply not a ball color. So we would go with frail whites with bullion as good as purple accents, light upon a! purple.
Away: Again, gripping it simple. In this case have a uni series as good as outline in bullion as good as usually have a mascot name with purple as good as white. Makes a name pop whilst gripping a uni series visible though not competing with a name.
Alternate: we am additionally not a large air blower of doing black usually because. But since a manager wants it, here it is. Again, gripping a uni numbers elementary so they dont competition with a name.
Gretchen Atwood
~~~Jeff Bahry: submission
Here have been my entries for a Clarksville Wildcats. Home whites, road greys, purple alt as good as black alt uniforms along with dual tip designs. we didnt get as good crazy with a C redesign, though gave it a some-more modern edge. we additionally used a accumulation of lettering as good as numbering fonts in an bid to emanate a singular look. we combined bullion piping to a black caps b/c we thought it looked cool! Here have been a small logos to consider, too.
~~~Jake C.: submission
Just a white uni for now, thats all i had time for. we usually went with a classical pattern regulating a purple as good as bullion as a initial colors. Double-striped pant leg, sleeves as good as collar, usually kept it simple. Although Im not a large air blower of black, we used it as a initial tone for a tip as requested. Custom trademark with a wildcat duke as good as a CHS trademark inside it. Thats about all Ive got, goal we suffer it, oh as good as a striped stirrups!
-Jake C.
~~~Kevin Callahan: submission
Kevin Callahan Creative Director, Alterra Coffee.
~~~Kevin Connolly: submission
Hey Phil,
Im an zealous reader of uni-watch though rarely experience in a daily conversation. we was, however, intrigued by a pattern a unvaried contest. we have a few options in my pattern as good as due to its overall size, Ive dense it in to a pdf file which Ive attached. Im seeking forward to saying everyones contributions.
Re! gards,
Kevin Connolly
~~~Joe Csikos: submission
Here is my shot during a home, away, as good as alternate uni for Clarksville.
Matthew Donnelly: submission
Thanks for this contest. we adore to try my hand during these things.
I am a graphics teacher during a high school in Northeast PA, so we came in to this with a small thought how to pull this off. we attempted to keep my meditative inside a box, as we know how open school budgets work as good as what can or cant be produced.
For a hat, we incorporated a CHS trademark based upon a 1950s-1960s White Sox. we additionally enclosed a wildcat trademark upon a brim. we have always favourite contrasting brims, so we went with which in all of a designs as well.
The Home (pinstriped) as good as Road we kept sincerely conventional book logos, singular ribbon hosiery (Im fearful which stirrups have been gone during this level), as good as a wildcat trademark upon a left chest below a name. we borrowed a wildcat from a British rugby group as good as mutated it for my own have make use of of Inside a school, we can claim Fair Use.
I varied things a small upon a yellow A duke underneath a book trademark as good as a LSU-like trademark upon a cap, withdrawal a brim alone. On this as good as a purple, we made a sock ribbon vertical. Perhaps it is my own hatred to Yellow as a base unvaried color, though this is my slightest favorite.
I gave a yellow alternate white pants, substantially meditative of it as a home alt. So, a purple a singular has gray pants. we made a purple a pullover, with a largest striking upon a front a full mutated wildcats book as good as trademark from a friends opposite a H2O during Wakefield Trinity. we opted to retreat a unchanging hat, with a wildcat trademark upon a center of a hat, with CHS upon a brim.
I additionally written a sleeve patch, which Im not entirely confident with as good as might be as good bustling we might need to have a! choice between a wildcat or a CHS, though not both, even with a ghosting effect.
Matt Donnelly
New Milford, PA
Jamie Dupler: submission
For my uni design, we similar to a a singular color-white-two tone look, we additionally similar to a series upon a front as good as a book represents a classical look. Not a huge air blower upon purple as good as a black alternative, though we usually went with a elementary demeanour with all three colors included. we outlay about 2 hours a week upon a beta.easports.com website designing unis underneath a group builder section of ncaa football 10.
~~~Thats starting to do it for a initial batch of Design-A-Uniform submissions there have been most some-more to come, as good as theyre all as good as this initial set. Ill have a second batch tomorrow. Remember to thank a submitters for their hard work, as good as let them know what we think!
~~~~~~~~~~Division Two Football-Where Uni Design Goes To Die Aint Quite Dead
By Phil Hecken & Jim Vilk
Im behind again with a male upon a street, Jim Vilk, who loves him a small Division 2 football. He insists which there have been a small unequivocally good uniforms to be found in this rarely seen division, as good as I, similar to Fox Mulder, we wish to believe. So Jim scoured a circuit as good as came up with a small unis he unequivocally likesbut will I? Lets find out. Heres Jim:
After reading a uni-review when a deteriorate began, a singular might have come divided feeling there is zero good to see in a land of Division II football. Todays square will try to boot which notion. Looking during tighten to 150 schools throughout a season, we have gathered a list of my a a single preferred D-2 unis. Phil has taken a demeanour during them, as good as weve both combined a comments. The schools have been not ranked i! n sequen ce of preference. we usually went by a list in a sequence we found upon D2Football.com. Apparently a smaller schools cut behind upon a photography budget, as there have been a small where we could usually find home unis or final years sets. Anyway, we will see a small opposite styles a small classic, a small new. The usually common factor is that, Yes, Id wear which uni.
PH: Awful. Even UNC cant have this combo demeanour this bad.
JV: we put them in because of a good tone combo, as good as they contained a bumper sticker outcome to a pits.
PH: Nice.
JV: Yes sir!
Home (Jim saw which diversion as good as snapped which pic, by a way) as good as Away
PH: Awful. Times 2. How can we ruin black & green? we guess its possible.
JV: Original. we similar to a lightning bolts separating a colors.
PH: Not bad, though we could do though a Rams helmet.
JV: Im a fool for Rams helmets, especially when we add shoulder loops.
PH: Hmmm. Not as good bad, though lose a yokes.
JV: Yokes save a uni they break up a dark blue.
PH: Great helmet, horrible shoulders.
JV: Love a helmet. The shoulders jazz it up though starting overboard. Might be tied with West Georgia for my favorite.
PH: NICE! If memory serves, we even favourite their hockey sweaters. How we contend their name again?
JV: Thought youd similar to that. we similar to a strange beaver trademark in natural colors gracing a classical Jets-like uni.
GANNON: Home as good as Away
PH: Gorgeous, usually need pants stripes.
JV: Yep.
PH: What BC should demeanour like.
JV: Yep. Perhaps with a BC instead of a KU
PH: Only Iowa should demeanour similar to a Steelers. And even they shouldnt.
JV: But they have yellow numbers, so theyre different. Keep em.
PH: Zee gogglesz! ey do no ssing.
JV: Step outward a box, my friend. The trademark is cool, as good as deserves a cool uni.
PH: Whoa! Absolutely gorgeous! we even similar to a immature socksbest Div 2 uni evermaybe.
JV: Alas, they had white hosiery when we saw them play. Nevertheless, they do demeanour good.
PH: Purple & athletic gold? Umno. And, turn these parts, West Chester is a singular word, yo.
JV: At slightest they additionally didnt have make use of of a LA Rams colors.
PH: You contend which similar to its a good thing.
PH: Umno. Just no.
JV: Um, original. Well, a sleeve ribbon appears to be.
PH: AWFUL. Are we done yet?
JV: And nonetheless we favourite it, even though its a BFBS. Shoulder loops helped.
PH: Are we kidding me?
JV: we consider its a immature as good as yellow. Ive seen distant worse.
PH: Yet, youd wear that. Man, we dont consider Id ever wish to see whats in your closet.
Well, we have zero else to say, so Ill let Jim finish it up. Jim?
JV: As formerly mentioned, this is not THE list of most appropriate Division II uniforms. If youd similar to to uncover off a school whose unis we like, greatfully post it in a comments section. Id adore to find out what we consider your favorite. At slightest weve seen which not all D-2 unis have been coporately written from a same template. There is variety, as good as maybe a small hold up here, after all.
Oh, as good as no, we we dont wish to know whats in my closet (From final Yuletide a Hawaiian shirt is essentially a Nativity scene. The tie is holly as good as ivy with French horns as good as a pants were part of a reversion Virginia Squires warmup [donated a tip though kept a pants].)
~~~Thus (mercifully) endeth a D-2 unvaried rundown, unless we all have something else to share. Thanks to Jim for finding these. we think.
You might not kn! ow it, t hough Jim essentially attends a small D-2 football games, so whilst his perspective of their unis might not determine with mine, during slightest hes heard of a small of a schools weve reviewed today. And not usually that, Jims a bit of a Division II shutterbug. Check it out:
JV:Went by my photos as good as found a small median decent ones. Now lets get your opinion:
Cal U. of PA/Slippery Rock: here, here, as good as here
Ky. Wesleyan/Lake Erie: here, here, here, as good as here.
Marian/Walsh: here. (NAIA schools, though better facilities than D-II thats during a Football Hall of Fame in Canton)
If zero else, we had a explosion starting to a games as good as walking around taking a pics. If a NFL goes by with their work stoppage, screw them. Ill take D-II anyday.
~~~~~~~~~~Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Back to a plain for todays GTG. This a singular comes pleasantness of Shaun Tunick, who has granted us with a bew-tee-ful picture. Might not rate which high upon a worry scale, though a pic alone is value it. Dont forget, greatfully do NOT post a answer in a comments, though instead, post a link. Ready? Guess The Game From The Scoreboard. As always, if we suffer a game, greatfully send me a small brand new scoreboards! Drop me a line. Thanks!
Mick as good as Mike have been behind in a unit again, a way it should be examination Chuck upon a small tube. No not which Chuck. Distracted tho they be by a commercials, a boys still conduct to find humor in any situation. Or so it seems. Enjoy your Saturday Benchies. Take care, aged frog, we croak as good much against Moses. Or something.
Our male in a street, Jim Vilk, brings we a SPECIAL Top 5 Best as good as a singular WORST college football uni matchup from Thursday as good as Fridays games:
5. Wyoming/Colorado State Because CSUs in-state rivals unequivocally dragged down a Nebraska/Colorado matchup.
4. Pitt/WVU Monochrome or not, its a sweet matchup.
3. Temple/Ohio Ditto.
2. Alabama/Auburn Tide roughly lost #2 ranking, though this uni-matchup was a plain #2 regardless.
1. Texas/Texas A&M Phil pronounced it best: Even Nike couldnt screw up a Horns unisthis a singular was a classic.
And a misfortune matchup: Memphis/Tulsa we dont be vexed a colors, though a sadness have been as good similar as good as a unis have been as good busy. Sorry, Leon.
~~~~~~~~~~Alrighty then, thats starting to do it for this fine final Saturday in November. Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. Plenty of college football (at slightest a real, Division we kind) today, what with a small riflery adversary games as good as a small large intrastate games as well. Havent heard whether USC/UCLA will be tone vs. tone again this year, though its definitely value checking out (they play during 7:00 PST). And will a Gators vs. Noles be Bobby Bs final diversion ever? Could which be a riflery game? (If so, thatd be a small kinda tone upon tone matchup, if both teams play along.) Good stuff ahead, for sure.
Have a good day everyone.
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