Daily Adventures - Whuff...
A very, unequivocally busy as well as productive day, felt like it was Far Too Much for most of the day.
I went scarcely nuts with everything until we finally got to the Yuletide Eve service. Then, suddenly everything settled down as there was, really, unequivocally small else to do.
The problem with Yuletide cards is which it's not usually removing the card out. It's figuring out all the addresses, who to send them to as well as who not, as well as we went scarcely nuts usually dealing with the 4 notebook page list between John as well as I. *laughs*
Jet was unequivocally amused to find me, during 11 am, with my oatmeal still usually partially eaten, "You haven't eaten your breakfast!" Jet was the real guard as well as watched TV or played games until we had the pile of finished cards, as well as afterwards he'd hang stamps, address labels, as well as afterwards lick 'em all closed.
He did great.
Lunch was the hodgepodge, as well as afterwards when we was finished with what we could do, Jet as well as we played the small Crash, which we both loved. Then we had to stop to have snickerdoodles (which still makes Jet laugh quietly about the name), as well as after 5 dozen cookies, John proposed the unequivocally early dinner. We ate during 4, as well as when we was done, we ran outside as well as roasted coffee for the subsequent two mornings. Me but coffee is unequivocally deadly.
Then we went up as well as tried to shift for the Yuletide Eve Service. It took me the while. *sighs* we hatred that, yet had the bottle green velvet dress, along with the red scarf which had the subtle glaze which incited to blues as well as purples which Carl gave me the prolonged time ago, as well as the big lady boots which we do love wearing. The snow is scarcely the foot deep outside, now, fluffy, mostly, still, as well as thick.
The curbs have been usually piled with what the snow plows have left, yet as showy as the boots are, they did their pursuit as well as ! kept the snow off my feet, too. We were late since of my anticipating what we frequency wear, as well as we was vexed by that.
But once we were in as well as we were ushering. Jet helped flitting out programs, as well as John helped folks find their way, as well as there was an additional family which we unequivocally enjoy who were there as well as ease as can be were doing the same job. And they said which it had been kind of slow, so the fact which we were late wasn't the problem. The use of which was huge...
*laughs* we get concerned when I'm late.
The use was the family service, which meant no choir, usually the worshipers as the chorus. The pageant was "anyone who wants to do anything can" so we had three Mary's as well as two Josephs, as well as the church band of angels as well as the flock of shepherds, as well as it was all good. Very relaxed, as well as the small of the small girls were so excited!
I finally relaxed with the elementary singing.
After the service, we went to the friend's residence which was doing the cookie decorating party, as well as we desired removing out of the fancy wardrobe as well as into jeans as well as the t-shirt as well as the sweater. Cold tonight.... with the snow upon the belligerent it's 4 out tonight. Brr.... yet it was smashing in the residence as well as we got to speak with people, do the small origami, as well as Jet got to have the cookie for Santa. That was unequivocally cool.
We proposed observant our good-byes during 8pm, as well as headed for home by 8:30. Jet ran to set up the cookies as well as divert for Santa, as well as we set up gummy pecan cinnamon rolls for the morning, yet we left the single vessel but the gummy bits, as Jet likes his cinnamon rolls as Cinnamon Rolls. *laughs* Then we put him to bed, as well as afterwards we ran around. *laughs* We're all set now, as well as we essentially got the small still time to boot.
Jet's been following Santa upon Norad's site as well as he review the wh! ole expl anation of how the track the sleigh using the feverishness signature of Rudolf's nose during night. That made clarity to him. we desired which he did the research himself.
*sighs* I'm so glad of him.
Anyway... hope we all have the unequivocally Merry Christmas!!
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