Point/Counterpoint: Roy Halladay was robbed, unless he wasn't ...
Post Sports columnist Bruce Arthur as well as ball bard Jeremy Sandler disagree over Roy Halladay's fifth-place finish in a American League Cy Young voting:
Bruce Arthur Sandman, my friend, we am outraged. we am aflame. we am pounding my table in righteous anger. OK, this is an exaggeration. But we am some-more than a little bothered by a actuality which Roy Halladay of a Toronto Blue Jays accomplished fifth in a American League Cy Young voting. Zack Greinke first, fine. Felix Hernandez second, sure, OK.
But we have Halladay conduct as well as shoulders upon top of Justin Verlander (third) as well as C.C. Sabathia (fourth), as well as for a town where sporting victories of any kind have been couple of as well as far between, this is value a little of my ire. Where do we stand?
Jeremy Sandler Bruce, which this bothers we to any grade larger than a turn of Hey, who adjusted my rear view mirror? speaks volumes about how severely your evidence should be taken. Forget for a impulse which a a soon-to-be-ex genius of a Toronto Blue Jays comes divided from a BBWAA choosing by casting votes in a practical tie with Messrs. Verlander as well as Sabathia. Forget which by being referred to upon 11 of 28 ballots, Halladay perceived some-more particular votes, if not points, than his competitors. The elementary actuality is which it can simply be argued which both Sabathia as well as Verlander enjoyed improved as well as some-more poignant seasons than a good doctor Halladay.
BA My adore of hairsplitting aside, we will disagree strongly upon a merits of Halladay's case. Roy was third in a AL in ERA during 2.79, during a behind of Greinke as well as King Felix. (Sabathia: fourth, during 3.37; Verlander: Sixth, during 3.45.) He was second in WHIP during 1.125, during a behind of usually Greinke (Sa! bathia: fourth, during 1.148; Verlander: fifth, during 1.175). He threw an MLB-high nine finish games dual some-more than Hernandez, Verlander as well as Sabathia combined. He threw 4 shutouts, which was a single some-more than Hernandez, Verlander as well as Sabathia combined. And Halladay's ERA+ adjusted for a context of a joining as well as stadiums, etc was third during 155, during a behind of usually Greinke as well as Hernandez. (Verlander: fifth, during 133; Sabathia: sixth, during 127, scored similarly with Edwin Jackson as well as Kevin Millwood.)
That's a lot of numbers, sure, as well as there have been a couple of which favour Verlander as well as Sabathia. But those, to me, have been a ones which matter. Halladay was better.
JS we am so blissful have been gentle determining which numbers make a difference as well as which do not. You in a centre ignore strikeouts, a category dominated by Verlander, or defence-independent ERA, where a Tigers aces 2.84 again outshone Halladays 3.14 (Pi!). Or how about opponents batting average, where Sabathia (.232) as well as Verlander (.243) along with Jarrod Washburn, Edwin Jackson as well as Halladays aged pal A.J. Burnett all bested a .256 mark posted by Torontos most appropriate traffic bait? This does not even discuss wins, where Sabathia as well as Verlander each had nineteen to tie Hernandez for a joining lead upon teams which possibly won their multiplication or got as far as a one-game playoff. Halladay had 17 wins.
And given Im quite certain youll disagree wins have been mostly a construct of a team, does not a same reason loyal for things similar to finish games as well as shutouts? Yankees physical education instructor Joe Girardi had to guard Sabathias innings with a awaiting of a long post-season ahead, not a complaint for his Blue Jays reflection Cito Gaston, whose B.J. Ryan/Scott Downs/Jason Frasor-led bullpen armed forces did not compare to Mariano Rivera.
BA [rolling up sleeves]
Strikeouts, fine. Strikeouts have b! een grea t. And yes, Halladay authorised some-more hits than a alternative guys. He additionally walked a fewest guys per nine innings of anybody in baseball, as well as he did it by a mile. Halladay walked 1.318 per 9 second in a AL went to Carl Pavano, during 1.761. Greinke was 5th; Verlander 10th. The result was Halladay's strikouts-to-walks comparative magnitude additionally lef a joining by a far-reaching margin, as well as again, his WHIP kick which of a non-Greinkes out there.
As for wins ...
[taking a deep, low breath]
Wins? WINS? Let's leave in reserve a actuality which Greinke won sixteen games since Kansas City's lineup consisted of eight fire hydrants as well as a lampost. Instead, take Bob Welch. Welch won a 1990 Cy Young with Oakland interjection mostly to his twenty-seven wins, despite a actuality which he was sixth in ERA, ninth in WHIP, as well as seventh in ERA+ during 126 (one during a behind of Sabathia in 2009, as well as usually a third-best mark in Welch's excellent but frequency Hall of Fame-worthy career). That year, Roger Clemens stage up a 213 ERA+, which was a 10th-best single-season mark given they lowered a mound in 1969. But Welch won a Cy, since he won some-more games.
Wins competence be a WORST magnitude of a pitcher. Greinke's ERA in no-decisions this year: 2.35, which would have led a joining by itself. In losses, a KC ace's ERA was 4.62. Halladay's ERA in losses? 4.89. Verlander's? 6.18. Sabathia's? 7.52. Hernandez's? 8.89. Halladay didn't chuck all those finish games since a Jays didn't have a Mariano Rivera. He threw them since he can, as well as since every single time out, he gives his group a chance.
JS So we guess when Steve Carlton won twenty-seven games for a 59-97 Phillies in 1972, it meant nothing. Wins have been not all which matter, but they don't NOT matter, either. You have been right in a single sense, statistics can be used to infer anything (40% of all people know that, Kent).
What is undeniably loyal is my BBWAA brethren ! (and a w omen, too, we dont exclude here) have been human beings creation decisions based upon human observations. Some of which is a numbers. But if youre a bard in New York who saw Verlander post a 1.29 ERA in dual starts against a Yankees or witnessed Sabathia go 9-1 in Aug as well as September as his group ran divided with a AL East, it makes a current as well as lasting impression. Voters everywhere expected tuned in to see Sabathia as well as Verlander representation in important games whilst Halladay played out a string devising it was he as well as not Cliff Lee who got traded to a Phillies. Sure theres an evidence to be made which Halladay deserved improved than fifth place, but we reason there have been similarly compelling ones indicating a electorate got this a single right.
BA In 1972, Carlton led a NL in ERA, ERA+, hits authorised per nine innings, innings pitched, strikeouts, strikeout-to-walk ratio, finish games (30!), as well as had an eminently respectable 3.79 ERA in his 10 losses. He won a Cy Young since he was a most appropriate pitcher by miles, not just since he had a most wins. (OK, a wins substantially weighed pretty complicated upon electorate behind then. But he SHOULD have won it either he won twenty-seven or 16.)
You can substantially disagree this isn't a slam-dunk case; we can disagree which a a single rascal who voted for Verlander as a Cy winner relegated Roy to fourth, as well as a Yankees bias pushed him to fifth. But a man faced down a Yankees as well as a Red Sox nine times this season, as well as went 5-3 with a WHIP of 1.04. Them alternative 4 guys saw a Yankees as well as Red Sox 10 times. Combined. we just feel similar to in what was roughly surely his last deteriorate as a Blue Jay, Roy deserved a little better.

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