Tiger woods apology speech
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For Friday updates upon Tiger Woods's apology:The Tiger Woods's reparation live-blo
The League: Why do apologies matter?
Video: Tiger Woods Apology: The Shame Hall of Fame
Send in questions about Tiger Woods's matter to Post sports columnist Sally Jenkins as well as Slate sports editor Josh Levin.
Send in questions about Tiger Woods's matter to Post sports columnist Sally Jenkins as well as Slate sports editor Josh Levin. Send in questions about Tiger Woods's matter to Post sports columnist Sally Jenkins as well as Slate sports editor Josh Levin. Live chat: Tiger Woods press conference: What did we think?
More upon Tiger Woods's reparation from a Post's Feb. eighteen coverage:
Tiger Woods is scheduled to speak publicly Friday for a first time since his car accident in November, beginning what his agent Mark Steinberg, according to ESPN, called "the process of making amends" for a sex scandal which sent him into stealing for 3 months.
What we can expect to listen to from a world's greatest golfer? What should he be saying?
Public family expert Dan Leinweber was online Thursday, Feb. 18, during 1 p.m. ET to plead Tiger Woods as well as how he competence residence a scandal.
Leinweber is boss of Leinweber Associates, a open family firm which represents inhabitant headlines clients as well as companies.
Dan Leinweber: Hi, everyone. we will discuss with we about tomorrow's Tiger Woods press discussion as well as plead not usually what we can expect to listen to from a world's greatest golfer, but also what he should be telling us. we will answer your questions upon Tiger's specific incident as well as how open total in ubiquitous should residence similar circumstances.
Long Island, N.Y.: Dan, why didn't Tiger only post a video upon his Web site with his statement? By! doing a carry out weird thing, he comes off as somebody playing a media. we think this only invites many more "Emperor Has No Clothes" columns about his cursing, club slamming, ignoring fans, caddie tantrums. What's he going to do...Freeze out already frozen out reporters?
Dan Leinweber: You have been indeed correct--"his" press discussion is about being in control. However, this should not be a one-way dialogue--the open won't buy it as well as it won't end continued speculation. Tiger should not only contend how difficult it is for him as well as his family, but stand up as well as answer a difficult questions!
New York, N.Y.: Dan, Pete Rose certified betting upon baseball a same week which a Hall of Fame opinion was announced. Tiger makes his proclamation during a Accenture tournament. Isn't it bad form to upstage your peers even to hang your finger in a eye of an antagonist?
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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