sirkayem: Me and my toys.. not a short read.
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Me as good as my toys.. not a reduced read.
- - - a total LOTTA whining goin' upon - - -
I'm not USED to feeling this approach as good as I'm not meddlesome in GETTING used to it
dot dot as good as poof elevenAM 2-6-10 you came home from propagandize as good as went down
for about sixteen hours of nap.. never a good sign. I'm still starting to try
to get a post up @ A Muse as good as you s'pose which means either do it NOW ..
or not. you collect not. There's a small possibility which you can get a tide
rolling as good as which is arrange of a priority. Eh, a pour out of words isn't
coming, let's do a post as good as competence be catch up.. later. Later is 337pm,
I'm not certain which a pour out is waiting, though I've finished a small in swell and..
some alternative things that's not a untend as good as you figured which given you had
the appurtenance upon to modify a small vinyl, I'd run a line or few. I'm
running a single of a disks you took from Mom years ago, Roger Williams..
it's flattering scratched up as good as I'll be meddlesome to see how distracting
THAT is when you pierce it to a cd. you figger it'll have a cool gift, a
cd, if you can get it finished in time for her birthday upon a 18th. That
presumes I've schooled HOW to pierce things out of a iTunes repository
and in to someplace you can, y'know, straightforwardly entrance it. Oh, you looked
relative up a screen as good as I'm changed to note which you did get a A Muse
post finished this AM. Annireckon I'll pop a Gspot open innabit.. see if
anything's come in.. you left 4 or 5 comments for marci, too. Yeah,
we'll see, though not write away, you let Jen pull me in to a small 'honey do'
tasking. Aaaannd, whilst which was a inestimable distraction, you come at a behind of
to a appur! tenance @ 516pm as good as a manuscript acclimatisation has, oh.. prob'ly about
twenty min left. Slow delayed delayed delayed slow. And side dual will expected go
even slower, if past experience w/this tool is any kinda indicator. Eh,
it all pays a same. Um, you checked a Gpost.. a integrate of notes from
Glynda; I'd sent her a small of marci's poetry, she agrees which it's really
good. I've been showing off for weeks about how marci's gem, Envy, wasoris
such a fabulously teachable summary of personification. The authoress
assented to a share a integrate of weeks ago though you customarily JUST right away got
around to a clip as good as ship. you proposed a second side of a R
Williams album; you set dual out, I'm not certain if that's all I've got..
mainly, y'know, I've been converting aged Neil. Heh, Jen's come in to a
office, shuffling thru' a box.. I've got Covenant in my lap.. yeah,
predictably she asks about "that waiting room crap" I'm listening to..
turns out which you took 4 Roger Williams annals from Mom. Um, I'll
take Covenant in to a potty w/me inna integrate of min, after a disk is finished
playing as good as a slowass acclimatisation starts, as good as review a final 3 or
four pages.. afterwards demeanour for an op to put a book at a behind of in to my prob'ly
NOT secret condense stash, as good as pull Conflict from a pile. you "mentioned"
my swell to Martha, thisAM as good as she deferred telling me which
Reparation has been shipped, you creed that's arrange of an indication
that it hasn't been. Oh well, it still COULD arrive prior to I'm finished
w/Conflict, which was a context in which you finished a mention. Two li'l
tunes left.. The Sweetheart Tree as good as Theme from "Exodus" .. together,
about 6 annahaf min. Woo hoo, Covenant's finished as good as Exodus is customarily
about half approach thru'.. lemmeget a acclimatisation proposed annireckon I'll !
ta ke a uninformed cuppa to a potty as good as catch up a small bit upon a small of
the magazine celebration of a mass I've let go by whilst ambling thru' a Partnership
in Blood arc. Eh, which didn't happen, you got in to a stash, fetched up
Conflict as good as proposed reading.. it's slimmer than Covenant, thicker than
Alliance as good as you will really expected finish it prior to Wed. you could review thru'
it tonight if you wanted to, I'm sure.. though you consider I'll not pour out it, try
to savor a glorious tragedy as a multiform pass scenes unfold.. a
havoc wreaked by a wandering wildness, Jean as good as Ray.. a scorching
violence of Adele as good as Jude's sex.. not to discuss a sly growth of a
Sebastian/Thierry pairing, which is utterly delicious. Ow, a initial
rattle out of a small tunes box is Cinnamon Girl. That's starting to send
me at a behind of to a Gspot, checking for a note or integrate of from marci.. nope, not
there. Oh well, s'more. Rcnow, @ 640pm, I'm wondering if there's any
chance which a girls will go out as good as afford a op to fool around in a
smurf. Maybe iota see if Jen wants s'more in swell done. hmm, you consider
Jen got dressed, that's customarily a pointer which she's upon a approach out.. though
y'know, there's an normal twenty min 'wait' between declaration of
intent as good as relocating t'wards a door, which, itself, is often a 10 or
fifteen min operation. And even if she DOES go out, there's an normal
chance which Hailey will stay behind, given Meagan's here to take up a
accompany slack. Hmmph, Honey passed thru' mentioning a destination
and her expectancy which a perfect child will whine, suggesting which
Hailey's expected to go w/her. Yeah, they all left as good as you smurfed to
sticky conclusion. Rcnow, some-more Neil, American Stars 'n' Bars is removing
digitized.. oh man, The Old Country Waltz.. this side ALSO has Bite! a
Bullet (which I'm flattering certain is an paper to cunnilingus), Saddle Up a
Palomino, as good as a tender excellence which is Hey Babe. Side two.. hmm, Star
of Bethlehem as good as Hurricane.. what else? you do not know as good as a tracks have been
listed upon a manuscript cover. Oh yeah, Homegrown.. prob'ly @ slightest a single
more; you theory we'll all find out some-more or reduction together, eh. There is NO
question which you need to learn how to pierce as good as send these recordings.
Ohhh, a "other" balance upon s2 is Will to Love, a single of a handfulla tunes
.. identical to Zuma's Pardon My Heart, where Neil does ALL a instruments as good as
vocals. And so it gets to be 10 'til ninepm.. a fresh, reduced potto
brews in a kitchen, you haven't touched any of a propagandize stuff.. which
IS starting to be problematic.. I've got alternative things programmed for a chunk
of tomorrowpm.. as good as I'm meditative of carrying a small Ambien funs. Yup,
twisted as twisted can be. Hmm, isn't THIS special.. you went to obstacle a
cuppa as good as found a coffee builder unlit.. microwave, too.. apparently
tripped a breaker. And it happened twice; gonna hafta put replacing
that aged box upon a reduced list of things to outlay a integrate of hundred dollars
on. Man.. it's hard to get used to how freakin' prolonged it takes this
program to modify an album. Okeydokey.. 1007pm I've proposed PLAYING
side two.. Will To Love, as I'm prompted to remember, kinda sucks;
Neil's used up w/somekinda uncanny fish embellishment throughout a balance
which is punctuated w/an unsettling fish-slapping-the-deck sound
effect. Pardon My Heart is waaaay many better, lyrically as good as
acoustically. 'course I've regularly suspicion which Zuma had a small of his
best communication as good as guitar work. Anyhow, you figure which it'll be after
eleven.. prob'ly around 1130pm when a conv! ersion's done. you theory you
can put off a Ambien 'til then, it's not identical to you haven't had plenty of
sleep, as good as I've customarily been up, hmm, about thirteen hours given my
sixteen hour snooze. Still, I'm flattering certain you could simply stay down
'til you hafta show up for my pending date @ Goodwill around threepm.
Simply meditative about a untend will keep me turning at a behind of to a
muffle of a pillow. It loox identical to I'll be up all night Sun as good as still
go in Mon w/out all done. Maybe you can @ slightest write a small good
prompts for my warm ups, I'm you do a reduced divide thing this week.
Or competence be I'll put which off 'til subsequent week.. eh, you .. hmm, you do not know
that it matters. The vocab lists have been simpler to generate.. you rilly DON'T
want to be meditative about which shit for a while. AND @ 1025pm, a
conversion of s2 is underway.
Sooo, wotcha consider about droppin' in an Ambien, now, w/expectations of
getting in @ slightest a single some-more prior to removing masked as good as unconscious?
Fine, @ slightest let me go scoop a cats' box prior to you begin your party.
Go for it.
The pill's in @ 1041pm.. goin' to check a Gspot again..
Heh.. there's something form someone! you can discuss it by checking a taskbar.
Hey, it's Tu, commenting on, really prob'ly, today's post.
Yep, that's a one.
Go see if there's any coffee left.
Yeah, there is.. prob'ly a integrate of refills.
Yay. It looks identical to a tool's about to begin in to Hurricane.
Yeah, you consider we're upon lane to finish by 1145pm.
It gets done.
Yeah.. things gets done.. my mantra.
It's a good one.
What's rc ending in a hedfones?
Harvest. And a change is to Southern Man.
Lessee, got a Depakote in, a cat box done..
Still need to do a Advair.
I wish to chat up marci.
That's unlikely in a extreme.
H! ey, if y ou wish to get a small peculiarness going, you saw which there's a
file tagged albatross in a myte folder.. and, somewhere, there's a
Ind Obs waiting for someone's attention.
That's prob'ly me.
Oooh, Ronstadt.
Blue Bayou, good one.
Linda's all over Stars'n'Bars.
Yeah, you know, her as good as Nicolette Larson. Nic came out of those sessions
w/Lotta Love, which was a huge strike for her.
Yeah, identical to Love is a Rose for Linda.. w/Neil's versions entrance out a
couple of years later.
I'm guessin' which Decade is a customarily manuscript Neil's put Love is.. on.
Ibetcha it's upon a single of a archival things.
There's 1130pm.
What's your point?
Um.. kinda suspicion there'd be an additional tablet starting in.
Cause a initial a single was such fun?
Hey, y'better go do a refurbish @ MoodTracker prior to they put which
reminder in a Gspot. Yeah, whatever,.. it's closing quick upon oneAM as good as
I feel sorta compelled to get bedded. Maybe I'll get up in a integrate of hours
and begin playing in a untend.. it could happen.
One thing f'sure, there aint no magiK happenin' rchere.
AND a magiK stayed especially absent.. for a while. RC @ school, a 1st
period bunch is mins away from taking their Super Bowl amped asses
out of a room. Yeah;, which happened, 2nd is in as good as have been MUCH some-more
settled.. I'd identical to to consider which pattern will hold for third as good as
fourth. I'm starting to try to keep fifth as good as seventh focused upon me for
the initial haffan hour or so of fifth as good as competence be all of seventh. Sooooo,
I went thru' a total week end as good as didn't grade a single paper. Stuff
gets done, tho' as good as ibetcha by a endo of a week I'll have it all
done as good as be in position to stay upon top of a have up tide.. using to
the endo a 6 weeks y'know. The.. bad brain chemistry was, um, some-more tha n you could cope w/and so you kept using at a behind of to bed.. or to a smurf.
The smurf, is a improved distraction, of course, 'cause for a initial
several min after you get masked, there's a LOUD diatribe using about
how iota get at a behind of up as good as face my paper demon, or @ slightest try to write
about it. It takes a modicum of used bid to get which "voice" to
shut a fuck up; customarily by distracting a harass w/the charge of easing
the tragedy in my neck. Yeah.. so third period's in as good as promisingly
sedate, if fourth gets thru' in a identical fashion, I'll chip in a
chillin' entertain @ lunch as good as see how you transport w/fifth p. Do you get a
impression which you am almost astoundingly anxious? Well, competence be when you
go at a behind of for a ed run, I'll do an uncharacteristic brush to pierce which
fine indicate home. you really would NOT call this manic or anythinglike
it, it's really many a down side of a arc feeling, as good as a concerned is
the tragedy which keeps me JUST sufficient off balance to not suffer anything.
As many so called time as you spent in a smurf.. as good as this week end which
was scarcely all a mins you wasn't underneath a mask, it was merely an
excuse to get a appurtenance going.. a daze from no messages entrance
in as good as a large mass of untend beside a huge desk. you managed to
finish Covenant, though customarily changed a integrate of chapts in to Conflict, though
that allows a day or integrate of some-more for Reparations to arrive. Fourth got
moved, they were a good group. I'm NOT seeking forward to fifth entrance
in, a concerned is surging; you didn't chip a chill tablet 'til JUST
rcnow, instead of prior to lunch as I'd planned. AND it got ugly fast. you
couldn't keep a organisation to fake which they were paying courtesy so you
threw a reduced fit as good as left them to their own cheap inclin! ation w/ a guarantee
that you would answer customarily 5 questions about a directions they
couldn't lay thru'. Two mins later, dual of those questions have been
asked about coping w/the initial dual of nineteen questions. Maybe when
the drug flog in, I'll go at a behind of to a front of a room as good as see if a
bunch will settle sufficient for a rest of a instructions. If they
don't settle down a bit, I'll simply use the, um, bone-head screen to assistance
me fake they never came in to begin w/. Haffan hour in to a longass
class, you offered to review a instructions as good as was met w/a chorus of
"we do not need 'em" .. fine, you do not need a aggravation as good as they
still have 3 "free asks." I'm starting to take a small min as good as review a bit
of Conflict. Mmm, prohibited sex 'tween Lan as good as Alain, a primary span in
this arc w/a "cast of thousands" as good as 6 lessee, Jean/Ray, Mir/Caro,
Seb/Thierry, Jude/Adele, Dave/Angelique, oh, Vin/Eric, Luc/Madgala, um,
Antonio/Monique.. multiform alternative pairings of varying significance. Yay,
down to reduction than haffan hour w/this buncha miscreants. I'm gonna
suppose which I'll get SOME of a untend whittled down thispm, if customarily
to see if which movement will palliate a horrible anxious. The work I've got a
kids you do will keep many of them mostly, if somewhat noisily, upon charge
tomorrow as good as competence be Wed. you wanna put a examination together that'll pull a small
of a 114s down in to some-more picturesque numbers. It looks identical to I'll have a
bumper crop of 100s this 6 as good as a failure rate will be approach many some-more
favorable than a initial six, which you consider was up around 55 or 60%.
Twenty min.. it's starting to be okay.. maybe. Almost note of a buggers
are even gripping a disguise of working, still. That makes for a noisy
crew. But, @ slightest a chill's come ! thru' to soothe my savage breast.
Home @ last.. chipped in an additional entertain as you was withdrawal a school..
it seemed, um, prudent.. as good as yet, I'm sittin' w/my at a behind of to a office
door perplexing NOT to listen to Jen articulate to me. My assessment of a propagandize
day, which ireckon HAS to be first, izzat it was improved than you had a
right for it to be. Eh, I'm good @ what you do as good as even when you have an
"off" day, you customarily conduct to pull off a small spectacle which is
classroom management.. teaching.. that's a different kind of magic,
but you can't have a single w/out a other. Sigh. Jen couldn't be ignored..
she's got a project. Comparing dual wireless routers.. an additional hour or
so especially wasted, though id did keep a untend out of my hand. The newer
router never would connect, oh well. It looks identical to another, um,
interval removing no propagandize work done. you can mount it for an additional
couple of days, you s'pose, though EVENTUALLY, yknow, I'm gonna hafta get my
sorry donkey in gear. Tonight tho', it's rc a entertain 'til sevenpm.. izzat
write? Yep, a entertain 'til sevenpm.. I'm meditative of Zolpidem excesses
and removing to bed by 9 or tenpm.
Yeah, a tablet is in.
Yay. So have been you finished articulate about propagandize for a while?
Yeah, prob'ly. Wanna speak about a smurf?
Oooh, didn't consider you had it in ya.
Well, it..
You found a small links which you suspicion were lost.
Youth as good as beauty stuff.
It's still not as many fun as a vid stream.
Searchable vid tide @ that.
Y'need to get a Depakote in prior to it gets mislaid in a fog.
Yeah.. try to do a residence sweeps as good as a MoodTracker, too.
Done.. discuss it me what you were meditative when you opened which dark win
Well, @ first, you was JUST wondering if I'd left in a addy bar.
You did, as good as multif! orm rela ted, um, ones.
You're adventurous me to say large ped, huh.
Eh, you consider a REAL challenge is removing a reason to cling to to
the screen.
You're meditative a girls ARE starting to go out for pizza as good as whatever
and which you'll get min to negligence a propagandize stuff.
I suspicion you were articulate about that. They leave as good as I've got a doorway
to, um, wonderland open.
You guys can speak amongst yerselves for a bit, I'm articulate Conflict to
the potty for a reduced while. Yeah which was good.. removing to a battle
@ a Eiffel Tower as good as a recover of which eccentric wild magic.. that's
what brings Eric as good as Vin together as good as which compare gets to be important
in a late stages of Rep..
Ten 'til eightpm, you do not consider a girls have been starting out.. though you prob'ly
will strike an additional Ambien.. prob'ly around 915pm.
Ibetcha do not have it past 830pm.. as good as you'll be damn lucky not to get
knocked off as good as busted, somehow, for this damn silliness.
I wanna see if you can fool around any of a things stashed in a iTunes
That sounds identical to a inestimable experiment.
Everything takes so prolonged to open. you consider it's entrance up.. afterwards we'll
see if we've got a fool around all option or what de fuck. Yeah, it's a ..dope
experiment. Maybe. I've "moved" a iTunes things in to a mp3 player,
and it'll be engaging to see if as good as how it plays. It seems not to
play w/the files already loaded in a small box. you consider you can have it
work, it won't be especially easy.. @ slightest until you figger out what a
fuck I'm doing, though you have good guarantee which I'll get a small fondle
playing some-more identical to my approach than it ever has. Is which a third Ambien
going it @ 933pm? Yes, my dear, you do hold it was. you am so ready to
run to a masked preserve whi! ch you c anardly mount it.
Hey, Just a delayed as good as sloppy flow starting identical to for oldimes sake. For
socalled oldtimes sake. The third tablet is in as good as you know where to find
the mask, removing away from this craziness is not starting to be a problem.
In fact, they'll be scarcely glad to get up as good as dysty vvlrsning upif wecan
get a small stalwarts identical to loomis as good as Marty to go in ab roust a slaxkguards
w/a guarantee of eggs as good as pabon as good as have them unite againstithr oppressor
2-9-10 @ school.. Um, yeah, looks identical to a small doped foolery, I'll demeanour @
it as good as review it later, competence be see if a small sense can be edited in to it. No
work got finished rclast night as good as I've brought a strange concerned to
school w/me again, competence be it IS starting to swing upward.. competence be I'm
simply removing used to it, though it doesn't feel scarcely as bad as it did
yesterday as good as Sun. you am kinda sorta hal-heartedly perplexing to get a li'l
bitto a grading stuff. A really small bit. What I'm finding, thru' a
first integrate of periods, izzat I'm utterly irritable, as in no calm
and quick to single out individual asswipes to opening my indignant upon for
minor missteps. This is.. dangerous, though you consider which if you can keep my
outbursts focused upon a kids in my room.. as opposed to a pointless
belligerent in a hall.. I'll prob'ly get thru, um, unscathed.
Definitely got to watch out cabin fever, being holed up in a room
w/stoonts which seem to be growing some-more nervous as a day goes on. you
made it to seventh, though I'm not certain which dual of these children have been
going to have it out. A integrate of small boys which can't behave as good as
feed off any other's playful frenzy. It took JUSTabout a minnit for
me to get unraveled as good as all up in a boisterous face. you do no! t feel m any
better for a vent; there's a improved than normal possibility which it'll
happen again w/the same kid tomorrow or a subsequent day. Anyhow, it's got
me in a mood to go home as good as get underneath a mask.. though prior to you can do
that, I've a li'l precision display to my Language Arts peers after
school; you consider you can get thru' it in underneath 6 min as good as THEN beat a
hasty retreat. It's a chronicle of my "test taking strategy" pitch which
I've been giving groups of stoonts as good as expertise a integrate or 3 times
a year for 10 years or so. you can run it out in lengths from 2 min to
40 min w/ease as good as comfort, depending upon who wants what as good as how you wish
to hoop visual aids. Yeah, I'm good.. still I'd rsther than get home as good as
NOT do anything for a while.. a rest of a night maybe. We'll see;
maybe I'll get desirous to run an additional manuscript thru' a slowass
conversion.. competence be do a small kitchen funs, too; I'm certain a residence is
completely bereft of leftovers,, so something's gotta get cooked. And
.. who knows, unexpected a suspicion of pitchin' up an additional A Muse post
seems identical to it could get to be write thing to do.
2-10-10 @ school.. it seems identical to when I'm a residence it's all you can do
to stay out from underneath a mask.. as good as of march nothing of a untend is
getting tended. Well, a small small bit's removing finished during a
mainly settled classes; you prob'ly inputted fifteen or twenty grades
thisAM, especially things which got noted during category yesterAM. Rclast
night I, um, was in a office, upon a computer, you do a residence
sweepstakes as good as you checked a F'list, observant which Adrienne has put up a
post you wanna get at a behind of to as good as criticism on. you consider competence be which a bad
anxious is waning as good as which I'll begin being so! me-more identical to productive as good as
less w/drawn as good as hostile.. we'll see. I'm environment things up to take a
mental illness day Fri.. Mon is a in-service day, so by a time you see
the kids Tue, I'll be ready to push them thru' an examination as good as a fast
closing make-up window. The thing izzat you consider a swing's entrance at a behind of
to a up side of a arc. Yay. you essentially was out of bed, messing
around in a company of my girls for a integrate or 3 hours rc final
night as good as afterwards did an unmedicated fade around 1130pm. Sooooo, you went
home as good as went ALMOST immediately to bed; you finished a short, semi-mandatory
romp thru' a smurf 'cause a girls were out when you came in, though it
was not engaging nor scarcely distracting sufficient to assistance me conflict a
call of a mask. you napped for a integrate or 3 hours as good as got up
feeling identical to you competence be shouldn't have, though you stayed up as good as got a small
kitchen funs going. RCnow @ 1130pm I've got a iTunes fondle converting..
copying, actually, a biggo printed matter of WAV files. Oh, anni called a
sub line as good as set up a "legal" deficiency for tomorrow as good as Fri. yeah, it
JUST seemed identical to a thing to do.
2-11-10.. JUST barely, though y'know form counts @ 1225AM. I've beheld
that a rc acclimatisation goes SOME quicker than a manuscript to mp3 trip..
the WAV files, good um, it's partly dependent upon a machine's bad
multi-tasking capability; f'rinstance, if you JUST let t run, after a small
short interval, identical to 6 or 7 minutes, a Norton (whose
subscription has expired) starts you do a "background" scan which slows
the conversions down to JUSTabout a non-speed of a manuscript thing..
but if you simply keep a box distracted.. JUST bustling sufficient for a resting
scan shit not to flog in, afterwards it'll get thru' a conver! sions @ a
reasonable clip removing a small songs finished in a integrate of seconds.. w/345 as good as
hours of tunes to convert, you kinda need it to keep relocating along.
Hailey set this maneuver up for me as good as if you do not let it run all a
way thru' a biggo printed matter which you put a things in when you changed it from
the school's machine, afterwards I'll hafta do a acclimatisation in chunks or let
it begin over as good as duplicate what it's done. That seems mightily
unproductive. So.. for whatever reason, a iTunes proposed its
conversion of my large printed matter @ a "bottom" w/ZZ Top as good as it seems to
have worked its approach up to Tom Petty.. competence be Traveling Wilburys. you consider
that's um, competence be a third of a approach thru'; if you can keep it relocating @
this "improved" rate, you consider it could competence be get finished in an hour.. hour
annahaf, tops. you reckon we'll find out some-more or reduction together. Hmm, loox
like Temptations, that's progress. you do not consider you can go to A Muse or
the F'list w/out slowing it approach down though competence be you can get an additional post
ready.. go see about Adrienne's t'morrow.. after currently (Thu). yeah,
we'll see. I'm starting to go set up, competence be have a reduced potto as good as afterwards
about resisting a urge to fool around in a Zolpidem fog. Cool, Rolling
Stones, some-more progress. Hmm, 10 'til oneAM.. figger I'll be sittin' up
w/the acclimatisation 'til twoAM or so.. you kinda do not see many approach NOT to
get all stoopid w/the pills w/out creation somekinda "deal" w/my'elf to
do it SOMETIME in a relative subsequent dual or 3 days. Maybe you could
tie it to a reward thingy.. get a untend done, or started, @ least..
really as good as truly, you do not consider I'm starting to have many of a struggle
NOT removing doped in a relative this sitting; you 'ma! gine whi ch by a
time.. imean socalled time (I rilly ought to desert which cute-ism), um
by threeAM I'll prob'ly be utterly ready to give up this stupidity for a
few hours. So, here sits Ken w/the k'board underneath his fingers.. uninformed
cuppa beside himorme as good as a iToy working thru' The Police. The
Zolpidem fog, tho' is seeking approach some-more attractive, I'm not @ all certain
why. Let's kinda cling to out as good as see how prolonged it takes a tool to reach
Neil in a line up, you figure that's prob'ly about half-way.. competence be not
quite, though tighten enough, ibetcha. Don't Stand So Close To Me.. De Do Do
Do, De Da Da Da.. relocating write along. Every Little Thing.. Every Breath
You Take..
Let's NOT do that.
Sure. You KNOW you was JUST passing time.
Oh, lookit dat.. Moody Blues.
Heh, you forgot which I'd changed a Neil printed matter to a beginning when you got
tired of a initial clap regularly entrance up ACDC.
So, y'think that's tighten sufficient to a middle?
For what?
Um, to begin loading in a Ambien.
Excuse me?
Funs, dude. Funs.
Let's speak about this.
Let's put a tablet in as good as speak about it.
Ooooh, Judds. Now, f'sure we're half way.
I'm not certain you get your point.
Okay, though you consider you're overthinking this. It's 113AM, a conversion's
rolling along; you consider which given we're obviously not starting to APPROACH
the untend 'til MAYBE Fripm, let's kinda celebrate a swell upon a
relative stream project.
And by "celebrate" you mean..
Better living thru' chemistry. you unnerstan which you were, um, not good with words
about removing doped as good as maybe.. oh, Hendrix.. um, competence be screwing up a
data transfer, though it looks identical to it's gonna get finished and, let's face
it, we've STILL got to keep a appurtenance amused for about an hour. Janis
will be starting by momen! tarily, James Gang.. Hank Williams..
Did you skip Johnny Cash?
Yeah, prob'ly, you SAID you didn't wish to keep tighten tabs, write?
Here's a thing about removing doped.. you wish to be up to call Ms
Baldwin @ a school, um, around about a entertain 'til sevenAM.. competence be
Steven, too.
J Geils
Doobie Bros after a short, gassy potty break.
Definitely creation progress; it's 144AM.. almost for certain this understanding will
be finished by 230AM; you consider you oughta get fair to attack a second
I'm starting to see if my robe got dry; I'm feelin' a bit of a chill.
It did as good as a routine is thru' a BeeGees as good as in to a Beatles..
second pill's in me.
I'll let it in, though you contingency have beheld which a socalled fun seems
to come after a third infusion.. as good as lasts customarily a integrate of mins
before a nonsense is swept away by a flood of unconsciousness.
Yeah, you got it. Go check which fry yer tryin' to get in to a crock.
The indicate is made, you could be finished w/the modify by 130AM. you put dual
pills in.. wouldya JUST tighten up as good as .. let it be.
Sure. Still Beatles @ 225AM, though I've got a chunk of pork fry in a
crock annit's JUST itchin' to be pulled pork around noonish. So, you need
to keep a Ken appurtenance distracted, engaged, relocating along for an additional
six or 7 hours whilst which dish gets often done. @ slightest in a
perfect world, THIS would be a perfect incident for a weasel which
is Ken.. socalled time to fool around as good as no expectations about a outcome..
the product.. except which there is or would.. um.. wouldoris be some-more
than when you started.
Still Beatles.. you saw you demeanour up to Max's Silver Hammer.. right away
Octopus's Garden..ooh oh, you wish You (She's So Heavy).
That's utterly sufficient of that. It's 130AM, a Neil is approachin! g as goo d as you
can all go at a behind of to whatever you were you do before.
I was perplexing to get at a behind of underneath a mask.. Art of Noise @ 242AM. you
think a masses have been poised, dire to lurch for a bed as good as facade as
soon as it looks identical to a automatic partial of a duty is accomplished,
"Aint Wastin' Time No More," .. "Little Martha".. "Revival".. Allman
Bros, almost for sure.. yeah, there's "One Way Out." Definitely AllBros.
Gonna be a Neil wrap up soon as good as you will lurch soon to bed.. rest up
enough to get up as good as understanding w/the pig in a crock in a integrate of hours.
Wait wait for how did you get from AllBros to Styx? Renegade? Too Much Time
on My Hands? THIS aint write. Fuckin' 353AM, you should be hip low in
the Neil as good as removing ready to wade OUT of this morass.
Miss America.. Mr Roboto.. you protest!
I shoulda good known this was starting MUCH as good well.. right away Stevie Ray.. I'm
Steve Miller? It seemed to be rolling along so predictably.. as good as I'm
feelin'.. idunno.. betrayed, 'cause you was kinda counting upon removing
under a mask.. soon.. competence be already. Freakin' Steely Dan, how does
that happen? you really wish some-more bone-head to fix my mind around this
crap.. cope as good as Zope.. how's which sound? Let's speak stupid.. it's
403AM, a acclimatisation trail's taken a disagreeable twist.. as good as "found" a
string of Soundtrack albums to move.. Grease, Forrest Gump, Jesus
Christ Superstar, Dazed as good as Confused.. who KNOWS what else.. annit's
after fourAM. you got disgusted as good as mode some-more coffee as good as pitched in a
third Ambien. In previous campaigns against mental wellness, 3
Ambiens seemed to provide a mangle point.. Simon & Garfunkel? You're
putting me on. There competence be, really NO END to a acclimatisation in this
sitting. The! as good as side izzat if this DOES get finished afterwards iota be able to
.. competence be twice as many as distant as sorting as good as pity my fab balance
collection.. We'll see, competence be begin putting a elementary tab identical to A or l to
indicate a sources prior to acclimatisation was vinyl, as opposed to a cd
WAV stuff.. it competence have a difference someday. Still circlin' around
the S mess.. Santana. Jen's starting to bed. you gotta wonder if that's
going to prompt me to see how many a smurf will delayed this operation
down.. it's certain not starting to have it any reduction interesting.
Sit prolonged sufficient to see where it goes after a Supernatural disc..
Gimme an additional pill.
Really? A fourth.. doncha consider that's kinda..
Pushing a limits? Maybe, though we're all upwrite as good as got socalled time
on our hands. Get your answer, go reload a cuppa as good as take a small min in
the potty w/Conflict.. hmm The Calling.. still Carlos, I'm thinking. Oh
yeah, Singing Winds, Crying Beasts.. ABRAXAS! Go Carlos go.
Oh em gee, up, arrange of @1130AM, you didn't call a school, you have NO brand new
messes in a Gspot, a convert's STILL going.. it says 293 albums @
4.8 days worth of moozic! I'm scarcely impressed. And that's especially a
stuff you changed from a classroom machine; I've customarily converted 6 or
seven disks @ a house. Woo hoo! It IS hip low in a Neil, @ last..
maybe get finished by noon or onepm. Hey, there's "Tell Me Why"
anniknow it's a After a Goldrush version, 'cause it's already finished
Decade.. yeah, as good as Only Love Can Break Your Heart.. this COULD be a
end of a trail! Southern Man.. 'Till a Morning Comes.. Oh, Lonesome
Me.. Don't Let It Bring You Down.. Birds.. When You Dance.. you Believe
in You.. Cripple Creek Ferry.. this could be IT.. nope.. wow, My Funny
Valentine, that's prob'ly Miles Davis.. hmm, yep, Blu! es By Fi ve..
Miles' quintet.. right away I'm confoosed.. again, s'more. you theory it'll get
done when it's done, eh. Hmmm, Michael Jackson @ noon.. this could be a
while, yet. Madonna.. hmm, Human Nature, wazzis, Janet Jackson? you
really do not know, a acclimatisation window customarily gives me song titles,
Sanctuary.. Bedtime Story.. still Madge @ 1238pm. The count's up to 312
albums as good as 5.2 days when it moves to Lynyrd Skynyrd.. yeah, Sweet Home
Alabama was kind of a tip. So, there's still a ways to go. you wonder if
the iToy sifted past a "clever" approach I'd changed a Neil in to which
"aaneil" folder; there have been multiform Neil folders in a biggo Music
folder so which a single could still be a final a single converted. Dude, onepm
and it's Loggins as good as Messina.
Closing quick upon twopm.. need to get showered, Led Zep.. 324 albums as good as
5.5 days., 456 albums.. fourteen gigs of music to run in 8.7 days as good as there's sill
a approach to go. Billy Joel's starting in.. I'd hafta to demeanour @ a biggo record
to get a idea what's left; I'm not starting to do that. I'd identical to for it to
be done, that's for sure; you can't go to a mailbox or do a sweepstakes
thing w/out slowing a acclimatisation to a crawl. Word doesn't seem as good
bad, a pic smurf's not as good bad.. MoodTracker's a large drag, Gmail
nearly cripples it. you wanna go to bed. Hmm, I've run in about 250
albums given you got up around 1130AM, which was eight hours ago.. and..
so that's scarcely as many as went in for all of the, um, twelve hours
before that. Lessee, a propagandize appurtenance said ~345 hours.. yeah,
something over fifteen days.. shit. you theory you customarily THOUGHT you was
getting tighten to being done.
there's Janis.. it's Big Brother (& a Holding Co.) y'know. Bad Co,
ACDC, you rilly do not have any suspicion what's left.. Aeros! mith, Be ethoven..
maybe a propagandize count was closer to 250 than 350 as good as we're a lot
closer to being finished than.. eight some-more hours. Yep, starting in to
the Beethoven.. should be all 9 symphonies as good as a integrate of strays.
Count it down w/me. Bad Co.. April Wine.. Alice Cooper.. Alabama.. Al
Green.. I'm REALLY counting upon removing finished w/this plan in a reduced
while, it's 1113pm.. Aerosmith.. you s'pose which if a sly Neil folder's
been raided already, afterwards we'll get to ACDC inna reduced reduced as good as you
can.. fake to do something else, competence be prior to midnight. you wonder if
Air Supply went in w/one of a earlier sweeps or if you never took it to
school to get loaded. Whatever, IF as good as when a large stack's turned, you
reckon I'll do a restart as good as give a small passing suspicion to removing
bedded as good as masked. you consider what you wish to know, subsequent about a iToy, is
how it plays a things I've pressed in a library.. identical to does it have
a decent pointless shuffle or is this a incident where I've got to collect
tunes and/or set up playlists. you theory we'll all find out some-more or reduction
together. Hmm, Eat a Rich.. still Aerosmith.. Dream On, Same Old Song
and Dance, Sweet Emotion.. oughta be JUSTabout done.. travel This Way..
can you PLEASE pierce on? To begin w/I'm past sleepy of naming tunes as good as
bands. 480 manuscript titles as good as 15.4 gigs of music.. Awwright! Go Down..
ACDC is in a house.. prob'ly 4 or 5 disks from Angus as good as crew..
cool, I'm meditative this gig's gonna be wrapped by midnite, unless
there's a wad of sneaky Neil waiting in a digital wings.
2-12-10 Annit looks identical to we're finished @ 485 albums @ 15.69 gigs.. 'till
I pierce in s'more vinyl.. or something. It's 1217AM. you pushed fool around as good as
the initial clap is Miles Davis from Doo B! op. Dude .. a small small
meltdown sent me to bed for 7 or eight hours as good as you still can't.. deal.
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