Happy birthday, Comrade Kim Big Bear Observation Post
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PYONGYANG Its a cold, crisp, balmy morning in a capital of a Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), as well as there could not be a some-more critical diversion in town. Billboards temperament a numbers 2.16 [February 16] customarily flashy with outrageous red flowering plants have been all over a place. The flowering plants have been a usually splashes of full color against drab grays as well as browns. They have been of march kimjongilia, a mutated begonia programmed to bloom usually upon when else 2.16.
For Pyongyangs 2 million or so residents, a time to party. Today is a 68th birthday of a General Secretary of a Workers Party of Korea, Chairman of a National Defense Commission as well as Supreme Commander of a Korean Peoples Army comrade Kim Jong-il.
Kim Jong-il, aka a Dear Leader, has been a limit leader of North Korea for roughly 12 years now. But hes not a president (the titular head of state is a chairman of a presidium of a Supreme Peoples Assembly, Kim Yong-nam.) A pass reason is which hes not unequivocally fond of a endless, obligatory diplomatic turn of assembly unfamiliar heads of state.
The in cold blood baleful Western media account would lead a single to believe which upon this eventful day a adults of what is customarily depicted as a Stalinist/communist/terrorist/totalitarian/insane/rogue/axis of immorality gulag would be a single step short of immersion a battery of commemorative missiles over South Korea, Japan or a west seashore of a US for which matter, not to discuss control another chief test. Reality yet bears no axis of immorality overtones.
Holiday upon ice
The day starts with an early morning visit to a imposing bronze statue of president Kim Il-sung aka a Great Leader, a father of a nation upon tip of Mansu hill. It is strictly twenty meters high ! (and pos itively looks bigger). At a end of a Japanese colonial period, this site housed a largest Shinto shrine in Pyongyang; to illustrate a Great Leaders statue had to be no-holds-barred imposing.
Everyone as well as his nearby resident seems to have come, bringing flowers, bowing respectfully, as well as always arriving in orderly arranged groups, from soldiers as well as high-ranking officials to encampment elders as well as a unequivocally good-looking traffic ladies in their blue winter jackets. Higher ups arrive with their wives in black Mercedes or Audis, a group in black suits, a women sporting extremely superb as well as colorful versions of a Korean inhabitant dress.
Then a off to an general figure skating exhibition not competition which includes athletes from England, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus as well as even a Russian, who was a bronze medalist in a 2006 Turin Winter Olympics, a a a single preferred of a crowd. Call it Pyongyangs counterpart to a 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. The real stars yet have been a locals skaters, kids included, as well as their apotheosis routine temperament a North Korean dwindle as well as a Juche dwindle with a hammer, sickle as well as flame, symbolizing workers, peasants as well as intellectuals who, according to Kim Il-sung, have been a true masters of society, as creators of both element as well as spiritual wealth.
Next stop is a 14th Kimjongilia Festival a wacky, dazzling flowering plant extravaganza with arrangements offered by everybody from troops organs, ministries, inhabitant agencies as well as cooperatives to businesses, abroad Koreans, general organizations as well as unfamiliar embassies, all featuring a hybrid red begonia (not a inhabitant flowering plant of North Korea though; thats a magnolia). The flowering plant of Kim Jong-il was created by a Japanese botanist in 1988, symbolizing, according to a central narrative, wisdom, love, justice, as well as peace. The Great Leader Kim Il-sung, of course, h! as his o wn flower, a Kimilsungia.
The hall is positively packed. Everyone seems to have a portable digital camera which somehow materialized from China, as well as total family groups as well as reams of schoolchildren have been fervent to poise for a flowery print of ruby red Kimjongilias enveloping globes, displayed underneath depictions of high-speed trains, underneath emblems of a Dear Leader himself as well as even flanked by mini-replicas of Taepodong missiles.
Then a time for a mass open-air dance in a block flanked by government buildings well, not unequivocally mass; a few hundred couples, a group in dark suits as well as a women in white, jade green, light pink, cream or black chima (skirt) as well as jogori (blouse), a evocative of a fairies in a heavens Korean inhabitant dress. They have been all dancing to traditional songs blared to ear-splitting level by what could be dubbed a North Korean version of a Jamaican receptive to advice system.
The few steps have been unequivocally simple, involving a bit of handclapping; a few gaping foreigners have been welcomed to stick upon a fun. The locals perform it all stone-faced, nonetheless not robotically. Sex in North Korea is not usually in a air. Schools have been segregated by sex. Even holding hands in public is considered unequivocally improper behavior. Unmarried singular mothers have been substantially non-existent (but if it happens, a baby is meticulously taken caring of by a state usually as Korea fight orphans were.)
The prominence of a day is synchronized swimming in an arena in a sports village. The blow up ballets, achieved by dozens of teenagers, rival Chinas. Kimjongilia panels adorn a arena. Party elders as well as higher ups get a many appropriate seats. The unfamiliar figure-skating stars have been additionally attending. The prominence is a stunning nautical revolutionary ballet featuring a internal siren in red swimsuit.
Thats it; afterwards revolutionary formalism dissolves, as we! ll as a locals have been off to dinner with relatives, mostly regulating a metro (two lines), or a aging, mobile functions of revolutionary realism which have been a internal buses as well as trams. Some folk might eventually go bowling in a state-of-the-art Pyongyang Golden Lane Bowling Alley (45 lanes in fact; a minute diagram upon a wall shows a itinerary followed by Kim Il-sung upon a coronation day, as well as even all a spots where he stood). One actuality yet stands out; all by these happy proceedings, a Dear Leader Kim Jong-il himself was nowhere to be seen.
To be or not to be
Kim Jong-il was innate upon Feb 16, 1942, in an anti-Japanese riotous camp nearby Khabarovsk, usually opposite a border from Manchukuo in assigned China. By this time, both his relatives had been fighting a Japanese occupation for no reduction than 10 years.
All trap doors in sly North Korea seem eventually to lead to what is in actuality a stately Kim family whose Shakespearean saga, if ever brought to a TV mini-series (maybe a Chinese or Hong Kong investor?) would undoubtedly entice a global audience.
The Dear Leaders father Kim Il-sung, over 6 feet high [1.82 meters] as well as sporting a extended front (a big thing among Korean mothers), was charisma personified. His mother, Kim Chong-suk, widely worshiped as a ultimate anti-Japanese heroine, was reduction than 5 feet tall, pear-shaped, always in riotous fatigues, with a round, wide, smiling face, friendly though not unequivocally well educated. Kim Jong-il looks some-more similar to mom. And to put it mildly, which has done him extremely uneasy all his life.
While he was still a boy, Kim Jong-il suffered dual terrible traumas; a accidental drowning of his younger brother in 1947, as well as a genocide of his mom in bieing born in 1949. Thats when sporting a state-issued polyester summer uniform as well as plastic boots he started starting to gender-segregated facile school.
Fast forward, as well as ! a plot t hickens. The concentration right away is upon Kim Jong-nam, Kim Jong-ils son as well as until not long ago heir not-so-apparent (for years hes been living in China upon as well as off). And additionally upon Li Nam-ok, Kim Jong-ils daughter, adopted by him to mentor as well as play with his beloved son. She is from an aristocratic landowning family from, well, a enemy, South Korea. And nonetheless she was innate as well as lived with a silver ladle in her mouth, inevitably there would come a day when she would rebel.
The good adore of Kim Jong-ils hold up is as well as has always been his mistress, a ravishing as well as additionally Southern nobleman Sung Hae-rim, a comprehensive tip North Korean film star. She happens to double as Li Nam-oks aunt. And it gets even juicier she is Kim Jong-nams mother. This equates to Kim Jong-nam, a probable destiny DPRK leader (but by right away bypassed by his youngest half-brother Kim Jong-un) is technically an deceptive son.
Kim Jong-nam, high as well as handsome similar to his grandfather Kim Il-sung, grew up much similar to Pu Yi a last czar of China; hyper-protected, hyper-pampered as well as in actuality isolated in a many isolated multitude upon a planet. At initial he was educated by residence tutors, as well as had a court in attendance to his each whim. Meanwhile Li Nam-ok was developing opposite roles; during initial she was his playmate, afterwards his teacher, compartment eventually she became his sister.
And here lies a consequential plot twist; these brother-and-sister royals lived substantially their total early hold up as strangers in their own land. Thats definitely, deeply imprinted in a essence of a probable destiny North Korean leader.
Later as teenagers, both Kim Jong-nam as well as Li Nam-ok were sent to expensive delegate schools in Geneva with a unavoidable corollary of merrymaking with a abounding as well as important in Paris. Thats when la dolce vita done! Li Nam- ok betray North Korea. Now she believes which even Kim Jong-il himself regards as nonsense a monolithic central account of post-1912 North Korea a year a father of a nation, Kim Il-sung, was born.
Arguably a many appropriate informed source accessible anywhere upon Kim Jong-il is Li Nam-ok herself, by her Breaking North Korean Silence: Kim Jong-ils Daughter, A Memoir, written by Imogen ONeill. Here a single learns which a Dear Leader is unequivocally smart as well as unequivocally sensitive a prudish as well as rsther than shy guy whod rsther than stay during home as well as work in his pyjamas, as indeed he does.
He is not a socializing arrange hed substantially rsther than drop passed than stick upon Facebook. That in itself would explain why he didnt make a public appearance upon 2.16. Like a grand maestro, Kim Jong-il assumingly orchestrates all manner of North Korean spectaculars though is bored to tears to uncover up. He additionally seems to have a sharp criticism about all solutions enclosed as well as is able of mimicking substantially anyone. And unequivocally critical he loves to laugh.
He assumingly quit smoking a few years ago as well as drinks basically during grave occasions. Surprisingly for many, he is said to be not during all fond of a non-stop hero worship. In a unequivocally Korean manner, hes a family man, whose company he prefers to anybody elses. He seems to keep Joseph Stalins timetable waking up in a center of a night, operative by a early morning as well as sleeping prior to noon. He used to similar to partying, when his twenty or so preferred guests indulged in beer, alien French cognac as well as ginseng whisky. But afterwards a systems chosen can do a same in comparison Pyongyang hotels.
As much as he might be vexed a DPRKs massive bureaucracy, he could not though be acutely wakeful of his own as well as a states security; he usually trusts his tighten relatives. The tip commanders in charge of Pyongyangs security hav! e been f our brothers who have been in-laws to Kim Jong-ils sister. In a nutshell, Kim Jong-il seems not to humour fools, nor sycophants, gladly; hed rsther than listen to honest straight-shooters, a singular commodity in his circle.
It comes as no surprise which Kim Jong-il could never be defence from a seductive soothing power of American as well as Western mass culture. Hes an inveterate fan of Western post-modernity. Thus a array of Sony LED televisions in each room of his many palatial abodes, which equates to which Kim Jong-il might tune in to each trashy offering upon Japanese, South Korean as well as American cable. He surfs a Internet each day as well as is unequivocally well informed in a variety of issues. Hes a gourmet with an measureless video as well as DVD library. especially from Hollywood. He loves exemplary song though additionally a Rolling Stones, a Beach Boys as well as Pink Floyd (theres a fabulous black as well as white print of Kim Jong-il in 1977 with insurgent hair as well as dark glasses. What would be his Western role model then? Joe Strummer of The Clash? Would he be listening to White Riot?)
And afterwards theres his fleet of over twenty cars, including American brands though many of all his right away iconic black armored Mercedes S-600 with tinted windows, sometimes glimpsed in Pyongyangs boulevards (but not upon this 2.16).
Whether or not hes a Dr Evil portrayed by Western corporate media, what is certain is which Kim Jong-il urgently has to arrange out plenty of turbulence rattling a DPRK.
The residence a Great Leader built
Close observation of Pyongyang reveals which a North Korean complement might be right away similar to an overlapping obstruction of Chinese boxes some some-more blow up than others, though all unequivocally circumscribed in trying to defeat a law of sobriety as well as keep their relative privileges. The law of sobriety in this case is an manage to buy thats been in chronic predicament for a p! ast dual decades.
Kim Jong-ils central military-first process equates to complicated weaponry benefits from 25% to 30% of North Koreas annual bill (well, a US shifts 19% of sovereign spending as well as 44% of tax revenues to a Pentagon; a Iraq as well as AfPak wars, both funded by borrowing from unfamiliar powers, have cost each American family $25,000, according to Canadian media). But a consequential complaint is which a armed forces right away has become some-more critical than a Workers Party, which in a revolutionary complement spells certified disaster for a toiling, constant masses. The celebration still regiments no reduction than over a third of a DPRKs adult population.
The massive bureaucracy has acquired a hold up of a own. The historically centralized, as well as bureaucratically planned, supply of products as well as services by a state sometimes breaks down to a halt during a internal level. Theres a tremendous generation gap/shock in between a old Korean War (1950-1953) revolutionaries as well as a baby boomers a North Korean version.
The usually Great Leader which North Korea ever had has been passed for roughly sixteen years as well as a central account can be seen as a incessant meditation/mourning of this loss. And theres a single confrontation after another with a United States.
Kim Jong-il contingency think which North Korea really is not Somalia; this is a much some-more developed as well as modern economy. But what is it, exactly?
The residence a Great Leader Kim Il-sung built from scratch could possibly be described as an ultra-nationalist, family values, Confucian corporate state. It is Confucian in a profound respect for a family as well as a respect for a presumably enlightened, schooled elite. Chu Hsi, a owner of neo-Confucianism during a Song Dynasty (960-1279) would arguably feel during home in a DPRK.
As for nationalism, it manifested himself, for instance, by a preference of a pure inland language, formed upon an alphab! et inven ted by King Sejong in a early 15th century, as well as to illustrate not infested by either English or Japanese.
But a many distinguished aspect of North Koreas central account is which no reduction than 5 millennia of unequivocally abounding story have been condensed as well as all is telescoped to Apr 15, 1912, a bieing born date of Kim Il-sung (the day of a Sun) as well as a belligerent zero of a juche (pronounced chuche) idea.
Juche was Kim Il-sungs inland remix of Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism inflected with complicated boosts of Confucianism as well as metaphysics. On face value, juche equates to self-reliance as well as independence, not usually in ideology as well as governing body though additionally in all counts economic. Juche was in action already in 1955, when a DPRK declared a independence from a USSR, as well as again in a mid-1960s, when it reaffirmed a independence from both a USSR as well as China. It was to a good extent by formalizing juche which Kim Il-sung was worshiped all over a developing world as a single of a good 1950s icons of decolonization.
Bruce Cumings, arguably a many appropriate American scholar upon North Korea, gets straight to a point: The term is unequivocally untranslatable; a closer a single gets to a meaning, a some-more a definition slips away. For a foreigner a definition is ever-receding, into a pool of all which creates Koreans Korean, as well as thus in conclusion inaccessible to a non-Korean. Juche is a ambiguous core of North Korean inhabitant solipsism.
In his own book On a Juche Idea (1982), a long-lived best-seller during a Foreign Languages Publishing House in Pyongyang, Kim Jong-il seems to break away from a DPRKs irremediable solipsism to trace a surefire path for economic development. He writes which complicated attention with a machine-building attention as a fortitude is a post of an independent inhabitant economy. This in turn will accelerate a development of light attention as well as agriculture, as! well as it contingency be joined with solving a complaint of food upon ones own by successful farming.
In sum: If a single is to be economically excessively self-confident as well as develop a manage to buy upon a protected basis as well as with a long-term perspective, a single contingency depend upon ones own raw materials as well as fuel sources.
Is it working? Not exactly. Kim Jong-il has roughly a little over dual years to turn things around amid insistent rumors about his health as well as his succession and, in central terminology, open a embankment to a abounding nation in 2012, when there will be a massive inhabitant celebration to applaud a centenary of a bieing born of Great Leader Kim Il-sung.
So no consternation in a end he had improved things to do than uncover up for his own birthday party. But a few nagging questions remain. Considering his background as well as his tastes, does he ever feel similar to escaping from his own fortress? Does this certified recluse bay a rebellious thought of starting to a mall somewhere in a West as well as watching a disaster film in a cineplex, usually similar to anybody else? Or in conclusion would this film clean writer of a quite decent On a Art of a Cinema (1973) rsther than be a star in an pick plot?
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1:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Danny Hauger Podcasts Killer Whale Kills Trainer at Seaworld Orlando
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Killer Whale Kilikum kills tutor during the live whale show during SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida
At around 2:00 PM in Orlando Florida upon Wednesday, Feb 24th, the killer whale killed the tutor during the live performance during Shamu stadium, the third genocide caused by the whale. This tragic eventuality is being investigated by Sea World.
The Examiner is stating which the 40 year aged tutor slipped as well as fell, as well as was afterwards drug under H2O as well as killed. Though the play ground orator said it appeared which the tutor slipped as well as fell, mixed sources who were examination the show described the whale pulling the tutor underwater as well as thrashing her about violently.
Russell Goldman of ABC News reports the whales weight as around 12,000 pounds which has twice prior to been concerned in the genocide of humans as well as which this most recent eventuality caused the whales tutor to drown. The entire eventuality unfolded during the single of the days live shows which are the single of the categorical attractions to the theme play ground in Orlando, Florida.
The whales name is Tilikum as well as is thirty years old, according to the Daily News. This source referred to which Tilikum might be getting unpredictable in her aged age as partial of the reason for this vicious thrashing, as it was described by witnesses of the horrific event. Her tutor was Dawn Brancheau who had worked with the whale for years.
The Orlando News Sentinel is stating which Dawn had longed for to work with whales given she was the little lady as well as had the passion for sea biology from the young age. Her mom said which she desired her work. She finished up giving her hold up for the p! ursuit s he loved. Paramedics were incompetent to revive the tutor as well as she was pronounced dead upon the scene.
The play ground is right away sealed as well as there will be the full review into the incident. San Diegos SeaWorld also sealed the whale shows for the day. I feel terribly for the family of the trainer, as well as am repelled which this whale was authorised to be contained after two prior instances of tellurian genocide linked to it. This eventuality might offer as the re-evaluaiton of animal play ground operations.
Hellen Kennedy, Daily News
Kristy Stevens-Young, Examiner.com
Orlando Sentinel News Online
Russell Goldman, ABC News
Picture courtesy AP
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
10:00 PM | | 0 Comments
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The Blogsite of Colin Bruce Milne. Liberty,Equality,Fraternity.Workers of a World Unite.Educate,Agitate,Organise.Type cbmilne33 and add me to your friends.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
7:00 PM | | 0 Comments
Cng vin gii tr Sea world Orlando Florida Nc M ni ti ...
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Sea World l mt cng vin gii tr amusement play ground ti Orlando thu ht gn 6 triu du khch mi nm. Sea World v hai cng vin gn l Discovery Cove v Aquatic Warter play ground hp thnh mt tp hp gii tr rt ln trng by i sng sinh thc vt bin.
Ti Sea World chng ti c xem uncover biu din c voi c o. Show Believe ch c biu din mt vi amusement play ground ca Sea World trn th gii m thi. Con C Voi ny l killer whale nng 8,000 pounds, khng l.
Trong entrance ny, xin chia s vi cc bn mt vi hnh nh biu din c voi, uncover Believe ca Sea World Orlando. Show ny rt c o, grain hn uncover biu din c voi Thi Lan, trc y v chng ti qua xem, v c ti post mt entrance khc v du lch Thi Lan.
B C voi cha khong 90 loi, gn nh tt c l ng vt i dng, ngoi tr 5 loi c heo nc ngt. Cc loi cn sinh tn trong b ny c chia thnh 2 phn b l Mysticeti (c voi tm sng) v Odontoceti (c voi c rng, bao gm trong c cc loi c heo)
Cc dng c voi l cc ng vt c v, ngha l chng l thnh vin ca lp Mammalia. H hng gn gi nht cn sinh tn ca cc dng c voi l h m.
Nc M ni ti ang sng
i tm hnh phc
Mi c thm:
Bc tng Berlin
Thc nc mang tn Em, Ruby
o Hi Vn
Ng Hnh Sn
Mt bui ti vui ti Saigon
i xem uncover Alangkarn (Pattaya)
Vn hoa Nong Nooch (Thi Lan)
Ma thu yu ng
Mt bui sng ch nht ma thu New York
! Rn h mang cha
Caesars Palace Las Vegas
New York ma thu 2009
ng Luray p nht min ng Hoa K
Ma thu trong xm ti
L ma thu Virginia
H nc su trong lng t mang tn The Lost Sea
Hi ng Portlands Lighthouse Maine
S th Yorks Wild Kingdom Maine
Mystic Aquarium Connecticut
ng tin: Fairyland caverns trn nh ni Lookout (Tennessee)
Balanced Rock
Thng cnh mang tn 7 tiu crash (Seven states)
Bc nhy ca ngi tnh: Lovers Leap
Trn nh ni Lookout: Rock City
Incline Railway (ng xe la dc nghing) ni Lookout Mountain
Xem Show Dixie Stampede ca Dolly Parton
Ma thu trn nh Ni Great Smoky (Ni Khi)
Mng cu Manhattan Bridge c 100 tui
Ni Great Smoky (Ni Khi)
ng Shenandoah Virginia
i tm ma thu 2009
Thc Ruby Falls
M nhn ng ca Treasure Island
Nh king Conservatory sng bi Bellagio (Las Vegas)
Show nc phun sng bi Bellagio (Las Vegas)
Vn b mt The Secret Garden (2):
Vn b mt The Secret Garden (1): H c dolphin (c heo)
Sng bi The Mirage (Las Vegas)
Trnh din S T Lion Habitat MGM Casino
i trc thng trn hm ni ln Grand Canyon
http://my.opera.com/Le%20Th! anh%20Ho ang%20Dan/blog/show.dml/4400051
Las Vegas anathema m
Nhn mt tri mc trn Hm Ni Ln Grand Canyon
Hong hn trn Hm Ni Ln Grand Canyon
Pha Bc Hm Ni Ln (Grand Canyon)
Quc gia da (Navajo Nation)
New York mt ngy u thu 2009
i xem uncover Burn a floor
Hm ni Linh Dng (Antelope Canyon)
i journey hm ni Linh Dng (Antelope Canyon)
i journey trn h Powell
Apple picking: i hi tri to ngy u thu New York
Phim trng Little Hollywood (Utah)
ng mn ni ting vn quc gia Zion
Vn quc gia Zion
Bryce Canyon: Navajo Loop Trail (Phn 2)
Bryce Canyon: Hm ni mang tn Wall Street
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Bryce Canyon: Navajo Loop Trail (Phn 1)
Bryce Canyon: im Mt Tri Ln (Sunset Point)
Bryce Canyon: im Cm Hng (Inspiration Point)
Mt cuc i ng sng: Hawaii (USA)
Hm Ni (Red Canyon)
Lang thang ch Tu New York
Vn quc gia Hm Ni Bryce (Bryce Canyon)
Du lch M: Qung trng n Th (Temple Square)
Du lch M: Salt Lake City
Du lch nc M: Utah
H Bear Lake (bin gii Idaho v Utah)
Cao bi min Ty Hoa K
Nhng xc th rng by bn ti Jackson
Thnh ph du lch Jackson
Du thuyn trn sng Rn (Snake River)
Mt m tuyt vi vi cao bi min Ty Hoa K (Wild West)
i xe nga Chuckwagon
H Jenny hm ni Cascade trong vn quc gia Grand Teton
Vn quc gia Grand Teton
Khu mch nc phun Upper Geyser Basin Yellowstone
Mch nc phun Old Faithful trong Yellowstone
Mt m bn b h Yellowstone Lake
By b rng bison bn b sng Yellowstone
New York ca ti (3): World Trade Center
M tng nim ngy 11/9
Hm ni ln Yellowstone
Vn quc gia Yellowstone
Cc bc danh ha v Vn quc gia Yellowstone
Bo tng vin da vng ng bng (Plains Indians Museum)
Bo tng vin Buffalo Bill Cody
Thnh ph Cody, Wyoming
! Thc nc Shell Falls
Vt ni Bighorn
Deadwood, thnh ph c thi Cn St Vng
Trung tm Tatanka ca Kevin Costner
Ni Tng Thng Mt Rushmore
Trn ng n Ni Tng Thng Mt Rushmore
By b rng Bison Vn tiu crash Custer
Cng vin Custer South Dakota
Thnh ph Keystone thuc South Dakota
Ni tng nim anh hng da Crazy Horse
Tiu crash Colorado
Denver mt ngy vui
Thnh ph Salt Lake
Tham quan thnh ph Denver
Nhng vn quc gia tiu crash Utah
Thnh ph bin rt p, Santa Barbara
Vn quc gia Mt Rushmore Nam Dakota
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Du lch tham quan cc Vn quc gia (Wyoming):
Trung tm truyn gio Mission Santa Barbara
Cng vin quc gia Yellowstone
Thnh ph ca ngi gc an Mch Cali, Solvang
Thnh ph lu nm nht min Cali, San Luis Obispo
Thnh ph ca ngh s, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
Sn Golf Pebble Beach Golf Links
Con ng 17 dm 17-Mile Drive
H c khng l Vnh Monterey (Monterey Bay Aquarium)
H c khng l Vnh Monterey (Monterey Bay Aquarium) (2)
Bn Ng Ph Monterey
Con ng mang tn Cannery Row
m gi bit San Francisco
i journey trong Vnh San Francisco
Kim T Thp Ai Cp v Las Vegas
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ng Luray Cavern Virginia
Chng thy th c n (Lone sailor Memorial)
Khu rng mang tn Muir, mt di sn quc gia ca M
Fishermans Warf, Bn Ng Ph San Francisco
Mt ngy vui ti Pier 39 Vnh San Francisco
Tm thy hnh phc Vnh San Francisco (?)
By s t bin Pier 39 San Francisco
Thnh ph Sausalito bn kia cu Cng Vng
Rome th ca Italy
Venice, Di sn th gii (Italy)
Thp Eiffel Paris v Las Vegas
Toledo Di sn Vn ho Th gii (Spain)
L hi hong hn ti bi bin Clearwater
Thin ng ct trng Clearwater beach (2)
Gp li qu hng Vit Nam Vnh Tampa (?)
Thin ng ct trng Clearwater beach (1)
Lc li thin thai
Pha Nam vn a ng
Thin ng Miami Beach
Thnh ph bin West Palm Beach
i giang h: Lake Worth Florida
i giang h: St Pete beach
Bi bin ct trng mn Florida
Cng vin gii tr Universal Orlando
Ma h Orlando
i Florida tm bin
Tham quan x ru nho Sonoma
Ru nho California
Tham quan Sonoma, cu Th Cng Ha California
Mt bui ti kh qun ti Boston
Tham quan cu Cng Vng (Golden Gate Bridge)
Ving lu i The Breakers Newport Rhode Island
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V Saigon n m ci
Ch Tu San Francisco
Tham quan thnh ph Boston
i xe in cp San Francisco
Thnh ph San Francisco
Tnh ngi Vit Nam
Sand Beach v Thunder Hole (Vn quc gia Acadia -Maine)
Vnh Bar Harbor (Vn quc gia Acadia-Maine)
Qung trng Thng Nht San Francisco
Mt bui sng bnh thng Saigon
Hc vin Cng ngh Massachusetts (MIT)
Vn quc gia Acadia Maine
Tham quan ph c Sacramento California
Tham quan i Hc Harvard
Tham quan sng Merced
Thung lng Yosemite (Yosemite Valley)
Tham quan tiu crash Connecticut
http://my.opera.com/Le%20Thanh%20Hoang%20Dan/blog/show.d! ml/40042 20
Tham quan th Paris (Php)
Thc nc mang tn Yosemite Falls
Vn quc gia Yosemite
Mng l c lp Hoa K
i lang thang trn Las Vegas Strip
Mt cht k nim vi Michael Jackson
Tham quan Paris Las Vegas
Tham quan sng bi The Venetian Las Vegas
Tham quan Hm ni en Black Canyon
p Hoover trn sng Colorado
Th b trn sng (Rafting) Colorado
Tham quan sng bi Flamingo Las Vegas
Xem uncover Rat Pack is back Las Vegas
Mt bui ti tuyt vi Fremont Street Experience
Mt vi gi Las Vegas
Rong chi trn con ng Route 66
Tham quan Di Sn Th Gii Grand Canyon
i giang h tiu crash Arizona
Tham quan khu ni Red Rock Country
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m u tin ti Warsaw (Ba Lan)
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m Istanbul
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4:00 PM | | 0 Comments
Mosi Tatupu RIP. - Jets Insider.com Forums
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I recollect this guy being the standout specials players for the Pats.Former NFL player Mosi Tatupu, the father of Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu, has died.
Mosi Tatupu was usually 54.
Per the Honolulu Star Bulletin, the cause of death is currently not known. Tatupu reportedly had been suffering from tall blood vigour as well as alternative illness issues.
A local of Hawaii, Mosi Tatupu's 3,367 career rushing yards stood as the high-school record in the island state for seventeen years. Tatupu played for the Patriots from 1978 through 1990, as well as he retired in 1991 after spending five games with the Rams.
Primarily the special-teams player during the NFL level, Tatupu rushed for 2,415 yards as well as 18 touchdowns. In 1983, he reached the career tall of 578 yards.
Tatupu coached football after his retirement. At the time of his passing, he was the running backs coach during Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts.
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1:00 PM | | 0 Comments
maya woodlouse 's the private journal of mr.
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In my aged rattlingly reduced examination of Mr. Darcy's Diary
by Maya Woodlouse, we do reference which we wished this book more any of a otherwhat-Mr. Darcy-was-thinking subsequences [ not which we reason examination them all. ] The American editionpublished by Norton is to be relinquished upon Jun 15th [ as e'er, check with your local eccentric bookseller; as well as it is right away accessible for pre-order upon Virago, Barnes & Lord, & Borders ]
Observe which a American rubric is The Private Journal of Mr. Darcy
[ so as not conceivably to be confounded with Amanda Grange 's Mr. Darcy 's Journal
printed in 2007 ].
as well as yet may be we am quibbling, we have many cite a British edition concealment... we caring my Mister Darcysto beleft to MY vision...
[Error: Irreparable shabby markup ('<img [...] diary'>') in entry. Owner contingency fix manually. Raw contents below.]<p> In my aged rattlingly reduced examination of <em>Mr. Darcy's Diary</em>
by Maya Woodlouse, we do reference which we wished this book more any of a otherwhat-Mr. Darcy-was-thinking subsequences [ not which we reason examination them all. ] The American editionpublished by Norton is to be relinquished upon Jun 15th [ as e'er, check with your local eccentric bookseller; as well as it is right away accessible for pre-order upon Virago, Barnes & Lord, & Borders ] </p>
<p> Observe which a American rubric is <strong><em> The Private Journal of Mr. Darcy </em>
[! so as n ot conceivably to be confounded with Amanda Grange 's <em> Mr. Darcy 's Journal </em>
printed in 2007 ]. </p>
<p style='text-align:center;'><img width='240' alt='book cover in isolation diary darcy' src='http://janeausteninvermont.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/book-cover-private-diary-darcy.jpg?w=240h=240' title='book cover in isolation diary darcy' height='240'></p>
<p> as well as yet may be we am quibbling, we have many cite a British edition concealment... we caring my Mister Darcysto beleft to MY vision... </p>
<p style='text-align:center;'><img width='180' alt='book cover mr darcy's diary' src='http://janeausteninvermont.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/book-cover-mr-darcys-diary.jpg?w=180h=180' title='book cover mr darcy's diary' height='180'></p>
<ul><li><div style='text-align:left;'> An interview with Mayan Woodlouse upon YouTube during <a target='_blank' href='http://www.bookzone.tv/index.php?bcpid=1484342781&bctid=1301088548' title='Bookzone.tv interview Maya Slater'>Bookzone.tv</a>
[ sort in & lt; Maya Woodlouse & gt; in a `` hunting design '' box as well as chink upon a book dissimulation ] </div>
<li><div style='text-align:left;'>A examination by Laurel Ann during Austenprose</div>
<li><div style='text-align:left;'> Reassessments,etc. during <a target='_blank' href='http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217662.Mr_Darcy_s_Diary' title='GoodReads - Mr. Darcy's Diary'> Goodreads</a>
<li><div style='text-align:left;'><a target='_blank' href='http://www.audible.com/adbl/site/products/ProductDetail.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0678120098.1242994417@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccchadehfmjdklhcefecekjdffidfij.0&productID=BK_BBCW_002297' title='Audible Audiobooks- Mr. Darcy's Diary'>The Audiobooks version for do! wnload&l t;/a>
- examination by Mister Darcy himself course, David Rintoul! </div>
<li><div style='text-align:left;'> Available for squeeze during <a target='_blank' href='http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Private-Diary-of-Mr-Darcy/Maya-Slater/e/9780393336368' title='B&N- Mr Darcy's Diary'>Barnes&Noble.com</a>
as well as <a target='_blank' href='http://www.amazon.com/Private-Diary-Mr-Darcy-Novel/dp/0393336360/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1242994836&sr=1-1' title='Amazon.com-Private Diary Mr. Darcy'>Amazon.com</a>
<p style='text-align:left;'> Here is a <em> Booklist </em>
reappraisal: [ from theAmazon.com site ] </p>
<p style='text-align:left;'> It is a law universally admited which Austen 's Mister Darcy is one of a many fascinating heroes in literature. Otherwriters reason attempted, with becoming different grades of success, to constraint a little of which aged Darcy thaumaturgy. This clip about, you are done isolated to Darcy 's tip journal. Though a story presented in a diary entries adheres to a structure ofPride as well as Prejudice, a Bennets,even together with Elizabeth herself, are very many in a background, while alternative characters, such as a Bingleys as well as Darcy's sister Georgiana, play a larger role.While perplexing to fend off his flourishing attachment to Lizzie, "an small young lady of puzzled family," Darcy recounts his day-to-day activitiesmanaging his estate, looking after his sister, engaging in pastimes with his disreputable crony Lord Byron which would have a ladies during Longbourn blush. Austen knockoffs should ever be judged upon their ain virtues, as well as if a Darcy demonstrated here is n't rather her Darcy, or yours, a book is still asmart as well as entertainingperiod piece. - [ Madonna Ellen Quinn ] </p>
<p>Related links:<br> <a href="http://new! hampshir e.alabamaalrealestate.com/dixville-notch.html">Dixville Notch realty</a>
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10:00 AM | | 0 Comments
The li'l master
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years old, as well as you remember very little of me out then. Rooting for the curly haired 'uncle' contributing to the Proteas' chokers tag, you positively do, surreally though. you didn't know then, that he would be my favourite as well as that sixteen years later, you would be sweating about the impulse he would choose, to be his sunset. Time would stall. At the least, IST will, when that will happen. you adore Sehwag, you venerate Yuvraj, you endure Dhoni. But, you usually ceremony Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.There have been most articles in the last week, in regard of the 'lil master' - the title that had greats similar to Hanif Mohammed as well as Sunil Gavaskar in occupancy before him - that extol his most virtues. People write about his longevity, his humility, his capability to sustain his hunger. Yes, thats how articles about twenty year prolonged careers have been supposed to be. But, there was something distant some-more simple than all this that made me his air blower back then; that hold the imagination of the republic as well as made it cricket crazy. His batting was as uncluttered as things could get. He regularly did the right thing off each ball. Other great batsman try to flick the round upon leg, as well as flick it. Sachin only flicks it.
That brings me to his batting. Poetry, it is. Rare is the player as plain as him. Rarer have been those that can rip an attack detached similar to he does. Equally meagre have been the ones who can look so positive as well as flowing, when batting. Combine them all as well as there is no the single else. His batting is never beast force. you think he is unqualified of slogging. A batter usually slogs when he wants to strike in to an area he cant otherwise. This male can. A former player/umpire once said- 'They contend Bradman is the most appropriate batsman that ever played the game. Watching th! is bloke bat makes me wonder- how can any the single be improved than this?' you couldn't determine more. you do not know Bradman. you know 99.94. you know 29 centuries in 52 matches. you know unclosed pitches. you apply oneself him. But, in my humble opinion, it is the fatuous exercise to review people opposite eras. Dare you say, Bradman would have been found out in the endless video research that is prevalent today. Sachin, upon the other hand, is the most scrutinized cricketer in the history of the game. His technique is an open book, now, after twenty years. And, he still decimates attacks.
The beauty of Sachin's batting is in how ready he seems to be for the delivery. He regularly seems to have some-more than the couple of shots for the delivery (I determine with Kapil Dev, usually in the partial where he says that Sachin played within himself, some-more upon this later). In somewhat some-more cricketing terms, he judges the length of the round to perfection that allows him to get in to the most appropriate positions to fool around the ball. This, most players, the greats, do. Frighteningly, for the bowlers, this male does it before the round is released. Nothing else can explain the six off Caddick, that right away requires no serve reference. When you speak about offside, you speak about Ganguly, for two reasons- his off side fool around as well as his leg side play. Sachin is so finish that he can never be marked down as the most appropriate player to do something particular.
I started off watching cricket when this willow-wielder was usually intent upon robbery his opponents. He is right away the perfect batsman, even some-more complete, though may be the hold slower. He has middle-aged down over the years to fit the needs of his team. He has curbed his natural instincts for the benefit of his team. A Kapil Dev can go upon jot down saying that Sachin could have been the improved player. Wrong. May be Sachin could have been the improved batsman. But, not but being the greedy player. He did n! ot have the oppulance of knowing that Steve Waugh was to come in subsequent to branch the rot if things didn't go right. Nor did he feel reassured that the Gilly would come in at 7 as well as explosion the century. Equally important, he did not positively have the oppulance of knowing that there is the McGrath in the group who would be alighting all the 48 balls of his initial spell in the corridor, only short of length. Even Lara did not. Sachin as well as Lara played the situations differently. And the formula have been for all to see. So, Kapil, interjection for taking that locate of Viv running retrograde as well as interjection for winning the cup, though beyond that, sorry to say, you siphon harder than your ICL. There is additionally another criticism of Sachin not being the compare winner. you find it too childish to even speak about it.
Sachin is slowly getting in to buh-bye mode, though is still an integral partial of the Indian batting order. Heck, he is still our most appropriate batsman. He is the male in the bunch of boys. He is the face of Indian cricket. His integrity is what hold together, the nation's interest in the diversion in the face of the regulating saga. The apply oneself that the cricketing fraternity has for him is beyond compare. He gets station ovations wherever he plays as well as no, its not usually the expats showering their most dear son with praise. He is such the glorious cricketer as well as an equally smashing gentleman. The Australians adore him, the English venerate him. But, to us Indians, he is something much more. For my generation, even more. There used to be those days when you ran out of school to the nearest ubiquitous store as well as shout-asked the shopkeeper from the distance if Sachin was still there. The run rate compulsory as well as the measure were secondary. Sachin would take care ! of all t hat. Our neighbors had the opposite paper-wallah, who would come half an hour before ours. Next to compare days, they would roughly invariably review the contaminated newspaper. you am certain that roughly each the single of my generation will have most nostalgic memories of Sachin. He has been the consistent in our lives that have seen lots of changes. He has been our unifying factor. He has been the source of inspiration, the source of temperament as well as the initial universal idol of this rising nation. He means the lot to this republic as well as when he does hang his boots, it will be the impulse when most of us will unknowingly simulate upon our lives. He has been an integral partial of my life. you have lived roughly my complete hold up adoring him, so, when he says good bye, it will be the touching moment, when all these memories, both involving him as well as not, will come rushing through. you rode my initial bicycle when you loved Sachin, you wrote my last blog entry when you loved Sachin, as well as all between. My life, as lived by him.
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7:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Americans have borrowed Canada's Olympic medals stand so much ...
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Canada drops medals quest; US womens hockey rolls
VANCOUVER, British Columbia A full day later, a U.S. hockey feat over Canada was still booming during a Vancouver Olympics.
The fallout started Monday morning, with a conduct of Canadas Olympic committee surrender that his countrys $117 million, five-year plan to Own a Podium translation: win a medals foe wasnt starting to vessel out.
It wasnt a direct outcome of a hockey game. Still, a timing creates we wonder.
Wed be vital in a fools bliss if we pronounced we were starting to locate a Americans as well as win, COC conduct Chris Rudge said.
In a afternoon, Canada hockey manager Mike Babcock answered a question everybody opposite a nation was asking by dogmatic that he was benching goaltender Martin Brodeur as well as starting Roberto Luongo for Tuesdays win-or-else diversion opposite Germany.
Were in a winning commercial operation as well as to win in any game, during any level, we need large saves, Babcock said. Were looking for Lu to do that.
Other events drew stress from a U.S.-Canada hockey game. For instance, Canadas mens curling group beat a Americans 5-3, eliminating them from a tournament, afterwards one of a Canadian curlers called it some redemption for a hockey team.
And there were a expected victories from a U.S. as well as Canadian womens hockey teams, setting up a showdown in a gold-medal diversion Thursday.
Oh, dont dont think about a alternative tie Monday: Happy 30th anniversary to Mike Eruzione, Jim Craig as well as a Miracle upon Ice club.
It was some-more than a hockey diversion to a lot of people, Craig said. As we get older it becomes some-more as well as some-more critical to us.
With a ice dancing last still to finish, no Americans won medals Monday, though a feat by a womens hockey group clin! ched no worse than silver. That creates during least twenty-five medals for a U.S. squad, tops between all countries as well as relating a haul from a 2006 Turin Games for a most during a Winter Olympics not hold in a United States.
The next large number for a Americans: 34, their jot down for medals won during any Winter Olympics, set during a 2002 Salt Lake City Games.
The United States additionally is perplexing to win a Winter Olympics medals foe for a initial time since 1932 in Lake Placid. Germany made a large pierce to try thwarting that Monday, tying a Americans for a most bullion (seven) as well as getting to twenty-one overall.
The Germans won a womens cross-country group scurry as well as got china in a mens group scurry as well as in ski jumping.
What a day to remember for U.S. manager Mark Johnson: He celebrated a anniversary of a Miracle upon Ice, in that he scored dual goals, as well as saw his group revenge their 2006 Olympic shootout detriment to Sweden with a 9-1 victory.
The Americans jumped ahead 4-0, afterwards put a diversion divided with 4 goals early in a third period, all opposite Kim Martin, a same goalie who stunned them in Turin. Monique Lamoureux scored 3 goals. Angela Ruggiero, a four-time Olympian personification in her jot down 250th game, additionally scored.
Canada advanced with a 4-0 win over Finland. Meghan Agosta set an Olympics jot down with her ninth idea as well as Canada upped its domain of feat for a tournament to 46-2.
Skip John Shusters group got an early lead over Canada, though wound up losing 7-2 in a shortened match. The Americans fell to 2-6 starting into their finale Monday night opposite China.
Shuster won bronze 4 years ago, assisting bring some-more courtesy to this sport. It was a initial U.S. curling medal during a Olympics as well as a initial in a major mens foe since 1978. They couldnt set up upon it, though, losing 3 straight matches in extra ends (which have been similar t! o inning s in baseball).
Weve played good as well as just havent utterly gotten there, Shuster said.
Both group sprints a freestyle eventuality with dual skiers taking turns starting 3 laps were decided in dashes to a finish.
Norways Petter Northug did it in a mens event, pulling divided from Germanys Axel Teichmann. Norways Ola Vigen Hattestad a reigning universe hold up in a particular as well as group sprints, as well as winner of a last dual World Cup scurry titles pulled out since of a bruise throat.
Americans Torin Koos as well as Andy Newell were ninth.
Germany won a womens group scurry when Claudia Nystad beat Swedens Anna Haag opposite a line by 0.6 seconds. Americans Caitlin Compton as well as Kikkan Randall were sixth.
Russia took bronze in both events.
On his last burst in a group event, 20-year-old Gregor Schlierenzauer soared over than any one else in these Winter Games to hang up a bullion for Austria. This was his third medal; he won bronze in both particular events.
Switzerlands Simon Ammann, who won both particular events, didnt compete in a group eventuality since his nation didnt have a 4 jumpers indispensable for a team.
More changes have been coming to a Whistler Sliding Center, this time to shave a ice in multiform wily curves in hopes of creation a lane simpler for bobsledders to navigate.
Its still starting to be a toughest lane in a world. No doubt, U.S. manager Brian Shimer told The Associated Press.
Changes came after a dual sleds crashed during supplemental training, that most nations chose to skip, opting for rest instead.
The womens eventuality is Tuesday as well as Wednesday, with a mens four-man eventuality Friday as well as Saturday.
Magdalena Neuner of Germany wont go for a third bullion medal, pulling out of a relay upon Tuesday since of exhaustion.
Neuner pronounced she is happy as well as satisfied with carrying won bullion ! in a off ice as well as mass start races, as well as china in a sprint, though that her Olympics have been incredibly stressful.
Police say a 71-year-old bus motorist operative during a Olympics died upon duty whilst driving alternative drivers to their depot. Hes believed to have had a heart attack.
Another motorist grabbed a circle as well as safely stopped a bus, pronounced a Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
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1:00 AM | | 0 Comments
Amanda Knox: italiani mafiosi, come vi permettete? | Metilparaben
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S, the una bianchissima, WASP-issima ventenne nel cui puerile corpo e vetrigno sguardo e nelle cui semi-languide movenze si rispecchia l'anima pi profonda dell'inquietante public opinion americana? S, quell'anima anglo, dominante, perbene e middle-class che alberga nel petto una folta schiera di demoni; quella che, per esempio, se la fa sotto, gridando al sacrilegio, quando per disavventura review in TV un paio di zinne per un nano-secondo, matriarch che non esita un istante ad annichilire intere schiatte che le intralcino la marcia imperiale (donne e bambini inclusi, natrlich); quell'anima che abitualmente mangia e sputa violenza, issando, piena di elettrico dinamismo, la sacra bandiera al sorgere del sole; quella che, per esempio, non ha perdonato the Bush figlio non di essere un falco impresentabile, matriarch di vouch for fallito il dispiegamento Irak-Afganistan su tutta la linea, cio di vouch for perso (un perdente, the loser!... Orrore... E se finora c rimasto morto ammazzato mezzo milione di iracheni, oh well, chi se ne fotte, gli arabi son per loro merda...); quellanima che ogni d asserisce falsamente di rispettare "la diversit" delle "altre culture", delle cosiddette minorities (in altri termini, delle minoranze non anglosassoni da cui trae limprescindibile manovalanza, la pi infima); quella che va anche fierissima del nuovo rapporto criminal i suoi "neri", che senza deroga vanno ora rispettosamente designati come African-Americans, neri che la posa iconografica ad essa pi gra! dita rit rae comunque negli atteggiamenti scimmieschi, volgari e lascivi del swat e dei camei dei blockbuster hollywoodiani (vedi Bernie Mac in Charlie's Angels, Transformers, ecc.); quella che votando criminal tripudio parossistico quel fantoccio di Obama si creduta di dar lezione di progressivismo alle galassie dell'universo intero; quella che, rigonfia di solenne ipocrisia, di giorno ha bandito dall'arena discorsiva l'orrifica parola nigger, matriarch che di notte, nell'intimo del private, li ri-chiama tutti "per nome", deridendoli criminal un disprezzo e un gusto rabbiosi: niggers, spics (ispanici), e gooks (asiatici); s, appunto, ci chiedevamo, quale istrionico abbaglio, quale inopportuna presunzione in questo singolare frangente ha portato noi miserabili ausonii, curti e niri, the punzecchiare criminal questinfelice verdetto la grande bestia del collettivo USA?
Le minorities, dicevamo: da circa una generazione che hanno ufficialmente messo all'indice, gli Yanqui, tutte 'ste brutte release razziste, i cosiddetti secular slurs. Oh, bravi, un passetto avanti e... Ah, gi, un momento: perch? Vorremmo forse presumere che di nomignoli antipatici anche per noialtri immigrati della seconda ora, matriarch pur sempre numerosissimi gli anfitrioni americani non ne avessero creati the iosa? Sbaglieremmo. Troppi ne immaginarono, infatti alcuni dalletimo davvero buffo (approfondite e ricercate pure); bastino questi per il momento: Wop, dego, guido, pasta-eater, Tony Pepperoni... Comunque, niente di realmente sensazionale o di singolarmente malvagio, eppoi passato tanto tempo... Eppure...
Eppure gli stereotipi sono rimasti. Giacch per questo paese fortemente insulare e patriotticamente super-regimentato ( sicuramente il pi fanatizzato d'Occidente) paese il cui livello culturale e di alfabetismo , considerato il PIL, straordinariamente e notoriamente basso il luogo in cui apprendere la storia non laula scolastica o universitaria, bens la sala cinematografica. Cinema dunque; ecco s, perch the tutti quegli ame! ricani c he non hanno avuto la fortuna, come la Knox, di farsi il tour classico 'Pantheon Brunelleschi San Marco' (o qualunque altra combinazione) e sono la maggior parte, la parola "Italia" tipicamente sinonimo di "mafia". Come the apocalyptic che nel loro orizzonte imaginifico ristretto noi cominiciamo col primo e finiamo col terzo capitolo del Padrino. Sembra una battuta trita e idiota, eppure non tanto lontana dalla realt. Hanno un tasso di criminalit che un multiplo del nostro, matriarch i selvaggi rimaniamo noi. Ma, in fondo, la cosa pi triste che anche dopo avergli offerto lopportunit di vedere e toccare criminal mano le colonne del pantheon o il selciato toscano, la loro percezione, nella maggior parte dei casi, tende the non cambiare sensibilmente: gli americani sono cos profondamente abituati the giudicare tutte le fattispecie sociali attraverso la doppia ottica del potere (militare) e dellagilit tecnico-commerciale che lassenza pi o meno cospicua di uno o entrambi i connotati ne rafforza i pregiudizi. In fondo, il colosseo non ci appartiene pi; tutt'al pi gli fa effetto la Ferrari. Ma anche quella, ai loro occhi, non sembrerebbe salvarci dall'insufficienza complessiva.
Amanda Knox pu anche non vouch for commesso il fatto. Non della sua colpevolezza che si parla qui. Quello che mi ha colpito stata la gestione dell'intera vicenda giudiziaria e poi la reazione al verdetto da parte dei media e dell'establishment americani. Dall'inizio si dipinta la Knox come un agnellino caduto vittima dell'assurda burocrazia giudiziaria di una paesaccio feudale: non v'erano dubbi, gli italiani stavano incastrando (framing) la povera americana innocente. Giunta la sentenza, parte dell'apparato addiritturo esploso in credit di anti-americanismo nei confronti del nostro paese... Che cosa!? S, da non crederci: alcuni come Maria Cantwell, senatrice democratica di Seattle (la citt della Knox), che in proposito ha addirittura sollecitato il Segretario di Stato (cio la Clinton) hanno dato dell'anti-americano! the que llo che il paese pi schifosamente e supinamente pro-americano del mondo (nella prostrazione atlantica non ci batte nessuno, neanche i teutoni riformati). Perch? Di che si trattato? Di un piccolo deragliamento diplomatico? Di uno sfogo occasionato da un'emozione di troppo in quel che stato un torbido affare di cronaca nera? Non proprio. Una settimana prima del verdetto anch'io mi trovavo proprio the Seattle infiltrato nei focolai dellAmerica pi profonda e trovai allucinante la prontezza marziale criminal cui la gente comune si trovava per lo pi the transport eco al teorema anti-italiano propinatogli dai continui newsflashes. "La Knox innocente!", asserivano the muso duro; "gli italiani la stanno incastrando". E around di seguito the rigurgitare le frasi fatte dei Tg locali e nazionali. Ma il popolino yankee epoch veramente ed intuitivamente convinto dellinnocenza della loro compaesana? Ma potevano gli americani essere davvero turbati dalla natura di un episodio del genere? Loro, che sul proprio territorio, di storie di sesso e droga criminal stupro pi morte ne trangugiano senza batter ciglio solitamente una dozzina ogni minuto? Evidentemente no. Certo, da un lato stato lorgoglio campanilista the farli reagire: questione di istinto patriottico. S, daccordo, matriarch in fondo che gliene viene dal prendersela criminal noi, i pulcinella amici loro?
Ecco, appunto, quello che non gli andato gi allo zio Sam che fosse stato Tony Pepperoni the giudicare (severamente) uno dei suoi. Nessuno giudica i numero uno, se non un numero uno egli stesso. In un certo senso l'abbiamo fatta grossa. Ce la ricordiamo bene la storia dei quei vaccari aviotrasportati dell'US Air Force che nel '98 vennero, per spasso, the transport il rodeo nei nostri cieli e buttarono gi il veicolo di una funivia zeppo di persone, uccidendole (atrocemente) tutte quante. Neanche un giorno di galera vera si fecero quegli assassini dei piloti; i loro superiori li redarguirono un pochino e noi, i soliti sudditi di sempre, guai ad alzare i! toni, s embrava fossimo noi the doverci scusare, per averli in qualche modo imbarazzati. Tanto gli americani the casa nostra fanno come gli pare, questo si sa: sono i padroni. Staremo the vedere fino the che punto e criminal che rapidit ci caleremo le braghe dovesse pungere vaghezza alla Clinton di venirci the chiedere qualche sconto. C da scommetterci.
Nel frattempo ci si chiede dove sia finita la sinistra vera, quella militante e pacifista. Tocca ribardirlo, purtroppo: morta e sepolta. A denunciare la barbarie degli USA in Italia oggi ci sono rimasti due fascisti e mezzo extraparlamentare di sinistra; il che apocalyptic che per la gait c' rimasta piece for one person la voce dimezzata di quest'ultimo. Disperante. Ma che fanno, che dicono i radicali, gli ex-comunisti? Beh, in ogni caso, i benpensanti per lo pi si nutrono de La Repubblica, che si reinventata pi filo-americana di John Wayne (pensa che culo, periodicamente, come inserto, ti rifilano gratis pure una pagina delloracolare New York Times...): si sono tutti pisciati softly dallemozione quando hanno visto Bruce Springsteen e Stevie Wonder transport gli stornelli dietro al neo-eletto Obama un anno fa. Da noi la borghesia liberal te la compri criminal un p di cabaret. Poi, com'era rudimentary prevedere, in nome di quella bufala immonda che l'11 settembre hanno continuato ad ammazzare; the cominciare, the pochissimi giorni dallinsediamento, da centinaia di civili in Afganistan, molti dei quali bambini (e chi se ne fotte, mica sono i miei). E che fa la "comunit internazionale"? Gli d il nobel per la pace, al favoloso Obama. Lineare. E chi ha protestato? Chi cera per strada the urlare di sdegno? Nessuno. Quel cazzo di "popolo di Facebook", tanto osannato per il suo "uso high di quella meravigliosa cosa che la rete", che ha detto, che ha fatto? A noi, fantastici provinciali stracciaculo, piece for one person lanti-Berlusconismo ci fa venire la fregola, evvai.
Infine, non se la prendano troppo the male i compagni americani: chi inveisce da se! mpre un fan di Edgar Allan Poe, del Blue Grass, di John Carpenter, e tutto sommato anche di Michael Moore, forse lultimo rimasto nel nuovo continente the dar vita the una qualche (seppure molto smussata, e anche per questo abile) forma di dissenso. Ci dobbiamo risvegliare tutti quanti e stenderci la mano, di nuovo, attraverso valichi, oceani, e catene rocciose, unendoci dietro the un piece for one person stendardo che si opponga the tutto questo schifo. Parlando di cultura & politics, mi dispiace perci che in questi tempi bui di consolidamento oligarchico e di sfondamento imperiale sia prevalentemente la merda "made in the USA" the filtrare da noi attraverso i soliti canali del vassallaggio pi bieco: s perch, tra laltro, ne abbiamo i coglioni strapieni della spazzatura di quel cazzone di Quentin Taratino e delle inutili, noiosissime e pretenziose cazzate dei fratelli Coen. Pensate un p, persino quelle seghe sbiadite dei Guns n Roses si sono dati alla promotion filo-imperiale (beh, deve magn pure Axel Roses...), facendosi scherno della Chinese Democracy... Gustosa questa: i borgatari metallari los angelini che danno lezioni di responsabilit politica al dragone asiatico...
Ne vedremo delle belle. Alla prossima.Adios.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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