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LaGuardia Community College Celebrates CUNY Month with Educational as well as Cultural Events Throughout November
October 27, 2009November will see the potpourri of tutorial activities as well as cultural events during LaGuardia Community College as partial of CUNY Montha University-wide celebration where all CUNY campuses will be hosting the far-reaching operation of tutorial programs as well as events for city residents.
Scheduled have been open houses, information sessions, as well as tours for tall propagandize students, new graduates, as well as send students who have been meddlesome in learning about the colleges educational programs, tutorial opportunities, admissions policy, as well as financial assist packages. Also included in the choice have been theater performances, conferences as well as short story readings as well as discussions.
The theme of CUNY Month this year is The Success Express. LaGuardia Community College is surely riding the Success Express, said Dr Gail O. Mellow, President of LaGuardia Community College. Our enrollment is surging as an augmenting number of city residents have been discovering which the College is the sheet to aloft education as well as the bright future. Here the students, who have up the single of the most different tyro populations in the nation, have been taught in the nurturing as well as understanding sourroundings by an outstanding organisation of faculty.
Among LaGuardias tyro stars who jumped upon the Success Express, is Erica Nickle who went from the unsentimental nursing certificate module to the nursing grade module as well as is right away operative in Brookdale Hospitals operating room. And there is James Moss who is enrolled in the criminal justice module where he will get his join forces with grade during LaGuardia as well as afterwards send to John Jay College of Criminal Justice for his bachelors degree. Also upon house is Virginia Ramirez, 07, who grown her English skills in LaGuardias ESL program, went upon to consequence her Associate grade in Theater as well as Communication during the College as well as is right away operative toward her Bachelors in Broadcast Journalism during Brooklyn College. Baba Boubacar, the native of Niger, is posterior his Associate grade in International Business during LaGuardia, with his hopes set upon earning the Bachelors during Baruch or City College.
All the events will be hold in the colleges categorical office building during 31-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City. For some-more information upon the CUNY Month events as well as to have the reservation call (718) 482-5000 or revisit LaGuardias CUNY Month page:
Following have been some of the events offered:
November 3Campus Tour
3 p.m.
Main Building Welcome Center
November 4Workshop: What do we wish to be? Discover your career options
Find out the documents we need to request for financial assist by FAFSA
Fee: $25
6 p.m. 8 p.m.
Room TBD
Must register to attend. To register online: ; by phone: (718) 482-7244; in person: M-141.
For some-more information: (718) 482-5966
November 5Short Takes upon Literature: Sandra CisnerosNever Marry the Mexican as well as Junot DiazFiesta
Join the short story celebration of the mass as well as discussion group
2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
Library Conference Room
November 5Workshop: Career Activities for Teens
Discover your strengths as well as interests, as well as create the Career as well as Live Portfolio to
learn about colleges which have been right for you.
Fee: $49.99 + $15 registration
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Room TBD
For some-more information: (718) 482-5334
November 7 Information Session
Information upon LaGuardias educational offerings for prospective students
10 a.m. 11 a.m.
Room M-149
Nov. 7-8 LPAC Presents: Around the World in 24 HoursThe Internationalists
An annual events hosted by The Internationalists, spanning 24 hours as well as hold live in mixed venues around the world related together regulating the best in Internet technologies. Performers have been able to interact with any other, panel discussions have been since the far-reaching as well as immeasurable audience, as well as people online have the event to discuss as well as share their practice in real time while performances take place.
Tickets: $24/$12
5 p.m.
Little as well as Mainstage Theatre
For some-more information/tickets: (718) 482-5151
Nov. 10Campus Tour
6 p.m.
Main Building Welcome Center
Nov. 11Workshop: How to Select the CUNY College as well as Complete the CUNY Application
6 p.m. 8 p.m.
Room TBD
Must register to attend workshop. To register online: ; by phone: (718) 482-7244; in person: M-141
Nov. 12Short Takes upon Literature: Hisaye YamamatoSeventeen Syllables as well as Stephanie VaughnAble, Baker, Charlie, Dog
Short story celebration of the mass as well as organisation discussion
Nov. 12 Mini Open House for adults twenty-five years as well as up
Discover as well as try new career opportunities in: criminal justice; radiologic
technology; travel, tourism as well as liberality management; veterinary technology; as well as electrical engineering
4 p.m. 7 p.m.
Poolside Cafe
Nov. 14 Information Session in Spanish
Learn about LaGuardias educational offerings
10 a.m. 11 a.m.
Room M-149
Nov. 14 LPAC Presents: Dina Denis Dance
The unit presents Pieces of Life, the module grown collaboratively with
dancers, musicians as well as film/media artists. The module will underline three
premieres as well as repertory works.
Tickets: advance$15; during the door$20
8 p.m.
Little Theatre
Call LPAC box office during (718) 482-5151
Nov. 17Campus Tour
3 p.m.
Main Building Welcome Center
Nov. 18-20 Small Business Training as well as Matchmaker Conference
Training workshops for budding contractors, supervision agency officials and
small business owners.
Fee: $100pp/small businesses; $225pp/prime contactors, supervision agencies
and PTACs
Westchester Marriott670 White Plains Road, Tarrytown
To register visit:
Nov. 19 Short Takes upon Literature: Amina GautierDance for Me as well as David Wong LouieCold Hearted
Short story celebration of the mass as well as organisation discussion
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Library Conference Room
Nov. 19 Online Open House: Log upon to discuss live with LaGuardia expertise andstaff.
5 p.m.-7 p.m.
Log upon to
Nov. 20Conference: Creating an Inclusive SocietyRevisiting the American Dream
The discussion will cover how we as the community deal with the issues of hate
Fee: $15
8:30 a.m. 1 p.m.
Little Theatre
Nov. 21Information Session Offered in Chinese
Information about LaGuardias educational offerings
10 a.m. 11 p.m.
Room M-149
Nov. 24Campus Tour
6 p.m.
Main Building Welcome Center
Located in Long Island City, Queens in New York City, LaGuardia Community College, partial of the City University of New York, is the nationally famous leader among community colleges. Founded in 1971, the College is famous as an innovator in educating students who have been underneath rebuilt for college work and/or have been not first English speakers. A matter for development in western Queens as well as beyond, LaGuardia serves New Yorkers as well as immigrants from 163 countries by over 50 majors as well as certificate programs, enabling career advancement as well as send to four-year colleges during twice the national average. Visit to sense more.
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