BLACK VELVET BRUCE LI : Best Political Video Of 2009
Number of votes cast in 2007 50th District election: 10,218
Number of views of Jeanette Rishell as well as Used Condom Girl: 2,378
Number of views of Jeanette Rishell's Used Condom Picture: 1,126
3,504 sum views = 34.3% of a electorate.
Your Chance To Approach True GreatnessHappy Halloween!
Best Political Video Of 2009
By Greg L | 31 October 2009 | 51st HOD District, Blogs | 4 Comments
The Berry Award winners for 2009 have been announced, as well as local claimant Rich Anderson has garnered a top prize for this video, entitled Leadership. Congratulations to a Anderson debate for environment a customary this election cycle!
Looking at a debate finance reports, not usually did Anderson conduct to win with a good video here, though it appears he spent less than a tenth of what his opponentdid in this competition upon video prolongation costs. Paul Nichols debate finance inform shows a $15,000 expense for video production, where Andersons sum outlays for all of his videos is a mere $1,200. If Andersons cost-effectiveness as a claimant carries forward to his likely tenure as a legislator, Id contend a residents of a 51st District have been starting to get a good understanding this election.
All of a videos nominated this year unequivocally demonstrated how Republican possibilities have been receiving a lead in developing multi-media content for their websites as well as regulating Web 2.0 resources to supplement their campaigns. This election cycle has seen a lot some-more video from candidates, as well as a peculiarity of those has dramatically improved each year.Theres small doubtthe make use of of website video will continue to increase in domestic campaigns as some-more as well as some-more voters make use of a internet to inform themselves about a possibilities who have been asking for their votes. While few have a time or ability to attend a lot of domestic rallies, usually about any one can click upon a YouTube video when its convenient for them, as well as some-more as well as some-more possibilities have been making sure they have something worth watching.
One of my videos got nominated, as well as came in fourth place, which isnt bad for being a usually video not consecrated by a debate or a domestic party to get deliberate for this award. With nearly 20,000 views upon YouTube, it was among a most popular of a nominees, as well as turned out to be a highest-viewed video upon YouTube regarding a AG race, so Ill equate which as a victory.
The opinions expressed here have been usually a views of a author, as well as not deputy of a position of any organization, domestic party, doughnut shop, knitting guild, or rubbish recycling facility, though might be rightly attributed to a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. If anything in a upon top of article has offended you, greatfully click here to embrace an immediate apology.
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Good thing Anderson isnt regulating his unvaried for domestic gain similar to Gill was pounded for last election
Oh, ye of small knowledge. But we can assimilate which some civillians dont grasp what DoD as well as Air Force regulations concede as well as do not allow.
First, DoD regulations about a unvaried request to those which have been WEARING them. In a video, a unvaried is not being worn. As to a cinema which appear, controls over their make use of request to those who have been currently upon active avocation or have been in a haven component, as well as mention which make use of for domestic purposes must not have a subject in question as a usually a single wearing a uniform. Memorabilia cinema with alternative persons in unvaried after a chairman has retired or otherwise separated from use have been permitted.
Its a distant cry from someone putting a unvaried upon in sequence to have debate photos taken of him as well as someone regulating memorabilia photographs to denote a distinguished career in military service. You will note which in each design where civillians have been present, Rich Anderson is in civillian clothes.
Even if Anderson didnt break a rules, we find it rarely descent which any one would wrap themselves in a flag. People take nationalism way too seriously. Its similar to any one in a unvaried is someone were supposed to bow down to. What about a people who unequivocally make this country great, similar to teachers, carpenters, as well as a kinship members who do a bland work which keeps this country running? Nobody is honoring a work they do day in as well as day out to keep this economy strong.
So big understanding which Anderson was in control of chief missle bases. Doesnt any one consternation about a idea of putting someone who had their finger upon a trigger of tellurian chief obliteration in our legislature? Is he starting to get off upon having his finger upon a trigger of expelling a womans right to choose, a protection of immigrant rights, as well as keeping people who have served their time disenfranchised? we have to consternation about a mental stability of any one who would determine to push a buttons which would destroy millions of lives.
I cant wait for until this election is over as well as we can stop tracking this hideous blog. You neanderthals make me sick. Havent you schooled anything after Obama won last year?
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